Sentences with phrase «bend over backward»

Just thinking about having to bend over backward to do this is giving me a crook in my neck.
Are you knowledgeable about the products of your company, and always willing to bend over backward to please your customer...
This time, however, it is not about the company's questionable hiring practices, but about ethics and the extent to which it is willing to bend over backward for the U.S. government.
My experience has been when clients demand a change, law firms, given the competitive environment, will bend over backward to change and satisfy the client wishes.
One would think that a skeptic, and not a «skeptic» would bend over backward to control for confirmation bias — but instead what we have here are self - described «skeptics» ignoring any potential for motivated reasoning — to be absolutely certain of conclusions that just happen to be consistent with confirmation bias.
On the one hand, curators bend over backward to include mainstream dealers.
One can almost overlook the color, though, in drawings and book art that bend over backward to stay sketchy indeed.
Dr. Barnes has hand picked her team to be caring, thoughtful people who will bend over backward to assist their patients.
If you went to the bank and offered to pay 7 % instead of around 4 %, they would probably bend over backward to make the process much easier.
Others bend over backward to assure only verifiable facts get reported, allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.
Maybe not, but I've found some companies (even huge ones) are willing to bend over backward to avoid losing a client.
He was ready to bend over backward to get me in a car.
In any school, some teachers will bend over backward to help a new teacher, and others will be more standoffish, she says.
Actors and actresses will still work with these people, bend over backward to defend them and pretend that the allegations are not important.
But let us not bend over backward trying to test the very flexibility that defines «queer» to dub a contemporary trend.
Avengers: Infinity War may not bend over backward to tackle the love story between Bruce and Black Widow, but with Avengers 4 right around the corner, it is still entirely possible that we will see more elements of that love story.
It's unclear HOW they became friends, WHY nothing ever happened (beyond the truly weak argument of lack of physical attraction), HOW they maintain their old married couple ease, and WHY he doesn't bend over backward like this for any other woman.
However, what they may not realize is that they don't have to bend over backward to try dating again — in today's world, you can meet people who are over 60 without having to even leave your home.
I used to bend over backward, feeling like a dancing monkey, trying to prove that I was intelligent rather than a privileged «air - headed pretty girl.»
«Imagine you use the phrase «bend over backward» with a robot,» Bongard says.
«It's a big issue that's important to the success of the program, and we bend over backward to protect the privacy and confidentiality of these young people.»
Usually if other researchers don't like your paper, they bend over backward not to come across as swivel - eyed, foaming - at - the - mouth furies, but that's exactly the response.»
Republicans, meanwhile, bend over backward to emphasize their relationship.)
«I feel proud that I am able to nurse for my kid and I will bend over backward to do this,» she said.
Fortunately the other 50 get it and bend over backward to make their partners feel like a million bucks.
«We bend over backward to reach fair resolutions,» she says.
«We will bend over backward to make sure that dealing with us is easy for the customer.
This is totally wrong but it is liberal politically correct and I am tired of having to bend over backward to watch every word I say around someone who is of a different ethnic background.
They do not trust their salvation will come unless they bend over backward.
Even if you really want to bend over backward for your customer, if you mix statements about commitment with statements that say what the customer's not allowed to do, the customer is going to see your «commitment» as a farce, corporate jargon, just a way to save face, or all talk and no action.
They'll bend over backward to accommodate individual work preferences.
It doesn't mean you bend over backward.
Whenever one of our expectant mothers at CitiStorage wanted one or both of those options, we bent over backward to accommodate her.
«The mainline church bent over backward to accommodate modernism, and its members have budget crunches and shrinking churches to show for it.
The OT code represents a bending over backward of divine patience and forbearance.
The judge, whose decision in the case will be rendered sometime this fall, made occasional references during the trial to his own Presbyterian affiliation, and appeared to be bending over backward to admit every argument that had bearing on the case or that would help him to grasp the particular ways of Episcopalians.
Scott's Exodus bent over backward to provide a naturalistic explanation for each supernatural event, which was far from the most boring thing about his movie.
This major hospital in Oregon's biggest city has bent over backward to deal with home birth transfers.
He added, «One must wonder why, after the government invested tens of millions of dollars, so many are bending over backward to minimize the results.
Cuomo, a Democrat who has publicly backed Obama's reelection effort, bent over backward to protect the President while voicing his displeasure over the supercommittee's inaction — and its impact on New York.
This administration has bent over backward to make life easier for those who have run afoul of the law.
On June 25, SUNY's Counsel Ruth Booher told the SUNY board that DASNY (Dormitory Authority of the State of New York) was bending over backward to help Fortis avoid repaying the PIT bonds.
We don't even have good experimental methods to tell when we're bending over backward to make a computer merely seem smart.
Hudson says that he and his team have bent over backward to keep things simple and reduce risk.
«Singh bent over backward to try to use the same assays as published, allowing her to knock down what I consider to be a real straw man but that nonetheless was out there,» says retrovirologist John Coffin of Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.
The subsequent reviews bent over backward to condemn Ring's performance as the stiffest and most amateurish of the year — and thus his fate was sealed.
It's actually a pretty straightforward film, albeit one filled with eccentric choices: quirky Tarantino-esque monologues delivered in formal period speech; slow, rambling scenes punctuated with extreme gore; antagonists that could be read as racist caricatures, except the movie bends over backward to assure you they're not; and, to cap it all off, an operatic theme song that lays out the plot, Gilligan's Island - style.
Elsewhere, Kevin Durand brings the Cronenberg weirdness (he was the earpiece - checking bodyguard in Cosmopolis) as the seemingly omnipotent kiddie - porn ringleader, but it's to absolutely no effect, since Egoyan and David Fraser's script bends over backward to portray him as the broadest sort of villainous caricature, down to his dandy little mustache — though, admittedly, Durand never gets the chance to give it a twirl.
«Higher education is bending over backward to make special efforts, particularly with disadvantaged populations, to provide them with the support that they need to not only get into college but to successfully complete college,» says Paul Reville, a professor of education at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education and former Massachusetts education secretary.
Since the revolt by parents against New York State's reading and math tests last year, education officials at the state level have been bending over backward to try to show that they are listening to parents» and educators» concerns.
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