Sentences with phrase «benefit writers and publishers»

He went on to elaborate that, «This partnership will greatly benefit writers and publishers who've been sitting on their back catalogs simply because the idea of digitizing the books themselves by hand was overwhelming,» says Felsen.
And, finally, he suggests that platforms like Kindle and Kobo wield a fascinating opportunity related to the type of in depth reading data that Sinead was talking about that can significantly benefit writers and publishers.
«This partnership will greatly benefit writers and publishers who've been sitting on their back catalogs simply because the idea of digitizing the books themselves by hand was overwhelming,» says Felsen.
«This partnership will greatly benefit writers and publishers who've been sitting on their back catalogs simply because the idea of digitizing the books themselves by hand was overwhelming,»

Not exact matches

Michael Pietsch, the CEO of the book publisher Hachette, called it «great news for writersand said that the new deal «will benefit Hachette authors for years to come.»
(Besides fewer dollars per sale, a traditional book has a literal shelf life; once your publisher wants to give that shelf space to their next writer, most of your book's trad - published benefits are * dead * unless you get famous enough to re-impress them, and / or you understand how to get your rights back.
But of course, since traditional publishers only pay attention to their big blockbuster writers and leave newbies to do their own marketing, one might as well go ahead on one's own and reap the (70 % royalty) benefits instead of the standard 8 % on nothing once «costs» have been paid...
Emerging Writer Membership includes additional benefits, such as low - cost web services, while Full Membership — available once you have a contract offer from an established publisher or agent, or earn significant writing income — allows writers to take advantage of contract reviews and other legal services.
I'm a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), a professional organization for SF / F writers that offers numerous benefits, including a members - only lounge at WorldCon, nomination / voting in the Nebula awards, private discussion forums, and a committee to handle grievances between authors and publishers (GriWriters of America (SFWA), a professional organization for SF / F writers that offers numerous benefits, including a members - only lounge at WorldCon, nomination / voting in the Nebula awards, private discussion forums, and a committee to handle grievances between authors and publishers (Griwriters that offers numerous benefits, including a members - only lounge at WorldCon, nomination / voting in the Nebula awards, private discussion forums, and a committee to handle grievances between authors and publishers (GriefCom).
A final major benefit of traditional publishing, and what I believe to be the most important, is the fact that, with a publisher, a writer has a team of experts in every aspect of book production — i.e., editing, copy editing, legal review, when necessary, cover design, formatting, marketing, and publicity — who work together with a common, vested interest in making a book the best representation of the author and the publishing house that it can be.
Their objective was to republish the content as eBooks to help broaden their brand as a publisher and provide a benefit for their writers.
«Today, we launch the Kindle Worlds Store and the platform that will enable any writer to benefit from writing in one of the Worlds we've licensed,» said Philip Patrick, Director, Business Development and Publisher of Kindle Worlds.
This information helps guide a writer to effectively position their manuscript within Inkubate for the benefit of publishers and agents.
It's a bad idea (my opinion again) couched in misleading language, and will unfairly benefit from its association with a major publisher, which will doubtless entice many inexperienced writers to spend money on the probably fruitless hope of being «discovered» by Harlequin.
That's why I laugh at the notion of comics needing the Big Two because if folks would've been more alert to the game being played sooner than people have finally started to, they'd have enjoyed the benefits of a healthy publisher / creator relationship like writers do and should and Marvel / DC would've started the slide into their current malaise / drek a lot sooner than the last few years.
It makes sense to me that for the first print run publishers stick largely with the current model but use POD on the backlist; that could have tremendous benefits to author and pub house both if done correctly (not to mention readers, who'd be able to order older books by a favourite writer and not face the flipping frustrating «out of print» or «no stock available» options.
From new and self - published writers to established best seller authors without distribution from traditional publishers, as well as small press company authors, e-book authors and independent publisher - authors — all can benefit from our book distributor consultation and contacts.
The house also runs its own sales platform, which it makes available to other publishers, writers and artists — another example of how the generosity that has benefited them and other Mexican publishers is now an attribute they are proud to offer others.
«And as agents usually work intensively with their clients on their material in advance of submitting to publishers, this should support and benefit the overall quality of publishing, along with helping find new writers and adding a new professional level to the industry.&raqAnd as agents usually work intensively with their clients on their material in advance of submitting to publishers, this should support and benefit the overall quality of publishing, along with helping find new writers and adding a new professional level to the industry.&raqand benefit the overall quality of publishing, along with helping find new writers and adding a new professional level to the industry.&raqand adding a new professional level to the industry.»
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