Sentences with phrase «benefit authors based»

That's a system that — again, in theory — stands to benefit authors based on something ostensibly more important than book length: How engaged the readers are.

Not exact matches

Several skeptical researchers and authors have been hammering away at the foundations of the foodie cause, arguing that everything Pollan and his acolytes stand for — from the dangers of GMO foods to the benefits of local farming — is based on sketchy evidence at best, and at worst is just plain wrong.
The study authors suggest that the prime takeaway is that cutting yourself some slack about, well, slacking off is good for you (at least if you're tightly wound), or, as BPS puts it, «the people who could most benefit from the restorative effects of lounge - based downtime... are the least likely to do so.»
Usually, I give the author the benefit of the doubt and give it a go then make changes based on my actual experience but not this time....
«Based on the results of this study, I think very elderly patients, particularly those with few or no comorbidities, should strongly consider the benefits of these procedures,» said lead study author Hiroyuki Yoshihara, MD, PhD, an orthopaedic surgeon at State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center and Nassau University Medical Center.
Mark Poznansky, MD, PhD, director of the MGH - VIC and senior author of the Wound Repair and Regeneration report adds, «Having a novel therapeutic that is based on the immediate isolation of a patient's own cells, with minimal manipulation, will represent an attractive option for the wound care field; and a successful option that accelerates healing would greatly benefit patients, as diabetic ulcers typically need up to a year or more heal.
Lead author, Camilla Sortsø, says «While trials of population - based screening for type 2 diabetes have not demonstrated beneficial effects at the population level, we have previously shown that there are benefits for those found to have diabetes.
«While evidence from a recently completed [randomized controlled trial] suggested that statin use is of little benefit to COPD patients, this population - based analysis showed that statin use reduced all - cause mortality among COPD patients,» wrote the study authors led by Adam Raymakers, from the University of British Columbia.
The author of the video above, Dr. Mike Evans, is confident enough in the health benefits of walking to claim that walking on a regular basis may be the single best thing (not just best exercise, but best thing overall) that you can do for your health.
Edited by The China Study Cookbook author LeAnne Campbell, and with a foreword from China Study co-author and The Campbell Plan author Thomas M. Campbell II, MD, The China Study Family Cookbook is the ultimate guide to helping your family transition to the joys and benefits of plant - based eating.
Based on the authors» decades - long experience as teachers, dietary counselors, and chefs, on scientific and medical studies documenting the health benefits of a vegan macrobiotic way of eating, and on other cutting - edge research on health, vitality, and fitness, this book features 150 - plus easy - to - follow recipes, including:
Based on the authors» decades - long experience as teachers, dietary counselors, and chefs, on scientific and medical studies documenting the health benefits of a vegan macrobiotic way of eating, and on other cutting - edge research on health, vitality, and fitness, this book features 150 - plus easy - to - follow recipes.
«A shift to a dietary pattern higher in healthful plant - based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and lower in animal - based foods, especially red and processed meats, can confer substantial health benefits in reducing risk of type 2 diabetes,» said Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard Chan School and senior author of the study.
As the author of The Whole Heart Solution, Joel is well versed in the numerous health benefits of consuming a plant - based diet.
As the author of The Whole Heart Solution, Joel is well versed in the numerous health benefits of consuming a plant - based d.
Read all the latest articles about Cloud Based LMS Benefits from our top eLearning authors.
In this edition of the Harvard EdCast, Cashin, author of Place, Not Race, explains how the benefits of race - based admissions decisions are actually outweighed by the social costs, and argues for a return to what she considers the original intent of affirmative action policies: helping people — no matter their race — who have been systemically locked out of opportunity.
A shift in college requirements away from traditional remediation to this new, evidence - based, strategy of placing students into college - level courses with concurrent support «could positively affect the academic progress of hundreds of thousands of college students each year,» the authors report, and «the benefits of a college degree are considerable and wide - ranging.»
This educators survival guide contains strength - based interventions that have benefited thousands of youth in trouble including author John R. Seita.
Organizations that require a lot of learning content on a continued basis can benefit from rapid authoring.
Based on economic evidence that included program - based findings, earnings, and educational achievement, the authors found that all assessed programs demonstrated measurable benefits that exceeded their costs, noting, «On average, for every dollar invested equally across the six SEL interventions, there is a return of eleven dollars, a substantial economic return.&rBased on economic evidence that included program - based findings, earnings, and educational achievement, the authors found that all assessed programs demonstrated measurable benefits that exceeded their costs, noting, «On average, for every dollar invested equally across the six SEL interventions, there is a return of eleven dollars, a substantial economic return.&rbased findings, earnings, and educational achievement, the authors found that all assessed programs demonstrated measurable benefits that exceeded their costs, noting, «On average, for every dollar invested equally across the six SEL interventions, there is a return of eleven dollars, a substantial economic return.»
