Sentences with phrase «best every day to serve»

He has gotten to know each of us as individuals and as a result we are all inspired to do our very best every day to serve our clients.»

Not exact matches

As an example of «better living,» Mauchly asserted that computers might one day serve to lower the cost of a loaf of bread.
The report concludes on a note of optimism: «At the end of the day, we believe that the greatest opportunity of our time is to leverage the power and scale of business to serve humanity, and harness the best of our humanity to reimagine the way we do business.
The 1970s - era shopping centre in Montreal's Saint - Laurent suburb has seen better days but, in at least one way, it's cutting - edge: unbeknownst to the diners, this food court serves as a laboratory for MTY Food Group, where it develops and perfects its new fast - food concepts.
It's a good idea to have a decent serving of protein post-workout (at least 25g) but it's much less important than just eating enough protein over the course of the day in general so don't get too hung up on it if you schedule doesn't permit this.
They seem to be trying to spark a large wave of conversations about how the old «always be hustlin»» and «toe - stepping» culture — which served them well in the early days of a «winner - take-most» market — needs to be adapted to fit with where they're going and who they want to be.
And maybe they were good long ago, but too often these days they serve merely to stifle progress, entrench the positions of giant corporations and enrich those in the legal profession, rather than the actual inventors.
Alinea is one of the world's best restaurants and serves a multi-sensory, 16 - to 18 - course menu in the The Gallery Menu and it costs $ 285 to $ 345 per person, depending on the day of the week.
The discrepancy is to some degree attributable to a custom dating back to the boiler - room days of the early 1980s, when financial commentators felt obliged to ignore offerings deemed unsuitable for laypeople's attention (with good reason, considering that some underwriters actually served time).
You can not just wake up one day and start mining your user's data in whatever way you desire, even if it's to serve them more targeted advertisements or better content.
Send a notification mail to your users if you change your privacy policy — You can not just wake up one day and start mining your user's data in whatever way you desire, even if it's to serve them more targeted advertisements or better content.
And we thank our employees for all their hard work with an annual «Mind, Body, Spirit Day» — an entire day dedicated to serving our employees physical and mental well - beiDay» — an entire day dedicated to serving our employees physical and mental well - beiday dedicated to serving our employees physical and mental well - being.
Brett Clothier serves as a partner at Memphis Invest where he oversees financial reporting and activities as well as day - to - day operations.
As the heads of state and local Hispanic chambers of commerce, we are looking for national representation that recognizes that our organizations are in the best position to serve Hispanic business owners because we know them, and work with them, personally every day.
We look forward to the day when the improving regulatory environment in the US will allow us to serve customers here as well.
«I'd stop living if I didn't have the opportunity to learn something every day» Roy Neuberger «Nothing has served me better in my long life than continuous learning» Charlie Munger
Do you do good only out of fear of punishment, so that you scowl, even when you will the Good, so that in your dreams at night, you wish away the punishment and to that extent also the Good, and in your dreams by day imagine that one can with a slavish mind serve the Ggood only out of fear of punishment, so that you scowl, even when you will the Good, so that in your dreams at night, you wish away the punishment and to that extent also the Good, and in your dreams by day imagine that one can with a slavish mind serve the GGood, so that in your dreams at night, you wish away the punishment and to that extent also the Good, and in your dreams by day imagine that one can with a slavish mind serve the GGood, and in your dreams by day imagine that one can with a slavish mind serve the GoodGood?
Some will doubtless conclude that they can best serve by allowing others to operate day - care programs containing little or no religious education.
Beloved there is now sett before us life, and good, deathe and evil1 in that wee are Commaunded this day to love the Lord our God, and to love one another, to walke in his wayes and to keepe his Commaundements and his Ordinance, and his lawes, and the Articles of our Covenant with him that wee may live and be multiplied, and that the Lord our God may blesse us in the land whither we goe to possesse it: But if our heartes shall turne away soc that wee will not obey, but shall be seduced and worship... other Gods, our pleasures, and proffitts, and serve them; it is propounded unto us this day, wee shall surely perishe out of the good Land whither wee passe over this vast Sea to possesse it:
From the parable of the Good Samritan, to the several quotations attributed to the Teacher wherein he emphasizes that it is our treatment of our fellow man, and especially the poor, needy, downtrodden, sick, young, old, sinner & believer alike that will serve as the primary basis for our individual judgment come the Day we face our God.
I lean towards the third view... but I admit it is the most difficult of the three views... Christ's priorities appear to be «love in motion» flowing in almost unpredictable directions as dictated by the greatest need: — He heals a slave rather than rebukes slavery; — He heals a man at a pool, then leads the man to belief, then says «cease from sinning»; — He heals many others and says «go and sin no more» to but a few; — He shares money with the poor but establishes no long - term aid; — He touches lepers; He converses with seeking Pharisees; He debates with other Pharisees; He lives with Samaritan outcasts for two days; — He acknowledges the five «marriages» of the Samaritan woman as «marriages»... and then remarks about her current co-habitation... but then moves to higher priorities; — He seems so very focused on internal holiness and not on external holiness; — He violates the Sabbath; He says He is Lord of the Sabbath; He even says that the Sabbath was created to assist man, rather than man created to serve the Sabbath... thus turning the entire concept of the Law into one of assistance rather than being chained to obedience; — He insists on impartiality in the way we bless others, even if we call them «evil» or «good».
