Sentences with phrase «best genre»

So imagine my satisfaction when this movie turned out to be one of the year's best genre films.
Not a masterpiece, but a really good genre flick.
So having better genre categories would probably boost sales.
Of course, we also hope to help good genre authors get the recognition that they deserve.
For the greatest genre - painting, see: Best Genre Painters.
(Normally, the fourth game I try is an MMO, not a collectible card game, but this wasn't a formal review, and card games are as good a genre as any other.)
He's found some of the coolest, most insane, and best genre movies of the past 10 years, so the fact he selected mine pretty much leaves me speechless.
Good genre writers are forced into the brutally Darwinian world of the Kindle bookstore.
The latest from writer Simon Barrett and director Adam Wingard, the team behind You're Next, is «an even better genre pastiche,» according to A.A. Dowd of the A.V. Club.
Vanguard alumni Peter Strickland returns to the section with his bewitching The Duke Of Burgundy (Grade: B +), an even better genre whatsit than Berberian Sound Studio.
Although the genre leans heavy in the science fiction category, and Ridley Scott's Alien historically leans toward horror, the film definitely stands on its own, balancing quite well both genres.
The starkness of that division is evidence of a screenplay with six credited authors, expectations of a franchise that went astray when it abandoned Bryan Singer (as all potentially great franchises seem to abandon Bryan Singer, to their detriment), and a director who's capable of giving good genre (Kick - Ass) saddled with material that's at least fifty - percent garbage.
JF: A bloody good genre cover with a great sense of place and lots of juicy details.
But Historical Mystery in general seems to be a pretty good genre as you can enter the Top20 with a relatively high sales rank and still potentially sell well.
Her debut novel, THE SECRET LIFE OF ANNA BLANC was a finalist in the Lefty Awards for Best Historical Mystery, The Colorado Author's League Award for Best Genre Fiction, the Macavity Sue Feder Award for Historical Mystery, and is the WINNER of the Mystery & Mayhem Award for Historical Mystery and the Colorado Gold for Best Mystery.
As I noted in the award post for best genre PvP itself, the staff couldn't reach a consensus for nominations.
The winners for best genre film were «Get Out,» «The Big Sick» and «Wonder Woman» in the sci - fi / horror, comedy and action film categories with «Wonder Woman» director Patty Jenkins presenting the #SeeHer award to Gal Gadot for her acting as the Amazonian princess; the award highlights «women who push boundaries and recognize the importance of accurately portraying women across the entertainment landscape,» according to Variety.
When it comes to the best genres on the bill, rock and roll hit the highest note.
Deadlic entertainment showed us once more, that they are the best this genre.
I very much enjoyed the film, and I felt that it was among the best genre films of that decade.
A merely adequate rhythm game swaddled in yuck, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F can't hang with the best the genre has to offer.
If Human Centipede is your idea of a good genre film, stay away from this movie.
«Dawn» is not just a good genre movie or a good summer movie.
Genre fans will enjoy this one as a fine little slasher and it is one of the best the genre has to offer.
With several adjustments in crucial MMO features, set in a dynamic, living world, Guild Wars 2 casts the spell with its emergent gameplay to old and new players alike, making it the best the genre has had to offer in years.
Unusually for Spielberg, the emotional grace notes that elevate his best genre work — Elliott's flying bicycle in E.T. or that first dinosaur reveal in Jurassic Park — are substituted with the sugar rush of endless cyberscapes.
Rayman Origins is a return to form that stands alongside the best the genre has to offer.
This is one of the best genre films of the past decade, full stop.
Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead are a filmmaking duo that have quietly made some of the best genre films the indie world has seen in recent memory.
It's a playfully demented and dry evisceration of the tenuous hold that modern western civilization has on civility, walking a fine line between the best genre horror and the loftiest of intellectual indie cinema.
While it's by no means the best the genre has to offer, this adventure is definitely one that's worth checking out.
Held in Austin, the film festival is eight days of the best genre filmmaking has to offer.
Neon Demon: Not a horror film in the strictest sense, I am including NEON DEMON here as it is one of the best genre films of the year.
Brolin is the only one in the cast who escapes without complete ridicule - if he actually got a decent western role, he looks as though the western could be a good genre for him.
Good genre - benders are somewhat hard to come by because they generally lean too far on one side of the spectrum, resulting in elements on the other side falling flat.
It's funny and thoughtful, and the best genre half - hour comedy in a long time.
It's a very violent film but apparently one of the best genre flicks to debut this year.
With its sharp - edged political assessment of American culture, Tragedy Girls is a subversive little provocation that clearly establishes itself as one of the year's best genre films, and its reputation, like Sadie and McKayla's, is destined to soar.
«Mayhem» «Office Space» meets «Crank» in year's best genre film, a killer action - comedy - horror midnight mashup from director Joe Lynch.
The actor went on to suggest that Aquaman won't be without its horror elements, either, explaining that the genre «is a really good platform to mold these [directors] with good film language; it's a good genre to strut their stuff.
It combines two of the best genres that are ideal for mobile gaming: the epic RPG (play it anywhere, not just in front of a TV), and the pick - up and - play action of Dynasty Warriors, perfect for filling life's boring gaps.
Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are, simply put, some of the best genre comedies of the 21st century thus far; Edgar Wright's collaborations with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost always seem to result in incredibly hilarious, acerbic comedies that have the rare distinction of actually serving as fine examples of the genres they lampoon.
by Walter Chaw It seemed like a good idea at the time: Kevin Costner — still a hot commodity just four years removed from Dances with Wolves, fresh from what might be the most important film of his career (A Perfect World), and not yet stigmatized by Waterworld — reteaming with his Silverado director Lawrence Kasdan, then one of the best genre writers in Hollywood, for a biopic of the famous lawman Wyatt Earp.
It didn't seem like the best genre to try and bring to touchscreen devices.
Paul Verhoeven (Total Recall, Hollow Man) introduces himself to American audiences, crafting the first of several of his engaging, ultra-violent films that would also rank among the best genre films of their era.
As part of our ongoing celebration of the 8th Annual Women In Horror Month, today we are showcasing what looks to be one of the best genre movies of 2017, the horror anthology XX, a collection of short films from four female directors.
It has all the elements you want from a good genre film and then it adds a fascinating dimension of national identity and appropriation as a matter of power, which is more a matter of gender than culture.
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