The authors added that their motivation for this study was a concern that many school districts are too narrowly focusing on rating teachers based on short - term test gains and they wanted to try to understand what kinds of teaching produce long - term learning benefits.
Once an author becomes recognized as an authority, he or she benefits from people buying the book based on the author's name.»
So it was an easy decision for the clients to participate and benefit: Trident would only charge its customary commission based on revenues received by the authors, and Trident would not become an e-book publisher, profiting at the client's expense, being a rights holder, and finding itself potentially in an adversarial position with authors.
I try to prioritize my time based upon accomplishing goals that benefit the greatest number of our authors (or future authors) as possible, and by that benchmark, it is difficult to justify spending much time on this blog.
In that vein, Wattpad rethought the entire concept of what a published story means, giving authors and readers a way to connect on works in progress that has since led to a publication discovery model that lets content creators benefit from their online fan base.
So the benefit of the free days is almost 100 % going to be based on the hope that some percentage of all those downloads will then go on to check out other books by the same author.
But Random and its imprints and authors have benefited hugely from the price flexibility that Amazon and other retailers have been allowed, especially since the publisher and the authors get paid based on full list price even if a title is discounted below wholesale cost in the Kindle Store and elsewhere.
The benefit of working with a traditional publisher, rather than with an author who's self - published, is to make use of the specialists who deal with books on a daily basis.
Another benefit is that authors share in a piece of the Amazon «prime» pie if they choose to make the title a part of the Amazon lending library, and the author's slice of the pie is based on the number of lends for the title.
For the benefit of any British or UK - based authors unable to contact the originally Oxford - based office: they are simply not there.
It's a real benefit to the author because of each dollar increase I get approximately 75 % and that's in addition to the base royalty paid on the selling price of the book.
FREZes benefit publishers, authors, and software companies because they are paid through a merit - based business model, but it also benefits end users by exposing them to more culture, information, and educational content.
So now I'm thinking, what can I offer for $ 25 a month, in a subscription based - package, that will actually benefit authors?
Based on analysis of legal and economic literatures, as well as existing case studies and proposals, the authors of this report propose a number of steps that would allow the harnessing of climate benefits, and limit technical complexities and legal risks of BCAs, which seek to alleviate the negative impacts by including imports in — or exempting exports from — a carbon constraint.
One area where the boundaries are unclear is domestic violence, which the authors have excluded from their primary inquiry due to the fact (they explain in the book and subsequent forums) that most jurisdictions no longer limit applicability of domestic violence laws based on family status alone, and treatment of the crime is uneven in terms of whether defendants are subject to criminal law burdens or benefits.
gives that author some benefits (such as being part of the Amazon Prime machine and being a part of a fairly sizable pool of money to be distributed to all authorsbased on sales and other factors).
Director of Human Resources / HR Consultant — Professional Duties & Responsibilities Oversee the planning, direction, and management of all HR - related activities including staff recruiting, candidate tracking, personnel screening and testing, and hiring processes in accordance with Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employment regulations Support senior management to develop and maintain personnel policy and ensure compliance with all standards, authoring and implementing new policies and procedures as needed along with creating HR procedure manual Serve as lead analyst for compensation reviews, performance and pay - scale benchmarking, market studies, and salary structure decisions, also creating organizational / staff planning charts for all departments and all positions Create and deliver firm - wide staff new - hire orientation, training and development programs, and performance evaluations utilizing a competency - based appraisal system which leads to focused training and development programs based on common and individual areas of performance deficiency Manage all aspects of workers compensation and unemployment claims on behalf of employer, attending hearings and participating actively in all related meetings Hold responsibility for all benefit negotiations, administration, and plan reviews, promoting compliance with and effective execution of IRS / DOL regulations, ERISA, HIPPA, and all audit - related processes Implement and sustain safety programs while performing regular safety - policy trend analyses to identify critical issues, developing corrective action plans to ensure compliance with applicable safety, health, and environmental regulations including OSHA and other applicable laws Consult with management regarding employee - and labor - related issues to resolve conflicts in a professional manner, conducting grievance hearings and negotiation agreements with worker representatives within the provisions of any applicable contract Provide relevant guidance and administration to the development of human resources site on firm intranet, housing online - employment forms, manager resources, job postings, and HR - related forms and documents Develop valuable staff relationships to improve workplace morale as well as maintain positive business relationships with all related brokers and vendors
Artists, authors, public speakers and certain other professionals may benefit from having potential customers get to know them on a more personal basis.
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