Sentences with phrase «bent position»

The phrase "bent position" refers to a posture where a body part is curved or flexed instead of being straight. Full definition
Your legs must be in bending position and lifted in the air throughout the entire routine.
Keep the knees in a slightly bent position when exercising.
Special caution should be taken when rising from bent positions.
Next, hold the two feet down, but keep them in a natural bent position.
When you do this exercise, your wrists and your toes are forced to support your entire body weight and your wrists are in an unnatural bent position.
Keep your elbows locked in the slightly bent position throughout the movement.
The solution is the same: lock your arms in a slightly bent position and maintain in until the end of the final set.
A gentle extended practice that focuses on meditation in movement through standing, lying, backbending and forward bending positions for all - around health, resiliency and well - being.
Despite the «backbend» nickname often given to this pose, Rude emphasises the significance of seeing this pose more of a «front body opener» than it is a back bending position.
This natural position — with legs tucked in close — allows joints to remain in the same bent position they were in utero.
Two 3D - printed soft, flexible scaffolds: The one on the left is maintained in a rigid, bent position via a cooled, rigid wax coating, while the one on the right is uncoated and remains compliant (here, it collapses under a wrench).
The Terminal Knee Extension (TKE) exercise moves the knee through the end stage of the range of motion, or from a partially bent position as opposed to fully bent.
Dorian Yates had a unique approach to rowing — he used an under grip and a partial bent position to rack up heavy duty stimulation on his back.
Incorrect positioning on the road — bad lane discipline at roundabouts or being too far into the road going round a bend
Next time you perform lateral raises, make sure you lock the elbows in a slightly bent position and maintain it all through the movement.
At the same time, raise your arms in a bent position and rock rhythmically forward and back...»
(Even though they still snap back into their bent position while crying).
Unfortunately, a lot of inexperienced moms make the mistake of wrapping up their little ones while their arms are in a bent position.
Dress baby in loose clothing with loose diaper waistbands; avoid «slumped over» or bent positions; for example, roll baby on his side rather than lifting legs toward tummy for diaper changes.
To get those muscles contracting, lay your baby down on his back and start to move his legs in a half - bent position, as though he is riding a bike.
With your baby lying on her back, hold her legs up a bit, in the half - bent position.
But those hairs can get stuck in a bent position.
And when it comes to the lower back and spinal erectors, try extending your body upright from a bent position.
Start in a bent position with your hips bent and your back straight.
In a bent position with your quad muscles at rest, your kneecap is forced back against the thighbone, triggering knee pain and irritation.
Keep your knee in a bent position and lift your knee away from the midline of your body towards the ceiling.
Stand in a bent position and grab the pulley.
Stand in front a wall or rack so that in a bended position your body can be parallel to the ground.
Fix your gaze on a point on the floor in front of you and bend at the hips until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor, elbows fixed in a slightly bent position.
Slowly exhale, and return to the bent position forward by the end of your breath.
For example, using the same biceps curl exercise - as the arm is slowly straightened from the bent position, the Biceps Brachii muscle contracts eccentrically to control the downward movement and increase the angle at the joint.
We spend so long hunched over lap tops or iPads that our backs are constantly in a bent position.
Now exhale with the effort raising the legs up in a bent position while the legs will not be parallel to the floor.
Rather than simply hanging at the bottom of each repetition (which puts unnecessary strain on your tendons and ligaments), start each rep with your shoulders tucked into their sockets and your elbows at a slightly bent position.
Keep them locked into that slightly bent position.
Your right knee should be kept in a bending position over the ankle, sink your hips down towards the floor.
Yoga poses like the «surya namaskar», «ushtrasana» or camel pose, «uttanpadasana» or raised foot pose and «paschimottanasana» or seated forward bend position are best known for quick results.
Seated Calf Raise — Here you are working the calves with your legs in a bent position which primarily targets the soleus muscle rather than the gastrocnemius which is the main muscle targeted when the legs are straight.
Clasping the handles on to the upper - cable stations, step one foot forward for balance while locking your elbows in a slightly bent position.
Keeping the knee in a bent position, abduct the femur, moving your knee away from the midline of the body.
Take your right leg and bend your foot towards your glutes 10 times; on the 10th rep, hold the right leg in a bent position and pulse foot towards sky for a count of 10 (like you were trying to stamp your footprint on the ceiling).
Clasping the handles on to the upper - cable stations, step forward on one foot for balance while locking your elbows in a slightly bent position.
Alternating the arms from a bent position to a straight position builds up the chest and back muscles, as well as the core and legs.
Make sure your arms are bent at the elbow and that when you pull backwards your elbows stay in the bent position.
In this progression, you are going to hold the non-working leg in the bent position with the same arm (right arm for right leg).
While the muscles are contracted and the patella is luxated from its correct position, the joint is held in the flexed or bent position.
His knee caps are on the side of his legs as a result of staying in a bent position for too long.
The symptoms of radial nerve paralysis are paralysis of the front leg, in a flexed or bent position.
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