Sentences with phrase «bent wrists»

In addition, bent wrists make it a whole lot harder to bench press, because the force you generate when you press the bar can't go straight into it like it does when your elbows, wrists and the bar form a straight line.
Or even worse, provided with the extra support from the wrist wraps, you could continue to bench press with bent wrists and end up reaping far worse injuries.Wrist wraps aren't meant to help you get away with bad form, so save them for the huge weights and just straighten your wrists.
• Sutcliffe is what Cub pitching coach Billy Connors calls a «wrist wrapper» — a pitcher who bends the wrist on his throwing hand sharply inward during his windup.
We OTs love getting kids to work on vertical surfaces (think: easel or chalkboard) because of how it forces them to bend their wrists back (called «extension») as they play, something that is critical for good handwriting skills.
Infant begins to grasp blocks or cubes using the ulnar - palmar grasp technique (pressing the block into palm of hand while flexing or bending wrist in) but does not yet use thumb.
«Apes can't bend their wrist backward, and it's the bending of the wrist backward that allowed Ardi to walk on the palms.»
There is also the case of a male chimpanzee who had injured his fingers in a fight and hobbled around leaning on a bent wrist instead of his knuckles.
Slightly bend your wrists, creating a slight angle in your hands.
The pronator teres turns the palms down and assist at bending the elbow, and the other three muscles in the superficial layer bend the wrist (flex the wrist).
The muscles on the anterior forearm play a role in bending the wrist and fingers, and forming a fist.
Then have a partner try to bend your wrists so the fingers are pointing straight out palms facing the floor.
Use the other hand to bend the wrist and point the fingers towards the floor, applying gentle pressure.
With your other hand, gently bend your wrist farther until you feel a mild stretch in your forearm and hold for 15 to 30 seconds.
The extensors bend the wrist backward.
But there's far more room underneath the console than above it, so you have to bend a wrist awkwardly and root around past the seat cushions.
She was tired now, and the point bounced off the wood and raked across it, and Sartaj bent her wrist back and took the knife quite easily from her.
If your dog has his shoulder and elbow bent, when you bend his wrist downward, his toes should be able to touch his forearm.
You should not have to bend your wrist to make it around a corner or reach in an awkward way to any part of the cage.
Although the dog can not bend the wrist, this is not painful and dogs can use the leg almost normally.
«This is due to the extra angle I need to bend my wrist (or think preying mantis) to reach the necessary buttons and yet have control.»
Even some righties (including Wirecutter's Dan Frakes) use this mode when wearing the watch on the left wrist, because it lets you turn the digital crown with your thumb while keeping your pointer finger free for tapping, and it reduces the chances that your bent wrist will accidentally turn the crown or activate Siri.
Samsung's single physical button doesn't get in the way, thankfully, even when bending your wrist and hand at a right angle.
This makes it less likely for you to press the button accidentally, for example, when bending your wrist backwards.
I had to exert some effort and bend my wrists to the side in order to both read the screen horizontally and scroll.

Not exact matches

That tiny little bend allows you to keep your wrist straight as you apply — something that's much easier for those just starting their liquid liner journey.
With rigid wrists, and head held down, His hips correctly pivot; Knees slightly bent, he's best in town At putting back a divot.
To do that, you must maintain the cup, or bend, in your right wrist from start to finish.
Surely you've seen your little ones with their knees, ankles, hips, elbows, wrists and even fingers bent at all times.
Your baby is bending his or her arms, rotating wrists and bending legs.
Tiny fingernails, fussy hair, and even limbs that can bend at the wrist and ankles help give your little one a more human appearance.
Cons: handle bar position (my wrists are bent inward awkwardly), suspension is hard (can be numbing if you need to go over rough sidewalks), add - on costs (customizing requires buying more kits).
Try to take note of your wrist position as you hold or carry your baby, nurse or bottlefeed and rock or pat your babe to sleep, push your stroller or carry your infant car seat carrier and make changes to avoid extreme bending.
You can also find a puffy state of the back of the hands and feet and both foot and wrist bent downwards.
Having elbows and wrists that bend easily should not be an advantage, mechanically speaking.
Its hand was unpredictably unique: Not only was its thumb musculature robust, unlike that of an ape, but its midcarpal joint (in the wrist) allowed the wrist to bend backward to a great degree, enhancing its ability to move along tree branches on its palms.
The hand designs generally consist of a gauntlet attached to the arm or wrist, articulated fingers for gripping, and a system of «tendons,» which allows wearers to close or open the fingers by bending or straightening their wrists.
Always grip the barbell deep into your palm and keep your wrists slightly bent.
Extend your arms above you with a slight bend at the elbows and rotate the wrists so that the palms are facing you.
As you inhale, let your shoulders depress into the bench, tighten your lats, upper back and core, then bend your arms and slowly lower the bar toward the bottom of your chest, keeping your elbows and wrists directly underneath the bar.
From all fours or Downward Dog, bend your right knee and place it by your right wrist.
Your wrists should always be in a neutral position during kettlebell movements; they should never bend backwards or forwards.
Here's how to do it: Standing with feet shoulder - width apart, bend forward at the waist and place your hands on the floor; crawl forward to plank position with shoulders directly over wrists.
That bend compresses the median nerve leading from the wrist to the hand, explains the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
When it's placed too far back in the palm, the wrist bends and the center of gravity pulling the bar goes backwards.
Believe it or not, even a slight bend at the wrists can mess up your alignment and reduce the amount of generated force, making the lift ineffective and painful.
Most people get wrist pain because they grip the bar wrong, which causes their wrists to bend, no matter how hard they try to straighten them.
14, ice cream store, boss showed us how to scoop by standing behind us, grabbing our wrists, bending into the cooler & scooping as one.
They hurt because you grip the bar wrong and your wrists are bent.
To fix it, grip the bar low in your hands (griping it too high causes your wrists to bend), close to your wrists, keeping them straight, and wrap your thumbs around the bar using the full grip.
With the bulldog grip, your wrists will never bend and the power transfer from your chest, shoulders and triceps into your forearms and the bar will be higher.
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