Sentences with phrase «benefit to one's clients»

Here's what's up: [Description of your product or service, ideally in terms of benefits to the client rather than features and functions.
And I think some of those can really be a great benefit to your client as well.
Introducing this level of transparency, and (theoretically, at least) eliminating typical delays in diligence could bring tremendous benefit to clients who participate in these transactions.
Our knowledge of and familiarity with the local courts and their procedures, practices and customs, and the personalities involved in the litigation community serve as a significant benefit to our clients.
We offer countless other benefits to our clients when they avail HTML homework help from us.
By cutting out the middle man in the loan writing process, the reduced time and costs translate as direct benefits to our clients and savings in your pocket.
This is a huge benefit to our clients who have a hard time scheduling an exam or who want to avoid the medical exam altogether.
Focus on value by providing more benefits to your clients and partners instead of lowering your price.
Our experience offers a number of tangible benefits to our clients.
The psychological benefits to clients of living with a beloved pet include companionship, a feeling of being needed, and less depression.
Using our Help Build model, we identify, structure, and develop signature projects that deliver measurable environmental, social and economic benefits to the clients whose investment makes them happen.
I aggressively pursue penalty claims against employers and insurance companies that improperly deny benefits to my clients.
Car insurance firms offer various benefits to clients and believe in protecting responsible drivers, and for that reason, they have put in place mechanisms to allow clients enjoy their services.
Offer more innovative, in - demand financial wellness and student loan contribution benefits to your clients.
What are the key benefits to clients and law firms with this type of interface?
I've gotten $ 13,000 — $ 20,000 dollars in past cost of living adjustment benefit to my clients and many times in the thousands.
What I did not address is whether they should, and more importantly if it is of actual benefit to the client as these services are currently offered.
From an agent's perspective, this is a great way to provide long term care benefits to clients without having to sell a separate policy.
Thus, portfolio manager studies the investment plan and makes certain the plans provide intended benefits to the clients.
Responsible for the medical insurance and claim benefits to the clients who had contract with the hospital.
Use this exercise to show your sales associates how their particular characteristics, experience, professional contacts, achievements, marketing strategy, and personality will provide unique benefits to clients.
However, new rules and regulations created immediate benefits to clients overnight.
The biggest benefit to the client is that written brokerage agreements provide the opportunity for consumers to ensure they are getting the services they want, need and expect.
What makes them think that accompanying the inspection will have any lasting benefit to my client.
And this credibility brings great benefits to our clients that are plaintiffs.
No wonders, why they choose these software as they claim to contain features that guarantee a wide range of benefits to their clients.
Show proof and real tangible benefits to the client about your services.
After energetic discussion, the panelists agreed that tech improves the practice of law and brings benefits to clients at all levels.
Nick Thomas, senior partner at Kennedys, says: «Nick's appointment, and the growth of our global aviation team, will be of great benefit to our clients in the MENA and international markets; giving them access to both local and global expertise.
We devote our practice exclusively to divorce and family law, so that our depth of knowledge and breadth of experience in these matters provide maximum benefit to our clients.
Although not commissionable, these can be an added benefit to your clients when they are in Thailand.
At the same time, it was widely recognized by panelists and thoughtful advisors in the audience that robo - solutions lack some important «soft» qualities, which represent substantial benefits to clients.
From here, the initial problem only seems to be that Metlife doesn't bring any special benefits to clients, something that is needed to draw in new customers.
We reached settlement before trial which was of great financial benefit to our clients
She has experience in a wide - range of employment law issues from her time spent working in - house and having undertaken numerous multi-jurisdictional projects her experience will be of tremendous benefit to our clients who have an international element to their business.»
As a consulting partner with SmartWorker, Heather utilises our tools and delivers the following benefits to her clients:
We are really excited to find an organization that matches the LTG approach where each element is regarded as market - leading and can stand on its own, but when combined, provides transformational benefits to clients».
On the protection side, it generally includes a tax - free death benefit to your clients» loved ones and has an optional feature that gives them the ability to access their policy values to help pay for costs should the insured suffer from a chronic or terminal illness, just in case.
Findings suggest that short deferral period annuities can reduce the cost of funding retirement, provide longevity protection, and offer behavioral benefits to clients concerned about near - retirement market performance.
In granting benefits to his client, the three Judges indicated that the evidence that was presented was «overwhelming».
We actively participate in generating ideas to better and grow Radiant, in addition to delivering a service that has a ground level benefit to the client.
There are so many opportunities to try new approaches to innovate traditional operations and procedures, and if you had an infinite amount of time and resources you'd like to try all of them, but there's a real need to prioritize initiatives so you're delivering the most benefit to the client in terms of reducing the total cost of litigation or services and delivering other efficiencies.
Another practical way that lawyers can improve their client service is by recruiting technology to help in the effort, not just to improve internal efficiency (much of which is invisible to clients), but to provide a direct, observable benefit to clients.
«We are very glad to have him join us, and I am confident that he will be of remarkable benefit to our clients
It is our goal, through this position, to help design and implement programming in the Kitikmeot which will be off benefit to our clients and the communities in which we live.
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