Sentences with phrase «best adaptation strategy»

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The paper, «Intact ecosystems provide the best defense against climate change,» published in Nature Climate Change, discusses how certain adaptation strategies may have a negative impact on nature which in turn will impact people in the long - term.
The Australian government recently invested nearly $ 500 million in climate change research, including $ 126 million specifically earmarked to identify the best strategies for adaptation to hotter days, storm surges, drought, and rising sea levels.
Lubchenco emphasizes that the report highlights the need to formulate adaptation strategies to ocean acidification as well as the urgency to create a stronger momentum to reduce global carbon emissions.
The cost - benefit evaluation and optimization of adaptation actions can produce the best structural adaptation strategies considering both the expected lifecycle loss and total structural adaptation cost.
In May 2013 the Arctic Council decided to continue its work on the AACA initiative and requested the AMAP Working Group to «produce information to assist local decision - makers and stakeholders in three pilot regions in developing adaptation tools and strategies to better deal with climate change and other pertinent environmental stressors».
OceanObs ’19 seeks to improve response to scientific and societal needs of a fit - for - purpose integrated ocean observing system, for better understanding the environment of the Earth, monitoring climate, and informing adaptation strategies as well as the sustainable use of ocean resources.
Rather CBT is an approach that relies on the use of many different techniques that are designed to deal with each unique situation and individual and focus primarily on the changing of particular behaviours, developing better strategies for managing troublesome situations, and learning how to think about, perceive and interpret circumstances in ways that lead to a healthier adaptation to conditions that are producing the symptoms.»
Schoenfeld, B.J., et al., Effects of different volume - equated resistance training loading strategies on muscular adaptations in well - trained men.
Such assistance can be provided through adaptations, which include accommodations in the learning environment, instructional materials, and teaching strategies, as well as more significant modifications to task demands and actual writing tasks.
Also make the students aware of the various situations in which a skill or strategy can be used as well as adaptations that will broaden its applicability to additional situations.
The same company has been behind party game successes Wits and Wagers and Say Anything, as well as the natural selection inspired strategy title Evolution, which is soon to see a new electronic adaptation.
One of the most acclaimed artists of his generation and arguably the most provocative, Richard Prince (born 1949) is best known for his works of appropriation, the artistic strategy that involves the borrowing, adaptation, or reproduction of existing artistic forms as the basis for fresh creation and commentary.
The solutions, however, must also include a much better focus than present on climate change adaptation and reducing vulnerability to drought — a «no - regrets» strategy that will help both with natural variability, and the variability that could be made more challenging by human - caused climate change.
The trouble is that the science doesn't actually say that mitigation is a better strategy than adaptation, let alone whether an 80 % reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 is better than a 60 % reduction.
One thing I see lacking in this «longest monopoly game» is discussion of the most well proven, well practiced human strategy in dealing with adverse environments: adaptation and mitigation on a case - by - case basis.
Adaptation is the best primary strategy for decadal to century lengths of time.
The report argues that migration can be a «sensible climate change adaptation strategy» — if it is managed carefully and supported by good development policies and targeted investments.
As part of its work, the Group will develop practical proposals on how to significantly scale - up long - term financing for mitigation and adaptation strategies in developing countries from various public as well as private sources.
It included four areas of assessment: 1) relevance of the strategy to the GEF mandate and focal areas, as well as to countries» national sustainable development and adaptation agenda; 2) effectiveness of the proposed adaptation measures; 3) efficiency of project development and management in implementing the strategy; 4) results of the strategy and projects thus far as well as their sustainability.
It draws the actions from the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and National Strategy for Disaster Risk Management (NSDRM) as well as from field experiences.
The document also presents a comprehensive typology of coping and adaptation strategies for managing current climate risks and building the necessary knowledge and good practices for advancing adaptation over the longer term.
So while biochar might be a valid contribution to a future adaptation strategy, it's premature to know if it's the best option.
This includes model verification using observations, quantification of model probabilities and uncertainties, identification of key vulnerabilities as well as adaptation potentials, and, finally, developing response strategies.
«As well as being a substantial business opportunity, we recognise that climate change also represents a significant threat to our operations and have put metrics in place to inform future adaptation strategies.
My conclusion: adaptation is clearly the best strategy.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture and forestry may be suitable strategies to address the triple challenge of climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as the provision of basic services, including food; to a growing number of urban residents.
The multisectoral dimension Climate Services ensure that the best available climate science is effectively communicated with agriculture, water, health, and other sectors, to develop and evaluate adaptation strategies.
However (and thankfully), abandoning old capitalistic and nationalistic get - rich - quick ideologies, collaborating on never - before - seen international levels for the purpose of achieving the greater good of humanity, and all of the adaptation strategies being adopted on local levels across the globe are among the significant positive effects of global warming on humans.
If government changes its investments because of the new «Rules of the Game», then the poor's well being can improve in the face of a changing climate even if they can't afford any of the private adaptation strategies.
Through training workshops, communities will gain knowledge on different mitigation and adaptation strategies as well as capacity building on how to monitor emissions from their households and community level.
On the basis of well - established evidence from the past 20 years, there is now wide consensus among scientific organizations and approximately 97 % of climatologists that human - generated greenhouse gas emissions are the cause of climate change.1 — 4 Although the effects of climate change are already being felt across the world, the magnitude of the effects of future changes depends on our ability to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and implement adaptation strategies within the ensuing decades.5 Thus, it remains possible to protect children, families, and communities from the worst potential effects of climate change.
The report includes a primer on the science of climate change as well as examples of adaptation strategies currently being pursued around the country.
«It suggests that a more cautious attitude is warranted when evaluating the current and future costs of climate change, as well as the expected benefits of mitigation and adaptation strategies
A total of 22 European Member States answered the questions focusing on eight thematic areas or topics: governance, vulnerability, impact and adaptation assessments, national and subnational adaptation strategies, climate - change mitigation, strengthening of health systems, awareness raising and capacity building, green health services and sharing best practices.
I particularly welcome Victor's focus on the need for better strategies to engage with emerging economies, such as India, that are making serious proactive contributions to mitigation, and adaptation, demonstrating that while they have not caused the problem, they will be part of the solution.
This plays quite well into the rich country strategy of stalling their own ambition (both in terms of reducing their emissions and in terms of financing adaptation and mitigation in developing countries) and worsening the climate crisis, while at the same time setting up an international treaty to lock in China et al to reduce emissions.
As the burgeoning world of social enterprise indicates, there are a lot of success stories attributed to the adaptation of business strategies to advance social well - being.
Your resume is a very good start, and here are my suggestions for improvement: - It's a great strategy to use the job ad to tailor your resume, but I think your adaptation is a little too much.
The article reports that the cultural adaptations enhance acceptability, sustainability, and effectiveness of trauma treatments, as well as the engagement of local community members in participatory dialog regarding their perceptions on the value of treating childhood trauma, the outcomes of successful trauma treatment, and whether there are traditional support strategies that could be blended with the evidence - based trauma treatment.
How adolescent girls differ from one another in dispositional coping tendencies and shift specific coping strategies in response to varying stressors have been theorized as important predictors of their adaptation, health, and well - being during this dynamic period of development.
The Native Title Report 2008 examines the challenge of climate change for Australia's Indigenous peoples and the support they require to put in place adaptation and mitigation strategies, as well as new opportunities to participate in emerging carbon markets and to apply traditional knowledge in response to climate change.
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