Sentences with phrase «beneficiaries of»

This compared with the mining boom in which Australia and Brazil's rich iron ore deposits made them the only beneficiaries of China's rapid industrialization.
Companies with exposure to foreign earnings have been beneficiaries of the wilting Australian dollar and are expected to outperform the broader market this year again as their earnings growth gains momentum.
Department store chains Kmart, BIG W and Target and specialty toy retailers are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries of the collapse of Toys «R» Us.
Cassidy: Many beneficiaries of a weaker Australian dollar have done well and are likely due for a pause.
Beneficiaries of the financial packages include Calbee UK, a regional subsidiary of the leading Japanese snack company of the same name.
Suffice it to say that the main beneficiaries of this corporate politics have been the church leaders themselves.
As the interactions between the God of love and the beneficiaries of that empowering love occur successively in temporal sequence, with movement taking place in both directions — from God to us, from us to God, as I explain later in this chapter — so is God a part of the temporal continuum.
Older folk are the supposed beneficiaries of a legal «right to die.»
But economists have long noted that the beneficiaries of free trade — citizens who enjoy more variety, greater quality and lower prices of goods — are poorly organized politically to have their voices heard over those of the well - funded spokespeople for the sectors and industries experiencing job losses.
Britain and Holland were the first beneficiaries of these developments, having led the way in the more radical stage of the Protestant Reformation.
It also makes the beneficiaries of privilege the victims — instead of trying to challenge them to see beyond their own position as someone in a demographic majority that traditionally holds social and economic power.
The World's People are the Beneficiaries of Christ Immortality.
Drug laws have also fostered drug - related murders and an estimated 40 percent of all property crime in the U.S. Ethan A. Nadelmann, whose article «Drug Prohibition in the United States» in the September 1, 1989, issue of Science has been a major catalyst for public discussion of legalization, argues that «the greatest beneficiaries of the drug laws are organized and unorganized drug traffickers.
The executive order in question, issued by President Clinton and affirmed by President Bush in 2002, states that while religious organizations that receive federal funds can not discriminate against beneficiaries of their programs, they «may retain religious terms in its organization's name, select its board members on a religious basis, and include religious references in its organization's mission statements and other chartering or governing documents.»
At the same time the biggest beneficiaries of globalization find shelter in such aggressive ideologies as Hindu nationalism.
But as Jan Harris pointed out in Christianity Today (April 5, 1993), «One of the biggest beneficiaries of Protestant evangelistic activity in Latin America is the Catholic Church itself.»
The more the glorious reign of God on earth was believed in and the more vividly its splendors were imagined, the more surely the question of individual destiny was pushed to the fore: Should the beneficiaries of this divine consummation be only the fortunate persons who happened to be alive on the surface of the earth when the great day arrived?
It can also be argued that there are class interests involved in this: the new class staffs the welfare - state and civil - rights institutions, the major putative beneficiaries of which are the racial minorities of America.
Megachurches have not historically been the beneficiaries of large evangelistic crusades (which have been fairly non-existent in America over the past 20 years or more, actually).
We are all the beneficiaries of those chances taken more than thirty years ago.
Our obligation is even more emphatic if we are the victimizers — or the beneficiaries of past or present victimizing carried out by others — rather than just good Samaritans who tend to the afflicted after the crime has been committed and the perpetrators have fled.
We are implicated in these historical crimes, says the liberal, and deserve to be penalized for them, by virtue of the fact (a) that we are the beneficiaries of social arrangements built on the foundations laid by this past exploitation; and (b) that despite our protests, we continue to treat and regard the historically victimized in discriminatory and injurious ways, sometimes knowingly, sometimes unconsciously.
This means that instead of being the beneficiaries of their faith they are its saviors.
If, for example, evil has been defeated from the very outset, and human history has already been secured by God in election, does this not render history a mere process by which God can effect the inevitable triumph of his grace, with human beings little more than the passive beneficiaries of his boundless and irresistible good will and grace?
