Sentences with phrase «bend over your toes»

Knees bend over your toes.
Knees bend over your toe line.

Not exact matches

A child of 5, looking for sand crabs and starfish at low water, works his toes into the wet sand and bends over his little black hunting shadow in an attitude that is timeless, and when a full - grown and city - bred man, pale and desk - ridden, takes off his shoes and walks with the child, his shambling gesture repeats, atavistically, that of the child.
Static stretching (standing in one spot, such as bending over to touch your toes or hamstring stretch) is still recommended immediately after practices, games and matches.
«My chest is a size 38DDD and nothing I tried on was giving me any support... I jumped up and down, I raised and lowered my arms, I twisted side to side, I bent over and touched my toes... basically I moved every way I could possibly think of.
With your spine tall, rise to the tops of your feet, bend your legs over your toes, and straighten your legs.
Pay attention to your bent leg and maintain that good form, not allowing the knee to go over your toes.
keep your hips square and your bending knee over your toes, not in front of them.
If there isn't a wall or straight edge near you simply prop your foot up on your heel and bend over the leg that is propped and grab onto your toes.
Inhale and create space in your torso, and on an exhalation bend your left knee to a 90 - degree angle, left thigh parallel to the floor, with the knee over the ankle and in line with the second toe.
Belly Bulge Not rated yet To keep my fat burning efforts on track I bend over and notice my fat belly bulge that keeps me from touching my toes.
Bend over and reach for the toe of the straight leg that is behind the bent one.
For example, standing straight and then bending over to touch your toes.
At the same time, hook your toes over the back edge of the bench (very useful for «locking» your leg onto the bench for stability) and bend your front leg knee about 45 degrees.
Lift the front toes to avoid gripping with the front foot and sinking too much of your weight over the bent knee.
Additionally, if one bends the knees over the toes (as Michael suggests) and keeps the weight evenly centered (triangular arch support system of the foot) in a parallel (or close to it) position, allows the spine / UE to hang over the LE, and then engages the abdominals to activate the shift of the pelvis and spine (that work in tandem) one can perform a safe roll up.
Your knees will bend straight over your toe line.
Turn left foot out 90 degrees, keeping left knee bent over ankle; at same time, turn right toes in 45 degrees and straighten right leg.
Inhale, push hips back, bend knees to come over toes.
Cheers to fancy flats... I couldn't live without them... I don't have to bend over to put them on and they cover up my almost always unmanicured toes!
Greene - and all of her protagonists - have a penchant for the hazy, vernal beauty of Appalachian summer that she gently depicts through lines like «Myra sounded sleepy, drunk on the feel of the creek lapping at her fingers, running like a cool scarf over her elbow bends, gliding under her heels and between her toes, and all the smells of the blossoms and muck and mottled toadstools risen like yeast in the shade.»
I might have stopped to kick off my flip - flops and feel the cool granular earth between my toes or watch the leaf - cutter ants in their regimented march to and from the nest, both inside my body and out of it at the same time, a female hominid of breeding age bent over in the naturalist's trance and wondering if this earth, the old one, the original one, would still be her home in a month's time.
So, even if you can not yet touch your toes when bending over, our instructors know just how to help you improve your surfing through Yoga.
Straight leg raises - This is where the doctor or therapist asks you to bend over and touch your toes and then tests the exact same movement by placing you on your back on the bench and asks you to lift your legs upwards.
If you have room while waiting in line for the restroom, bend over and hold your toes (of not, try to do this in the bathroom instead).
My grandmother could bend over and touch her toes just like that one picture until she was 93, that picture had me welling up, lovely memory and great post.
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