Sentences with phrase «benefit of pets»

The health benefits of pet ownership for older adults can include motivation to exercise, alleviate depression and loneliness and reduce anxiety.
Recent studies have found out profound positive health benefits of pet ownership.
First we'll do a quick question and answer overview of the workings and benefits of pet insurance.
We invite you to help us keep our vision alive by making a lasting contribution for the future benefit of pets in need.
The program was created in light of numerous studies highlighting the health benefits of pet therapy.
To promote public understanding of the joys and benefits of pets through education, support, and interaction.
This is a conservative estimate, as the study examined just some of the many known and potential benefits of pet ownership.
Of course, one of the biggest benefits of pets is that we have a constant companion.
A key benefit of pet sitting is that it's usually less stressful for the animal.
As is increasingly being recognised, the composite mutual benefits of pet ownership far exceed companionship alone.
The medical, emotional and social benefits of pet ownership are well documented.
An added benefit of your pet consuming adequate amounts of bone is that bone firms up stool which allows a dog's anal glands to be expressed naturally.
We work with leading scientific institutions to advance and share knowledge of the positive and lasting benefits of pet ownership on human and pet health.
The program focuses on educating landlords about the business benefits of pet - friendly policies as well as teaching tenants about how to be responsible pet owners.
Add the mental benefits of pet companions with the physical benefits - lower blood pressure, and less risk of heart attack - and it's a winning combination!
And that relationship will, in turn, deliver the myriad benefits of pet ownership.
There are a great deal of published studies detailing the health benefits of pet therapy.
The numerous health benefits of pet ownership include lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, stress reduction and decreased rates of anxiety and depression.
Most recently, Dr. Beck spoke with USA Today about the many benefits of pet ownership in retirement: «Want a Healthy Retirement?
To read more about the health benefits of pet guardianship, including those specific to seniors and Alzheimer's patients, please click here.
Tags: Cats, cost benefits of a pet, dogs, Masters in Health Care, Pet Costs Posted in All Past Articles, Animal Advocacy, TulsaPetsOnline No Comments»
In order to understand the unique nutritional benefits of these pet foods, you need to understand the benefits of avocadoes.
Pointing out that «we have more than enough pets to go around,» it pledged to «End Petlessness» and bring the health and emotional benefits of pet ownership to petless people.
But let me assure even the most sincere skeptic that PIJAC is, and will continue to be, on the front lines, fighting to educate lawmakers about the demonstrated benefits of pet ownership, and defending and promoting your ability to sell pets, pet food and pet products.
Based upon extensive research and interviews with veterinarians, this guide provides veterinary teams with the 10 best practices successful clinics use to grow an insured patient base and how to realize the positive benefits of pet insurance for improved practice «health».
All these among many other benefits of pets make their... Continue reading Why Grooming your Pet is Important for their Health and Safety →
To date, Pets in the Classroom has issued over 56,600 grants to teachers, and nearly 2 million children have experienced the joys and benefits of pet care since the program's inception.
A major benefit of pet insurance compared to insurance for humans, is that owners with insured pets can use any veterinarian, emergency clinic or specialist they choose; there are no networks that your pet must use for care.
Automatic pet feeders and Dog Waterers Similar to the dual benefits of pet doors, automatic pet feeders and waterers give cat and dog owners peace of mind knowing their pets have adequate food and water... whether they are home or not.
Adding Daily Digestive Enzymes to your dog's feeding routine will help unlock the full benefits of your pet food, increase nutrient absorption, improve digestion and promote immune function, all leading to a further cascade of benefits.
And talk about instant stress relief — not only do you get the proven benefits of petting a cat, studies have also shown that volunteering is good for your mental and emotional health.
Pet ownership has significant health benefits socially and relating to health, in particular with allergies, obesity and cardiovascular disease, so there are definitely benefits of pet ownership for families.
80 % of pet owners who were aware of the health benefits of pets reported spending most of the day or a big part of their day with their pets, compared to 71 % of pet owners who were unaware
«We are proud to be part of the work that American Humane Association is doing — showing the far - reaching benefits of pets to our society.»
As it moves forward in reaching out to children through the Pets in the Classroom program, PCT will have the data it needs to convince educators everywhere that it is not just the industry touting pets and the inherent benefits of pet ownership.
Until sufficient research is available, it doesn't make sense to assess pets purely on actuarial data, given the overwhelming benefits of pet ownership.
Pet - friendly offices are becoming a growing trend as employers are beginning to recognize the numerous benefits of pets in the workplace.
Incorporated in 1990, The Pet Care Trust is a non-profit, charitable, public foundation whose mission is to help promote public understanding of the joys and benefits of pets through education, support, and interaction, and to enhance knowledge about companion animals through research and education.
This entry was posted on Friday, November 2nd, 2012 at 2:58 pm tagged as Cats, cost benefits of a pet, dogs, Masters in Health Care, Pet Costs and is filed under All Past Articles, Animal Advocacy, OkcPetsOnline.
«Treat Planet looks forward to seeing HABRI - funded research further explore the positive benefits of pets in society, and in the meantime, we'll continue to provide them with the organic, high - quality treats that they deserve.»
In fact, this is the biggest benefit of their pet foods — they help to repair skin problems and restore health and beauty to even dull, lifeless coats.
Check out our quiz, created with our friends at HABRI (Human Animal Bond Research Institute) and see how much you know about the health benefits of pet parenthood!
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