Sentences with phrase «bending at the knees»

Before the nail was driven through the victim's feet, the legs were bent at the knee so that the bottom of one foot was flat against the vertical beam.
Blue's windup — with his big front leg hunched way up and bent at the knee and his pitching arm whipping around in the background — is not classical, like that of Koufax, but it is impressive.
-- Preventing parent falls with child in carrier: When moving about, always have a steady stance, hold the rails when walking up / down stairs, bend at the knees not at the waist.
Your baby also may look scrunched up since the legs and arms have been kept bent at the knees and elbows while in the womb.
If you ever need to bend down, make sure your baby is in an upright position, and you are bending at the knee, not your waist.
Show him how to bend at the knees to sit down.
Select the desired weight and grasp the bar with a pronated grip that's slightly wider than shoulder width apart, then bend at the knees and place the barbell on your collar bone.
This time, bend at the knee and flex your foot.
Lie on your right side with the legs on top of each other, bent at the knees.
From here, bend at the knees and explode up on to the box.
Then, lift your left leg up, bending at the knee, as you bring your left arm down, touching knee to elbow.
Making sure you have the right gear to ride with control and that you have a soft bend at the knee at all times.
- Wake up your legs by straightening and bending them at your knees, flexing and pointing through your feet, and circling the ankles.
Stand in front of a wall in lunge position with front leg bent at knee, and back foot extended backwards and slightly turned out.
Your legs are in a comfortable position too, either bent at the knees against the mattress or extended on either side of your partner.
You should be swinging the kettlebell behind and above your knees, bending more at the hips with a slight bend at the knees and a strong, straight back.
Try to keep a slight bend at your knee.
Bend your knees and put your feet on the floor, then slide your left foot under the right leg to the outside of your right hip, bent at the knee, and lay the outside of the left leg on the floor.
Keep your weight balanced back in your heels and go down to a 90 degree bend at the knees.
Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees.
Raise your legs bent at the knees, making the calves parallel to the floor and forming a right angle.
Step 2: Hinging at your hips and bending at your knees slightly get down to position to grab onto the bells
Lower your torso by bending at your knees and pushing your hips back.
To raise the legs bent at the knee, or straight.
Twisting Crunches: For the twisted crunch, lie down flat with your legs bent at the knees and feet touching the floor.
From here hike the bell between your legs at your groin again as you hinge your hips and slightly bend at the knees to load up for the next swing rep.
Begin the movement by bending at the knees, which should track in a line close to the border of the first and the second toe.
You can do this by first bending at the knees and then straightening out your legs by actively using your leg strength.
There should be right angle between the thigh and the leg and the other leg should not bend at the knees.
Once you've done this, the key is to drive the hips back behind you and not bend at the knee's any more.
Make sure to keep the bar close to your body and keep your shoulders back, an arch in your back and a slight bend at the knee.
Keeping your back flat, bend at the knees and hips and grab the bar with your arms fully extended with a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width.
Put your feet on the ground so that your legs are bent at the knees about 90 degrees.
Step 1: Stand with your feet hip width apart with a slight bend at your knee, holding a steel club in your mid-line close to your sternum.
Back Squat: With your toes pointed slightly out, your feet shoulder - width apart and a barbell resting on your shoulders, bend at the knees and sink into a sitting position, then straightening back up.
Slip back by bending at knees before turning and switching sides, with right foot in front and left in back (f).
Keep your arm and leg straight and avoid bending at the knee or elbow.
Here, you balance on one leg, while the other is extended behind you, turned out and bent at the knee to form a 90 - degree angle.
With feet hip width apart and hands in front of you to help with balance, use the glutes to lower your hips back and down while bending at the knees.
Lower your body bending at the knees, ankles and hips to a squat.
If you conclude this program by making sure that you're doing the customary squats, front squats, Roumanian deadlifts, hypers with weights and glute / ham raises as well, you can have the strength to bend at the knee and hip and have the large muscles of the hip and thigh absorb and dissipate the deceleration forces.
Stand with your feet hip width apart with a slight bend at your knee, holding a Steel Club in your mid-line close to your sternum.
For this pain - relieving stretch, start by lying on your back with one leg straight and the other bent at the knee.
With a slight bend at the knees, lift your legs up so that your heels are about 6 inches off the ground.
For the high bar squats, try bending at the knees first.
Keeping your upper body completely still, bend at the knees and lower your butt towards your ankles.
When you're close to the bar you can bend at the knees to bring yourself all the way down to the bar.
Let your legs hang straight or you can bent them at the knees with your feet crossed at the ankle.
Did you just bend at the knees first?
If you aren't feeling a stretch in your hamstrings as you perform each repetition, you are probably bending at the knees and squatting rather than hinging at the hips and activating your posterior chain.
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