ok lets put it this way so everyone can understand what i mean that god said in the bible that it should be one man and woman to be married and god is the opne that wrote the bible and god is the one that die for us but if you all what to say that god is wrong and u are right then that is your choose but for me and my house we will serve the lord and we will go by what god says in the bible and if you think the bible ios wrong that is your choose but this world was better back in the old days in my home we do nt watch to much tv because it says in the bible do not put no evil before your eyes
Surrounded by such places, and steeped in the principles of Catholic social teaching, the participants of the Seminar grapple with the monumental questions of our day: How, after a half - century of degradation, can the institution of the family, the bedrock of civil society, possibly bear the weight it must bear if freedom is to serve the common good?
And even though we remain sinners with mixed motives even on our best days, if we find ourselves driven by pride and self - serving motives it is better to leave the words of correction to others.
It would serve us all well to be bilnd and deaf for a few days.
If we will refuse to surrender to any excuse not to serveto make other people's problems our problems, to be interruptible, to do what we can and to work together — I believe our best days are ahead of us.
There is now set before us life and good, death and evil, in that we are commanded this day to love the Lord our God, to walk in His ways and to keep His laws and the articles of our covenant with Him, that we may live and be multiplied, and that the Lord our God may bless us in the land whither we go to possess it: but if our hearts shall turn away so that we will not obey, but shall be seduced and worship... other gods, our pleasures and profits, and serve them, it is propounded unto us this day, we shall surely perish out of the good land whither we pass over this vast sea to possess it.
Both the nests and eggs are best made the day before serving, so that they can be left in the fridge overnight to set properly.
Hi Lori, I think the brownies taste their best for up to 5 days, but you could keep them for up to a week in an air - tight container If you're serving to friends I would serve it warm, or you can glaze them and then keep them like that.
Curries always taste better the next day and looking forward to serving this one up to my curry eager friends!
I'll also be giving a talk and bringing The Mae Deli to Good Roots festival, where we will be serving delicious mae bowls, smoothies, juices and treats all day.
Determine which type of carbs and how many carbs you want to eat — this includes the number of fruits you'll have per day as well as your daily number of servings of starchy vegetables.
If you're serving a baked good, like brownies, you can make it several days in advance, freeze, and set out to thaw the morning of the big day.
Guava is also a good way to boost your immune system because it's full of Vitamin C, far more than oranges, and even a small serving, such as half a guava, will give you your total Vitamin C for the day.
It would be a good one to serve on the big day - colourful, vibrant, tasty: a guaranteed crowd - pleaser.
I find this cake is best served the next day as it allows the flavors to blend.
The salted caramel chocolate chip cookie bars keep well in a cool dry place (or even in the fridge, just allow them to come to room temperature before serving) for about 3 to 4 days.
Buddha bowls are generally packed to the brim with fresh; seasonal vegetables that will help you meet your minimum of five serves each day — a good thing since so few people actually hit that target.
I recommend preparing this the same day you intend to serve it for best results.
It is best to serve them the same day that you make them because they do start to brown the next day.
This soup, however, I actually wrote down when I made it a few months ago... and up until the last few days (when I started trying to avoid high FODMAP foods — of which butternut squash in medium and thus best eaten only in small quantities, and garlic and onion is high and therefore avoided) it has served me very well since butternut squash is cheap and readily available at the moment.
1) Chop onions and garlic 2) Cut beef livers into small cube - sized pieces 3) Melt 100g of butter in a pan over medium heat 4) Saute chopped onions until softened but are still white in colour 5) Add garlic and chopped livers, frying livers until browned all over and cooked throughout 6) Add in white wine and mustard powder, and salt & pepper 7) Process liver mixture and 50g of remaining butter to get a smooth blended mixture 8) Add salt and pepper to taste 9) Transfer pâté into a serving ramekin or small bowl / dish 10) Chill in the fridge for a few hours (note that pâté generally tastes better after a few days) 11) Serve with crackers, garnishing with chopped parsley
They're a really effective way to get dense nutrition into our bodies, and when you're trying to eat 6 - 7 cups of veggies every day, drinking an I Quit Sugar smoothie ensures you get 2 - 3 serves of the good stuff in a single hit.
I'm speaking for myself here but as a Naturopath, I think it's pretty normal to hear people say they consume roughly three serves (on a good day) of vegetables when we discuss diet.
They keep well in the refrigerator for a few days and make a great lunch (make them into single - serving sizes) to pack — for kids, for your spouse, for YOU!
I recommend that you make these ravioli the day before or even a few days before you're ready to serve it (as it's good to flash freeze them before boiling).
You'll need to shake it well before serving, but it should stay good for at least several days.
Scones are best served the day they are made, but will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 48 hours.
With Mother's day just a few days away I thought I would put together a short list of a few of my favorite deliciously simple, secretly healthy recipes that would be perfect to serve for Mother's Day brunch, or lunch or anytime because well, brunch!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ All of the recipes you see below are super -LSB-...] Read moreday just a few days away I thought I would put together a short list of a few of my favorite deliciously simple, secretly healthy recipes that would be perfect to serve for Mother's Day brunch, or lunch or anytime because well, brunch!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ All of the recipes you see below are super -LSB-...] Read moreDay brunch, or lunch or anytime because well, brunch!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ All of the recipes you see below are super -LSB-...] Read more...
If making in advance, double wrap in plastic wrap (unfrosted) and store in the fridge for up to 5 days (but this cake is really best served without refrigerating).
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