Sentences with phrase «best biblical scholarship»

This means that the recorded words and deeds of Jesus must be taken seriously, with the best biblical scholarship available for their understanding but without dismissal or disparagement.

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And it's unlike any other book I've ever written, for in addition to the memoir, it includes original poetry, short stories, soliloquies, and even a short screenplay — all aimed at capturing the wonder and beauty of Scripture, while honoring the best in biblical scholarship and acknowledging the challenges of its most difficult passages.
I do the best dog - and - pony show I know how to do, not only to make that point of view as clear as I can but exciting with vignettes from the history of biblical scholarship, the conflicts, and so forth.
Biblical scholarship of the last half of the 19th century has made it possible to arrange the texts in approximate chronological order as well as develop broad chronological outlines.
The man who does not yet know (and that still means all of us) that we know Christ no longer according to the flesh, can learn it from critical biblical scholarship: the more radically he is shocked, the better it is both for him and for the cause.
While there are excellent and well - stated «conservative positions» with regard to certain biblical issues, there is, no such thing as an «evangelical body of scholarship» which constitutes anything like a rival «school» to mainstream scholarship.
The Navarre Bible, that wonderful commentary which has done so much to seed the wasteland of contemporary Biblical scholarship, refers in connection with the passage I quoted from Matthew (9:36) to words of St Margaret Mary Alacoque: «This Divine Heart is a great abyss which holds all good, and he commands that all his poor people should pour their needs into it.
Perhaps the author is better when it comes to biblical scholarship and you should stick to your own area that you're better at, which is something else.
I realize this may not be clear or meaninful to some readers and I can't take the space here to go into it other than to say that a good segment of biblical scholarship for a couple decades at least, has properly broadened its pursuits in an interdisciplinary manner, into probing for better understandings of the nature and formative, growth processes of the earliest groups of Jesus followers and how they ultimately became Jewish Christian groups, or started as mixed Jewish / Gentile groups (as via Paul, et al.).
Before continuing to review the discussion as it has been carried on within Protestant theological circles, we may perhaps be permitted a brief excursus into the realm of Roman Catholic biblical scholarship, for Strauss's book produced an immediate reaction from a Roman Catholic New Testament professor in which what has come to be, to the best of our knowledge, the standard Roman Catholic viewpoint, was developed.
His seminary education (where «I could concentrate on critical biblical scholarship because I already knew the biblical content and narratives so well») and his later faith experiences and human encounters made it possible for him to analyze and interpret his own history in a way that has freed him to preach from the totality of that experience to the totality of human experience, encompassing as it does suffering and celebration, alienation and reconciliation, sin and redemption.
Four deleted scenes featuring an option of a joint commentary by Lussier and Soisson are likewise useless in context, but do further the idea that the filmmakers really believed that they were involved in something of value not only to vampire lore, but to biblical scholarship as well.
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