Sentences with phrase «best human possibility»

Depth of loving is our best human possibility — even if now and again (as psychologists tell us) it is of the love - hate variety.

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It's best to open up the possibility of not having to write that termination letter at all and shed valuable human capital.
Afternoon napping has been suggested by many and seems to align well with humans» natural circadian rhythms, but if your customers or your kids make that option untenable, are their other possibilities for dealing with your daily energy rollercoaster?
Most importantly, they reject without much examination the possibility that fully autonomous robots might, in some environments and for some situations, distinguish military targets far better and more accurately than humans can.
Unfortunately in my case, I've probably gone to excess the other way... after 43 years of being (in my view) threatened with hellfire for every cotton - picking thing (including the «sinfulness» of being born in the first place because it's a well - known scriptural fact that every human is born sinful and separated from G - d, with a heart that does nothing but desire evil and no way to please G - d even when righteous), threatened with being «left behind» in the rapture (should I fail on some doctrinal (belief) point at the crucial moment)... I refuse to consider ANY possibility of hell at all.
One virus - particle doesn't change color, but as it procreates mutations in that process can make the resulting child - virus differ from the parent - virus, so that the child - virus is capable of infecting a human as well as the original host thereby opening the possibility for a new human disease.
But that seems to rely too much on human ability to overcome Evil and with our track record that doesn't seem like a good possibility.
To the degree there are vital Christians in any culture that culture is strong in inner fabric and high in possibilities for human good.
It is an expression of the wonder of being human when people take miserable circumstances and discover unexpected possibilities for some good, even some growth in them!
The good life can be lived only with due recognition of such restraints as well as of the great possibilities of the human will.
Good lives are made rather than found, he insists, simply because without overriding values for human life, the possibilities of a good life are highly variaGood lives are made rather than found, he insists, simply because without overriding values for human life, the possibilities of a good life are highly variagood life are highly variable.
One can very well agree that Christian existence has always been an ontological possibility for man, in the sense that it does not entail «changing human nature into a supernature, «54 and yet say that it is an antic possibility only for those in a certain historical situation.
and thus there is no possibility that the awesome variety of conflicting opinions about the things most important to human beings, including the best political order, can be transcended toward universal and objective knowledge.
The FBI, who investigate most hate crimes, would not rule out any possibility, even the relatively mild and all - too - human possible scenarios I touched upon in my posts, without good reason to do so.
A priori (by «dichotomic» analysis of the various outlets theoretically offered to our freedom of action) as well as a posteriori (by classification of the various human attitudes in fact observable around us), three alternatives, together forming a logically connected sequence, seem to express and exhaust all the possibilities open to our assessment and choice as we contemplate the future of Mankind: a) pessimism or optimism; b) the optimism of withdrawal or the optimism of evolution; c) evolution in terms of the many or of the unit.
The Renaissance appreciated human aspirations and the continued new possibilities of the good.
I acknowledge that the social environments of family, race, class, education, work, culture, cult and nation are the inescapably human contexts that shape all our possibilities and achievements as well as our blindnesses and follies.
They recovered the classical experience of reason as the potential infinity of human questions, showing how this dynamic «ratio» as a desire for understanding is healed and transformed by the paschal - metanoetic experience of faith in the Sophia - Cod of compassion and love.4 Aquinas, for example, understood God as «intimately present within everything that exists since God is existence» and that Cod's omnipotence — Aquinas wrote very little about it — regards not actualities but possibilities, and is best manifested in forgiveness and compassionate mercy.5
The well - known phrase «impossible possibility» stands here in Niebuhr's thought for the warning that the pure love of God transcends human possibility.17 At the same time an element of uncalculating sacrificial giving of the self to the good of the other is possible for man.
«Human nature is, in short, a realm of infinite possibilities of good and evil because of the character of human freedom.&rHuman nature is, in short, a realm of infinite possibilities of good and evil because of the character of human freedom.&rhuman freedom.»
