Sentences with phrase «below chin»

The flat, linguini-esque cable descends from the left ear and has an inline remote control and microphone compartment located just below chin level.
Situated on the right ear cord at just below chin - level, the three - button inline remote control and microphone looks like a miniaturized flute.
The Povie is a $ 49 wearable that holds your smartphone in place just below your chin — so it's basically a phone necklace, designed to help you shoot point - of - view (POV) videos completely hands free.
Joselit considers the possibility of critical and artistic practices that may counter such failures of representation, instead staging a refusal or representation — a refusal perhaps nowhere more potent than in the performances of Pope.L, whether the artist is literally ingesting and expelling information, in Eating the Wall Street Journal, 1991 - 2000, or, in Foraing (Asphyxia Version), 1993-95/2008, covering his head with a white plastic bag that he clutches tightly below his chin.
Columbus artist Bo Bartlett put his hands in the praying position just below his chin and looked upward.
Snug the knot over the top of his nose, then bring the ends down underneath and tie a second knot below his chin.
They hang below his chin.
The lead for the leash is placed below the chin and causes the dog to turn its head when pulling.
For my taste, the grille is much too big, and the surfaces around it too diverse, with elements pointing up and down at various places, with only the top and bottom of the grille and the bar below the chin inlet emphasizing the horizontal.This is again a very good - looking car with some conventional contemporary elements and a few others out of the past, like the inverse - curved backlight that recalls the 1974 Citroën CX and some Pininfarina sports cars from about the same period.
A Fu Man Chu mustache 2» below my chin and inked all over.
Do you think it is ok to wear those big oversized BP hoops if your hair is shorter, like just below chin length?
Layers too close to your jaw can distract from your defined features, but soft layers below your chin, like Jennifer Aniston's, still let your jaw and cheekbones shine.
Consider a lob that hits just below the chin, like Gabrielle Union's.
Try a cut with just a little more shape and structure — a neat below the chin bob always looks smart — with enough length to tie it back for your holiday if you like.
Soft curls, on the other hand, look great with a round face but the curls need to be below the chin line.
Extend the love below your chin to your neck, chest, and hands, too; they're the areas that show signs of aging first.
First, tie a loose knot on your scarf and put the knot just below your chin.
Twist the ends and make a tight knot below your chin then just leave the ends hang loose.
If you have a short neck, a double chin, or wide shoulders, you're better off with a hairstyle that falls at least an inch below your chin.
In the rack position the kettlebells should be touching your forearm and upper arm and the handle should be below your chin while maintaining a straight wrist.
ACTION (MOVEMENT): Keeping your torso in a 5 - 10 degree lean backwards, squeeze your shoulder blades back and down as you pull the bar in front of your head, below your chin almost to your collar bone.
It's a small, u-shaped bone in the front of your neck that sits just below your chin and above your thyroid cartilage.
Place your right thumb on the right side of your neck just below your chin and your index finger on the left side.
Bending your elbows, lift your upper arms straight out to the sides, and pull the barbell straight up until your upper arms are parallel to the floor and the bar is just below chin level.
Come back up while pulling your elbows up and out (fists should end up just below your chin) in a high row.
Bring them down below your chin and that's one rep. Make sure not to arch your back as you press them up — always keep your core tight.
«When we talk about anti-aging, a lot of people stop just below the chin / jawline and that shouldn't be the case.
Form: Exhale and slowly pull the bar down to the top of your chest, just below your chin.
Stop when it reaches just below your chin and your forearms and upper arms are squeezed into each other, parallel to the ground.
Continue to lift the weight until it's slightly below your chin, then lower it down in a controlled movement.
Tip # 1: The best place to match your foundation with your skin color isn't on your wrist or even your face — it's on your neck, just below the chin, where the sun never shines.
While keeping your back straight, lift the dumbbells straight up in front of your chest, to just below chin level.
Left hand protecting the left hand side of the face and the right hand just below the chin.
It should be long enough so that you can fit two fingers easily between baby's neck and the necklace, but short enough that it should not lay below the chin.
Wings should be snug, aligned with baby's shoulders and below chin.

Not exact matches

I held her upright against me, her left ear pressed just below the hollow in my throat, the curve of her small head fitting just underneath my chin, her hands were tucked in, her legs wrapped around my soft stomach, and we rocked together.
Once one of Hodge's clumsy punches glanced off Coleman's chin and slammed into his chest, slightly below the neck.
Yet for all Lesnar's perceived faults as a fighter - i.e. advanced age, a below - average standup striking offense, and an inability to recover after taking one on the chin — the former NCAA champion and UFC heavyweight champ relishes a challenge.
That seemingly filtered through to the comments on the tweet below, as many responded to the video by suggesting that they were quietly hoping Eubank caught him flush on the chin!
A helpful way to know exactly where to place his chin is to make sure that his lower lip IS NOT right below the base of the nipple.
Using a C - hold (see below), guide her to your nipple, chin first.
Signs that your baby is feeding well at the breast: Baby has a large mouthful of breast not just the nipple Baby's lower lip is curled back Baby's nose is usually clear of the breast Baby's chin usually pressing breast You can see more areola above the baby's mouth than below Baby has full rounded cheeks Baby sucking rhythmically with pauses and swallows Feeding should be painless Contented baby who stays on the breast
All of our stock has the new cotton zipper cover near the baby's chin, but the stock pictures below don't show it.
Correctly positioned babies (chin off chest, natural curved spine, froggy leg positioning — more on these below) reap many benefits from being worn close to their caregiver.
Your baby expects to find your nipple ahead of his face, not below it — to reach forward with his head tipped slightly back, not to have your nipple right in front of his mouth or, worse, down near his chin.
Use your hand to support their head by placing your thumb and index finger on their jaw or chin, just below their ear.
Watch the video below to see a demonstration of proper form and technique for the chin up exercise.
For example, a pull up works the vertical plane from top to bottom (overhead), a bent over row or body row works the horizontal plane, and a high pull works the vertical plane from bottom to top (from arms extended below the waist to the chin).
It shows up on the chin, below the nose, around the sides of the mouth, and sometimes up the jawline.
These muscles are below the corners of the lower lip, extending downward to an area lateral to the chin.
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