Sentences with word «benedryl»

One mother was even quoted as saying that her daughter loved the taste of Benedryl and begs for it every night.
He is now on 3 benedryls twice a day and this is no longer helping.
My Mom's dogs always had horrible allergies and would chew themselves raw, needing benedryl every day for even a little relief.
+ he + began + antibiotics, + benedryl + and + prednisone.
Should I have prednisone or benedryl if needed and at what dosage?
(And don't say Benedryl, because that stuff will knock you out.)
Remember — medicines like Benedryl and Gravol, that often have drowsiness as a side effect, also can have the opposite effect — hyperactivity.
For my son with a dairy allergy, if a child with cheese, milk, butter on their hands touches his desk, he can later get hives, feel a tickle in this throat, need to take Benedryl, and then need a 2 hr.
Proper use of antihistamines such as Claritin, Zyrtec and Benedryl offer relief to dogs by blocking the histamines that the pollen are creating.
My vet gave my dog Prednisolone to control itching, combined with Benedryl for what he thought was allergies.
If your dog is having a reaction, you may administer Benedryl at a rate of 1/2 mg per pound of body weight.
My ceasear is a 2 year old chocolate pit and he's into everything he has been stung all over looks to be fire ants so I Dave him a bath in cool water have him some liquid benedryl and rubbed him down real good with gold Bond medicated powder I pray that will help.
After a bath in oatmeal shampoo didn't help, I called the vet & they gave me Revolution to apply topically and suggested Benedryl 3 times a day.
I saw so many reactions that I began giving all ferrets a small (0.2 ml) dose of chlorpheniramine maleate or benedryl antihistamine about twenty minutes before giving the vaccine.
Caladryl or benedryl on my ears won't do the trick either.
Swelling can be reduced by applying ice packs or giving a dose of Benedryl - be sure to ask your veterinarian for the proper dosage.
The sores have gone away with a weekly dose of diflucan, and if needed a benedryl / maalox mouthwash.
My poor dog has been on cortisone for 3plus years now, I finally took her off, feed her «Eagle Pack» holistic select anchovy, sardine and sweet potato formula dry dog food, also I give her Benedryl twice daily, she hardly ever scratches now and her coat has grown back beautifully, I highly recommend this for those who have bad skin allergies, cuz that cortisone is bad news for the long term.
She will drive herself nuts chewing on herself at times & I give her a benedryl or half depending on the severity but hate giving them to her.
If your dog gets hives, you should call your veterinarian to discuss administration of an antihistamine like diphenhydramine (Benedryl).
So off to the vet we went which she got scripts for an anti-b, meds stronger than the Benedryl that I had been giving her and this shampoo that I was told to bath her in three times a week till the smell went away then less till I got down to once a week baths.
Benedryl — Benedryl is an over the counter antihistamine that can be used to help stop swelling and itching.
In the field, 10 - 25 mg (approximately 1/2 mg per pound) of Benedryl can be given and may serve to calm the dog.
We struggled for years to try to manage his symptoms with supplements, different types of food (single protein, limited ingredient, etc.), acupuncture, Benedryl, special shampoos, you name it.
If over-the-counter antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benedryl) or chlorpheniramine (ChlorTrimetron) are not effective, ask your veterinarian about trying a prescription antihistamine.
I decided to stop the Benedryl to see what happened.
I gave him benedryl after I was sure the seizure was over and have put him in his room away from the other dogs.
We pack up a small first aid kit with aspirin, Benedryl, cold meds, Tums, cough drops, bandages, Activated Charcoal pills (these are a life saver for traveler's diarrhea and minor allergic reactions), Neosporin, and other things that we may not always have easy access to when traveling.
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