Sentences with phrase «bent arm position»

Maintaining that rotated bent arm position, squat with a tall spine and forward oriented proud...
Maintaining that rotated bent arm position, squat with a tall spine and forward oriented proud chest as you tuck the tailbone back slightly.

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Roll up 4 counts, hold at the top, extend your arms forward, legs straight or bent in a table top position.
The proprioceptive system is the awareness of the position of the body and the movement of the arms and legs (e.g. the ability to judge how far to bend or pick something up or duck under a door frame).
Her head should be in a neutral position, not bent forward or back, and resting comfortably in the crook of your arm.
With no rigid parts, an octopus can bend its arms into positions that would snap the bones of even the most flexible human contortionist.
Contrary to decline skull crushers, these require you to close up the degree of bend in your elbows and move your arms closer to an overhead position, thereby accentuating long - head engagement.
Roll to right onto your back, bending knees slightly and bringing arms halfway down; curl up to sitting position as arms move back overhead.
The solution is the same: lock your arms in a slightly bent position and maintain in until the end of the final set.
Step 2: Inhale as you bend your elbows and lower your torso down, exhale as you straighten your arms and lift your torso back to the starting position.
From a seated position, engage your core to lift your legs and bend your knees, reaching your arms long by either side.
As one - arm dumbbell rows are performed in a bent - over position, you have one leg and one hand on a bench, creating stability and balance which allows you to freely focus on achieving the best contraction possible.
- Attach a rope to a pulley station set at about chest level - Grab both ends of the rope with an overhand grip - With arms completely outstretched, step back and bend the knees slightly or even better, kneel on one leg - Retract the scapula, squeeze the rotator cuff muscles and pull the weight towards your face - Externally rotate your hands so the knuckles are facing the ceiling - Hold for one second, then slowly return to the original position
Next time you're feeling sexy, get on top of your partner, kneel over him, and bend forward, using your arms and core to stay stable in a modified plank position.
Start the dips in top position by grabbing the bars and supporting yourself above the floor with your arms straight and torso slightly bent forward.
It actually bends your elbow when your arm is in the position to shake someone's hand.
Walk Out to 2 Side Plank Dips exercise — From standing bend over at hips so hands touch floor and walk hands out to plank position, turn to side plank position, body supported with one arm and put the other hand behind head with elbow towards ceiling.
Keeping arms raised and abs tight, step your left foot back and lower into lunge position so front knee is bent at 90 degrees and directly over your ankle.
Keep your chest open, chin up and maintain a parallel position with your arms (don't let your elbows waggle out to the side) as you lower yourself down to a 90 degree elbow bend, and press yourself back up.
Begin in a standing position with your right arm bent behind your head.
Place your right hand on the bent knee and turn your upper body to face the left arm and hold the position for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
-- From this position, bend your arms and slowly lower your body to the point where you feel a stretch in your shoulders or chest.
If you have trouble balancing in Vrksasana, try lowering your center of gravity by practicing the pose with your standing - leg knee slightly bent and the arms in a lower position.
When the arm is bent from the straightened position, the Biceps Brachii muscle is working concentrically.
Single Leg Squat to Fly: Begin from a lunge position with the arms slightly bent at shoulder height.
Bring your arms out to the side without bending them, and avoid shrugging the shoulders — look at the position of the hands -.
Open your arms out to the side, bending at the elbows until they are two inches from the floor in a goal post position.
The classic position is with the palms touching overhead, but you may choose to keep the palms separated at shoulder's distance apart or even to bend at the elbows and open your arms like a cactus.
Lying on mat with knees bent and fairly wide and feet on the ground, bring hands close together in front of you and crunch up pushing hands through space between legs, pulse in this crunch position 3 times and release, bring hands and arms to ground beside body and lift your legs straight up towards ceiling and lift butt up off the ground, reaching legs up further.
As you drive upward on the outstretched arm, tension on the bent leg allows the straight leg to swing through into a lunge position.
Garudhasana (Eagle Pose) is another pose that helps to develop more curve in the thoracic spine, according to Miller.In a standing position, bend your arms in front of you, crossing the right elbow over the left with the palms touching and in alignment with the elbows.
Keeping your upper arms absolutely stationary and perpendicular to the floor (parallel to each other), lower the bar by bending your elbows, but without changing their position.
Bending your lower arm is critical to keeping your torso in the same position on the ball.
1 - Position your arms in front of you with your elbows a little bit bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
Starting out in a plank position, you must bend your right knee to a 90 degree angle, while extending your right arm off the mat.
Bending your arms lower your body to the floor then use your chest to push your upper body back up into starting position.
Then lower your upper arm and bend your forearm to create a 90 degree angle (this is your starting position.)
Now bend your body in the midsection as you bring your arms slowly in front of you, and then down towards your legs until they are touching, and assume an upright standing position, with your feet together.
To do this exercise you have to start by the position in which your will bent arm laterals to do a front raises workout.
You have to start lifting the dumbbells in a very different position to make a bent arm lateral raise and it will be full frontal raise.
From standing bend over at hips so hands touch floor and walk hands out to plank position, do a plank jack by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center, and then walk arms back in and stand up.
Single Leg Deadlifts, raise one leg straight back, bend at the hips and grab the dumbbell with the opposite arm, slowly straighten up to a standing position, repeat on each side.
Step 3: Keeping your right knee bent, use your right foot and left arm to get yourself into a seated position almost like a sweep.
In a side - lying position as shown and with the arm supported and elbow bent to a right angle, the athlete lifts the weight upwards, keeping the upper arm resting against the body.
Starting Position: Begin by lying face down on a bench with your arms at your sides and your elbows bent at 90 degrees.
Start in a wide leg half squat position with arms bent and hands in front of you, fall forward so that hands are on ground and lower body down so that your face comes just an inch or two from ground.
Lie in a supine position with bent knees and arms on the floor.
Position the forearm against the wall, with the elbow bent and upper arm horizontal.
Stand in a slightly bent over position and support the body weight with the unaffected arm on a chair or table.
Begin in a squat position with the left arm out for stabilization and the right arm bent, kettlebell or weight at the shoulder.
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