There you have it: the elders offering final counsel to the successor generation, the beneficiaries of the greatest educational system in the world, the bearers of civilization's legacy across new frontiers of human aspiration and achievement.
We make almost one billion dollars a year, but we do not discriminate in how we use those funds, almost none of which go to the players who are the beneficiaries of our great success.»
Moreover, as a lawyer, I could see that the chief beneficiaries of the divorce reforms they backed so enthusiastically were ex-husbands and second wives.
May we be beneficiaries of God's mercies in our daily lives in Jesus name.
I have heard it said by some of our younger radicals that the real oppressors in American society and the only beneficiaries of the American system are the white, male, Anglo - Saxon Protestants.
For if, as Calvinists teach, God, in eternity past, chose some people to be the beneficiaries of His grace so that they, out of all the people of the world, might alone receive eternal life from Him, then Israel, as God's elect people, should all unconditionally receive eternal life from God.
Summary of the drama in Planet Earth: Jews or Israel = the main character All other races or nations: beneficiaries of Israel, helpers (good guys), mobs, villains
All of us live and flourish only because we are the beneficiaries of unconditional and unmerited generosity, natural and human.
The initial beneficiaries of Social Security made no financial contributions into the system.
On the international scene, Latin American countries have been the beneficiaries of our so - called «Food for Peace» program for many years, in order to ensure that they will vote with the U.S. in United Nations assemblies on many questions of global importance.
All people are beneficiaries of these ceremonies.
Yet it is not only the useful arts, but also the highest forms of artistic creativity and the deepest forms of spiritual liberty that lie open before us» the beneficiaries of modern political economy.
Whereas the old sections of the ethics code generally include the legislators and staffs» spouses and dependent children as beneficiaries of lobbyist expenditures, the new bill does not.
The safest prediction is that the biggest beneficiaries of Social Security privatization will be managers of the conservative mutual funds in which the vast majority of workers will invest in the hope that they will be no worse off than under the old system.
«The belief that corruption is the important issue in the country is shared only by the minority living in urban areas and towns who have been beneficiaries of economic liberalization policies mandated by western countries.
The idea behind faith - based organizing is that the agents and beneficiaries of change should be the same people — ordinary people empowered to become effective and articulate actors on the public stage.
But these two novels are not only beneficiaries of the contemporary interest in heaven.
Beneficiaries of the status quo see agitators for greater justice as a clear and present danger to their own just deserts.
Nothing, Lord Jesus, can subsist outside of your flesh; so that even those who have been cast out from your love are still, unhappily for them, the beneficiaries of your presence upholding them in existence.
The banks were the beneficiaries of the massive influx of international capital and lent money indiscriminately, creating a speculative bubble, particularly in the real - estate sector and on the stock markets.
Praise God that we are the beneficiaries of such grace!
In particular, referring to applicants and petitioners for immigration benefits, and the beneficiaries of such applications and petitions, as «customers» promotes an institutional culture that emphasizes the ultimate satisfaction of applicants and petitioners, rather than the correct adjudication of such applications and petitions according to the law.
Theological ethics arrives at the same conclusion as philosophical ethics: though outsourcing must take its course as part of the normal markings of international trade, the beneficiaries of this market exchange must help displaced workers make the transition to a new place in the economy.
Future generations are the biggest beneficiaries of the dynamic gains from trade brought on by technological advances.
Employees who refuse to work on their sabbath have been the principal beneficiaries of this rule (in another case a worker lost his job in a brass mill because he refused to help manufacture tank turrets) The Oregon courts followed these cases and awarded unemployment compensation to Smith and Black.
Harvard sued the remaining living trustee, Francis Amory, and argued that placing the entirety of the trust's assets in common stock, which offered no security of principal — a government guarantee or backing of a real asset — jeopardized the interests of the ultimate beneficiaries of the trust, Harvard College and Massachusetts General Hospital.
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