Sentences with phrase «bend of the elbow»

A tiny touch (not even a full drop) on the inside bend of the elbow and wait at least 12 hours to make sure you don't have a reaction.
Don't forget to put it behind their ears, in the bend of the elbows, and anywhere that will be exposed, like the back of the neck.
Instead of holding his head in the bend of your elbow as in the cradle hold, hold him with the opposite arm, so that your hand rests between the shoulder blades and supports the back of his neck and head.
● Loaded Carries — This can be a farmer's walk or carrying a sandbag or stone in several positions: bear hug, carried in the bend of your elbows (Zercher), under the chin (racked position), or shouldered.
The first step is to find your pulse by pressing your index finger on the brachial artery, which is at the bend of your elbow, slightly to the inside center.
To pinpoint the appeal of British B - movie bruiser Jason Statham, one need look no further than the place where the ball of Statham's foot, the crown of his head, or the bend of his elbow makes sudden, bone - shattering contact with some lesser specimen of the human gene pool.

Not exact matches

Hold a weight with both hands in front of you, elbows bent.
Also, why is Mathis afraid of bending at the elbows?
The project will not only require an extension of the metro, but also a pedestrian bridge across the Tiber to a new train station, and more connective road infrastructure at the isolated site, which is nestled against a flood - prone elbow bend in the Tiber on the outskirts of Rome.
If it wasn't premeditated you would see a bend in his elbow now and then instead of a big outstretched arm in line with his outstretched leg.
With the kid on your knees face to you, put your feet up on a chair and rest your hands on the edge of another one, and start exercising by bending your elbows and returning to the starting position.
Each of them told us that Adams was Hell bent on endorsing Cuomo and snapping elbows to get it done.
Thinking about bending his elbow causes contractions in a different area of Sullivan's chest.
The adhesive film can stick to highly deformable regions of the body, such as the knee and elbow, and maintain its hold even after 100 bending cycles.
The material is made up of zirconium and tungsten atoms connected by oxygen atoms, which, when heated, bend like elbow joints.
Sit on an exercise bench with back support and hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facing your body and your elbows bent.
Perform 4 sets with 8 - 12 reps of dumbbell pullovers with your elbows slightly bent.
Contrary to decline skull crushers, these require you to close up the degree of bend in your elbows and move your arms closer to an overhead position, thereby accentuating long - head engagement.
The first half of the motion, from arms fully extended at 180 degrees angle, to elbows bent at 90 degrees angle, the bulk of the lift is handled by the brachialis and brachioradialis.
Using a decline bench for skull crushers is a great alternative to the classic version of the exercise, considering that by opening the degree of bend in the elbows it increases the range of motion and trains the triceps in a manner that places stress on each insertion point.
Also, if you rest the bar on your thighs, then bend your elbows and hitch the weight up, you could cause the biceps of the hand which is facing up to tear.
Keeping your chest up, bend your elbows to lower your body as far as your shoulders will allow, legs extended in front of you.
Lying on your belly with bent elbows, bring your hands and elbows shoulder - distance apart and slightly in front of your shoulders with palms facing down.
Let knees fall left while bending right elbow until end of weight touches floor near ear.
At the top of the position pull your legs in to touch your elbows but DO N'T bend your knees.
As you inhale, let your shoulders depress into the bench, tighten your lats, upper back and core, then bend your arms and slowly lower the bar toward the bottom of your chest, keeping your elbows and wrists directly underneath the bar.
Undue elbow extension finds its way into rear delt workouts as well, especially in the case of bent - over lateral raises.
Another option, if the bound hands isn't working for you, is to bend the elbows and grab hold of them behind your back for a similar variation.
Hold one of the heavy dumbbells at chest height with both hands, elbows bent and drawn in tight to your sides and chest up the entire time.
Curl one of the dumbbells up, bending the elbow and bringing the weight to your shoulder.
Slowly bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor, while maintaining a straight line from the crown of your head to your knees (c).
Start by holding the pair of dumbbells on each side, then raise them in a controlled manner, with a slight bend in the elbows until your arms become parallel to the ground.
Your elbows should be ever so slightly bent, and you should continue until your elbows have dipped to roughly the same height of the top of the bench.
Pick up a pair of relatively light dumbbells and hold them in front of your thighs with elbows slightly bent.
-- When you're happy with the position of the dumbbells, slowly rock your body backwards, pushing the dumbbells with your thighs, making sure not to bend the elbows too much.
How to: Start on the right side of a plyo box, with your left leg diagonally behind you, right knee bent 90 degrees and your left hand firmly resting on the box, elbow straight (a).
With your elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level squeezing your shoulder blades at top of the movement.
Then, inhale, bend your elbows and start lowering the bar to the level of your forhead.
To perform it, stand with a long stick in front of you and position your hands wide at either end, then raise the stick over your head without bending your elbows.
If this proves too hard for you at first, make it easier by bending the elbows as much as you need and moving into a headstand or a frogstand instead of pressing all the way up.
So instead of using a 45 - pound plate and fatiguing your muscles before you can get some real work done, take a 25 - pound one and aim for the 100 rep mark, making sure to maintain a slight bend in the elbows at all times.
But instead of supporting your body on your hands, bend your elbows and support yourself on the forearms.
Inhale lifting the chest off of the floor keeping the elbows bent.
Of course, you can not avoid activating the biceps during the lats pulldown since your elbow constantly bends and flexes to handle the resistance.
Shadow Boxing A Stand with your abs tight, elbows and knees bent, hands in fists in front of your chest.
Then bend your back knee and grab hold of your foot, bringing it into the crook of your left elbow.
In the deepest part of the lunge, flex your upper body forward slightly from the waist and bend your elbows to bring the weight behind your head.
Place the arms by the sides of the body, then bend the elbows and raise the hands so that the palms face each other.
Think about lifting up and out of the shoulders to keep both elbows bent at 90 degrees.
Lie on an incline bench adjusted to an incline angle of 30 to 45 degrees, holding a pair of dumbbells over your chest with extended arms, with a slight bend at the elbows.
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