Sentences with phrase «benefits wealthy individuals»

Various academic and think tank studies have found that reductions in the small business tax rate disproportionately benefit wealthy individuals who incorporate their businesses in order to reduce their personal income tax burden, split income with family «shareholders» and avoid capital gains taxes.
But critics claimed it would largely benefit wealthy individuals and corporations.

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But if you look at who gets the bulk of the benefit, corporations, wealthy individuals, they got the whole loaf of bread and you got, yeah, crumbs.»
It turns out that while they were publicly crisscrossing America, they were also privately holding meetings with some of the wealthiest individuals and families in the country, urging them to not only invest in a new fund but become partners with some of the companies that will benefit from it.
The plan also leaves some decisions up to Congress, such as imposing restraints on wealthy individuals benefitting from the 25 % rate for pas - through businesses and the possibility of a fourth individual tax rate, higher than 35 %, to ensure that the rich pay their fair share of tax.
That win comes at a cost: By repealing the mandate in their tax plan, Republicans are paying for $ 1 trillion in corporate tax cuts and individual tax cuts that heavily benefit wealthy Americans by adding a provision that will lead to millions fewer people having health coverage.
So the 13 million increase in the uninsured and accompanying health care spending cuts helped to finance a plan that cuts corporate taxes by $ 1.3 trillion, partially rolls back the estate tax paid by wealthy families to the tune of $ 93 billon, and directs most of its benefits to the richest Americans with its individual tax cuts.
It cut corporate taxes and individual income taxes by $ 1.5 trillion, but Democrats note its benefits were skewed toward the wealthy and that limits on the deductibility of state and local taxes are a particular burden to a high - tax state like New York.
The law temporarily cuts individual income taxes across the board, with most benefits accruing to the wealthy, analyses show.
Government does not need to be big, but it would help if it served the benefit of individual constituents versus the interests of the wealthy and corporations.
U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Republicans are bound to run into political trouble by trying to sell their tax legislation as a boon to the middle class when most of its direct benefits will in fact flow to corporations and wealthy individuals.
Living in a society with a resource based economy, you know there will always be greedy and conniving people trailing behind wealthy individuals in hopes to somehow benefit from their success.
But large banks, corporations and wealthy individuals use properly structured life insurance contracts to obtain tax benefits, increase yields on cash, reduce borrowing costs and create positive arbitrage on equity loans.
Photovoltaic panels are catching on, as well, mostly where governments offer rebates or other incentives or wealthy individuals are willing to make a substantial investment up front for benefits that will take decades to accrue.
These attractive tax benefits make whole life insurance a popular savings and estate planning vehicle for wealthy individuals.
In her testimony, Harrison responded to critics of real estate deductions, who often claim those deductions benefit only a small number of wealthy individuals.
Some critics of the real estate deductions claim they benefit only a small number of wealthy individuals.
REITs, for the first time, brought the benefits of commercial real estate investment to all investors — benefits that previously had been available only through large financial intermediaries and to wealthy individuals.
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