Sentences with phrase «beneath the ocean surface»

In fact, such top kills had worked to control other wells in the past, albeit not those some 1,500 meters beneath the ocean surface.
This bizarre - looking fish has large sensory pores around its mouth and lives more than 3,000 feet beneath the ocean surface.
Visitors can also jump in the water to see what lies beneath the ocean surface.
Our energy is summoned from incredibly robust oil wells drilled miles beneath the ocean surface.
This short video comes from Becky Crew's post on the Running Ponies blog, it provides basic natural history of these unique organisms and gives us a visualization of their habitats several kilometres beneath the oceans surface.
Emily Brodsky, a professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz, helped organize the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST), which successfully drilled across the Tohoku earthquake fault last year and installed a borehole observatory nearly 7 kilometers beneath the ocean surface.
Bradbury's book The Martian Chronicles had captured my imagination when I was a young boy and had, in some ways, led to my being on that research vessel, exploring new worlds beneath the ocean surface.
This is literally where the rainforest meets the reef, as if the lush vegetation ashore has spread beneath the ocean surface in an explosion of coloured corals.
From exploring the local culture at Mossman to diving beneath the ocean surface and exploring the underwater world, the experiences are endless.
The Challenger expedition, from 1872 to 1876, was the world's first global scientific survey of life beneath the ocean surface.
Unlike most ocean currents, the North Atlantic Current has a return loop that runs deep beneath the ocean surface.
Super Suckers are made up of a pump and a tube to suction algae from beneath the ocean surface to the deck of a barge.
Researchers have been studying the Titanic's remains since they were discovered resting more than two miles beneath the ocean surface.
Juveniles lose the bright, plankton - filtering gills seen on this individual when they mature and descend into some of the deepest depths of any known fish, often more than 5,000 meters (16,000 feet) beneath the ocean surface.
These snailfish live almost five miles beneath the ocean surface, in pitch - black waters and under immense pressure.
Beneath the ocean surface, there is an abundance and diversity of shapes, sizes and colours; for example, spectacular coral assemblages of hard and soft corals, and thousands of species of reef fish provide a myriad of brilliant colours, shapes and sizes.
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