Sentences with phrase «beneficial nematodes»

"Beneficial nematodes" refers to small, worm-like creatures that are helpful to plants and agriculture. These nematodes can protect plants by feeding on harmful pests like insects and grubs that can damage or kill the plants. So, they are called beneficial because they provide benefits by fighting against pests and supporting healthy plant growth. Full definition
Lab manager Abigail at Pheronym is explaining how biocontrol works for agricultural pest control and how Pheronym uses pheromones from microscopic roundworms to improve the efficacy of commercially available beneficial nematodes for insect control.
Purchase beneficial nematodes at garden or pet stores to naturally reduce the flea population.
After spending a ridiculous amount of money on flea treatments that were not working I purchased beneficial nematodes at Amazon.
The five nematodes — Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae, S. glaseri, S. monticolum and S. scapterisci — are used both commercially and in home gardens, and are marketed as beneficial nematodes.
While such touted flea - fighting weapons as lufeneron and beneficial nematodes offer new hope to pet owners, most experts say that only a comprehensive approach will work.
Look into spraying beneficial nematodes in your yard to kill fleas at their source.
These microscopic Beneficial Nematodes find and destroy flea larvae, white grubs, gypsy moth larvae and many other pests.
An interesting discovery I have made about insects called beneficial nematodes, which can be deployed to help us in the fight against fleas in our yard areas.
Hi Margie, I recommend that you give beneficial nematodes a try for your yard, it will stop your pets from catching fleas from outside and they are completely safe (and affordable).
If the cat area has a soil floor and is open on all sides (so that it gets rained on) she would probably do better using beneficial nematodes.
Dr. Robert Dunn, nematologist with the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, said more evaluation is necessary, but the beneficial nematodes may provide some flea control in some areas.
Diatomaceous earth can be used as a natural flea killer inside the home and around the perimeter, and beneficial nematodes can be used to control fleas on the lawn.
Studies indicate that use of these beneficial nematodes, available at garden supply stores, works best in sandy soil that has been watered before and after the nematodes are added.
3) Beneficial Nematodes are an outdoor treatment consisting of micro-organisms which eat flea larvae (as well as other garden pests).
I found some information online on beneficial nematodes.
Welcome to your reliable resource for online holistic veterinary help» Forums» Pet Owners Forum» Fleas, Ticks and other Parasites» Beneficial Nematodes to control fleas
Beneficial nematodes are a flea parasite (mother nature always has a balancing mechanism).
Beneficial nematodes are a good alternative for the client that wants a purely natural flea control solution.
For outside infestations, I have recently been recommending either a lime treatment or for my readers to use «beneficial nematodes» to kill fleas in the yard.
Beneficial Nematodes are not parasitic, will not harm the cats and are environmentally friendly.
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