Sentences with phrase «below average health»

However, there is of course a flip side to this in that the insurance company will automatically assume that you have below average health which results in higher premiums.
When you buy life insurance without a physical as well as medical questions you may be agreeing to purchase it at below average health, as well as risk.
A 10 year level term with Transamerica for $ 25,000 in coverage at a standard rating (average to below average health rating) would cost $ 129.02 per month.
You are normally acceptable with below average health and coverage amounts usually, will go up to $ 250,000.
Example: John age 71 in below average health had a $ 1 Million dollar term policy with 2 years remaining on his term.
If you are in poor or below average health, these policies have distinct benefits.

Not exact matches

Authors Mark Rovere and Brett J. Skinner found that although Canada is one of the biggest spenders on national health care within the 27 - member Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), it nevertheless ranked below average on most of the indicators measuring availability of medical resources and services.
Wireless telephone service and Internet travel (77), health insurance and Internet news (73), subscription TV services (72) and Internet service providers (70) also rated below average.
While health care shows a strong upward trend in priorities and investment spending, it remains below average in the priority attached to innovation and in spending plans.
Forty - four percent of college students have below average emotional health, up from 37 percent in 1989.
Per the Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, while many adults consume sufficient amounts of nutrients, there are nutrients like potassium, that are consumed in amounts below the Estimated Average Requirements.
The World Health Organisation currently recommends that not more than 10 % of your daily calories come from free sugars (added sugars)-- this would equal about 12 level teaspoons for an average adult, though they have recently been reviewing this and pushing for a new limit of just half that amount — to below 5 %.
The current criteria recognize winning plants or trucking operations that implement effective and innovative health and safety programs and have illness and injury rates below the industry average.
But with average intake falling well below that, many health experts are questioning the wisdom of five - a-day.
However, if you are way below or way more than what your average weight gain at 20 weeks pregnant should be, it could be an indication of troublel In such instances you need to speak to your health care provider and if required, make immediate dietary changese For the first month or two, you won't really gain much weight, but by the time you are 20 weeks pregnant, your total weight gain should be at least 8 to 10 poundsd You can expect to gain between half a pound and one pound during the 20th weeke This trend is likely to continue for the rest of your pregnancy tooo
The legislators sent the letter after dozens of CPS workers appeared at a Health & Human Services Committee meeting to voice frustrations with below - average pay, short - staffing, heavy caseloads and high turnover rates among employees.
The researchers also compared the results to federal safety guidelines for seafood consumption and found that the average levels of contaminants were at or below the health standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
At Brookings Health System, the C - section rate in 2012 was 12 percent, far below the national average of 33 percent, but Schaegerl explains this has been consistently low for the past five years.
The report lists 30 cities that face increased health risks from heat waves worsened by global warming, based on a combination of four factors: average number of summer days with «oppressive» summer heat, the percentage of households without central air conditioning, ground - level ozone levels, and the percentage of households below the poverty line.
It is the latter two that are often deficient in Australian diets, but on average all types are below the recommendations for good health
RECENT STUDY ON ADVERSE EFFECTS OF LOW SODIUM INTAKE About the same time that U.S. health officials announced their new initiative to reduce salt intake, The Lancet published a large population - based study which showed persuasively that the risk of mortality and serious cardiovascular events increases significantly when salt intake drops below 3000 mg per day (two - thirds teaspoon) in an adult of average weight.3 The study also found that sodium intake in excess of seven grams per day (over three teaspoons salt) was associated with an increased risk in those with hypertension, but not in those without hypertension.
In these healthy UK children with below average reading ability, concentrations of DHA and other Omega - 3 LC - PUFA were low relative to adult cardiovascular health recommendations, and directly related to measures of cognition and behavior.
Although the average dietary intakes of vitamin D in the United States are below guideline levels, data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey revealed that more than 80 percent of Americans had adequate vitamin D levels in their blood (2).
As a trustee of the ISAS Group Benefits Trust, she was invaluable in helping participating schools offer comprehensive health coverage at price points that have risen well below the national average.
As you can see below, whether you're in great health, just average or even a smoker, AARP term life insurance from New York Life is significantly more costly.
✗ Social Security and / or pension benefits cover your regular expenses ✗ You're younger than 45 or over 75 years old ✗ You've accumulated less than $ 250,000 or more than $ 5 million in retirement savings ✗ You have below - average health ✗ You're seeking higher risk and more of an investment product
✗ Social Security and / or pension benefits cover your regular expenses ✗ You're younger than 45 or over 75 years old ✗ You've accumulated less than $ 250,000 or more than $ 5 million in retirement savings ✗ You have below - average health ✗ You're seeking higher risk and more of an investment product ✗ You need access to the money immediately
However, commuting may make more sense if you're in poor health and have below - average life expectancy.
A person who is deemed to have below - average longevity (based on health, occupation, risky behavior, and other factors).
If your health is below average, and you're less concerned about protecting against longevity risk, an annuity purchase may not make sense for you
✗ Social Security and / or pension benefits cover your regular expenses ✗ You're years away from retirement ✗ You've accumulated less than $ 250,000 or more than $ 5 million in retirement savings ✗ You have below - average health ✗ You're seeking higher risk and more of an investment product
To qualify for the S.T.A.R.T. distinction, a business must earn a total recordable incident rate below Occupational Safety and Health Administration's average rate in its North American Industry Classification System or NAICS.
Also, beware the new meme — quoted here — from Art Tactic that uses selling prices in relation to estimates as a measure of the art market's health: «more than half of the lots sold in the contemporary evening sales sold below the average estimate.»
The state of Kerala in southwest India is a socio - economic abberation: despite a per capita GDP of US$ 247, far below the world average, its 32 million people enjoy good health care, US - level birth rates, literacy rates and life expectancies.
Response: As explained in more detail below, the Department made extensive revisions in its training estimate, including the number of workers in the health care sector, the cost of workers in training based on average industry wages, and training costs (instructors and materials).
If your health is below average you have many choices for high risk life insurance.
If your overall health is below average, you might consider life insurance with no medical exam as a good option.
A person who is deemed to have below - average longevity (based on health, occupation, risky behavior, and other factors).
Below is the average vasectomy cost with health insurance in each state's major metro area based on Amino's network rate, defined as an «estimate of the pre-negotiated amount that your providers might bill your insurance for care.»
Preferred policies assume no tobacco use in 3 years, above average health, no serious medical issues, cholesterol levels below 250, and blood pressure that doesn't exceed 135/85.
The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit is available for businesses that employ the equivalent of 25 or fewer full - time employees (excluding the owner) with average annual compensation below $ 50,000 per employee if they offer coverage through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) marketplace.
If your health is below average the Prudential Life insurance company does a great job for high risk life insurance.
If your health is below average you may be in a high risk life insurance category which can increase the premiums.
If, however, your health is considered to be somewhat below average, but not bad enough to decline your application for coverage altogether, then it is possible that the underwriters may offer you coverage as a Substandard policy holder.
See below for average cost of these policy types for a male in excellent health, non smoker.
If your health is below average, you may wish to seek a term policy or coverage which doesn't require a medical exam.
The data below represents the average annual life insurance rates for a 30 year term policy depending on the amount of coverage you want to buy and your current level of health.
If, however, your health is somewhat below average — yet, not poor enough to be declined for coverage altogether — then it is likely that you may be offered a substandard policy classification.
Below is a breakdown of the average cost of a 10 year term life insurance policy based on death benefit amounts and health ratings.
Below, we illustrated the average monthly cost of $ 250,000, 10 - year term life insurance for an applicant in average or «standard» health.
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