If the doctrine of the new life of the Christian is the hardest of all to believe, as in our disillusioned time it must be, still there can be no good news of Christ apart from the possibility that in some measure the life of love can actually be lived on this dark and bloody battlefield of human history.
Thus the issues which are being debated anew in the theological turmoil today center in the meaning of Christian love as it points on the one side to the possibilities of human existence, and as it points on the other side to a fulfillment of this life in an ultimate good which transcends the possibilities of this world.
His evaluation of politics is shaped by the conviction that Christianity has understood human possibilities and limitations better than its Marxist and liberal competitors, so that the prospects for the future depend greatly on recovering Christian insights, understanding them and using them to shape our political expectations.
He ultimately argues that there was an original act of violence which ultimately led to the possibility of the destruction of all people in the community, and so to avoid the ever - increasing cycles of violence, the community selected a ritual victim (a human or an animal) that would both carry the guilt of the community as well as the violent tendencies into death, thus satisfying the demands for revenge and the blood lust that comes with it.
But more to the present point, it is by sacrifice — by the voluntary loss of some good out of devotion to a greater good, that the highest possibilities in human life are realized.
Because, it is claimed, evaluation presupposes valuation as a condition of its possibility, any merely «disinterested» or «value - free» understanding of human reflection is of necessity excluded.20 Any consideration of the evidence of experience could only in the nature of the case ever illustrate, but logically could not falsify what must always necessarily be the case, even if such a consideration could well force a limited reconstrual of the hermeneutical analysis always itself presupposed in the strictly conceptual presuppositional analysis which uncovers the necessity of such elemental valuing.21
Against H. Richard's emphasis on human finitude and dependence, Reinhold's awareness of human freedom and the Christian's political responsibility seems better to acknowledge the creative and liberating possibilities of moral action and of God's work in history.
A socio - biologist can tell a young woman on the best scientific authority that nature designed her, body and mind, to conceive, bear and care for children, but it he can not tell her in the name of science that in so doing she will fulfill her human possibilities, and he can not answer her when she declares war on such natural necessities.
But, from the Bible's point of view, even more disquieting is the possibility of human freedom, symbolized by the tree of knowledge of good and bad.
Because association is indispensible to an understanding of the achievement of the best of human possibilities, such as art, science, philosophy, religion, society.
The possibilities which are presented are blessedness which comes from self - fulfillment and the acceptance by God of that self - fulfillment — all of this, of course, in relationship with others and not in any presumed human isolation of self hood — or the disintegration or failure which comes from self - destruction or rejection by God because there is nothing to be received by God in His consequent nature for the furthering of His purpose of good in the course of the process of creative advance.
From this decisive affirmation, we can receive some of its positive ingredients as a new possibility for human improvement, without romanticizing it as the apex of all good.
Imam Feisal believes that God wants the human family in all its diversity to flourish, that America is the world's best opportunity to realize this divine possibility and that Muslims have much to contribute to the American project.
But perhaps I have not sufficiently stressed still another important matter, namely, that in all human decisions, and the actions that are consequent upon them, there is likely to be serious distortion of, or a sadly imperfect response to, the possibilities for good.
(As far as humans are concerned, there is no reason for us to reject the possibility of some sort of subjective survival beyond death as well as an objective immortality in God's own feeling.)
Nevertheless, from the facing of the fourfold source of human suffering, I do come to a reassuring conclusion: on the basis of no - God I can see no possible explanation of the problem of good, but on the basis of faith in God I can see the wide - open possibility of Mind and Purpose here and of an ultimate outcome which will vindicate the Creator.
In disclosing undreamed - of possibilities for us, revelation seeks to expose the very core of human longing as well.
But we should grasp the obvious truth that in a society where what is supposed to be good and right is imposed either by some supposed divine fiat or by required conformity to «what the Joneses do,» there is, in fact, no possibility of genuine moral principles involving both human freedom and human accountability.
This allows for the possibility of unlimited capacities including: creativity, critical thinking, multi-level development of intelligence, social consciousness, healthy interpersonal relationships and a well - rounded, emotionally - grounded human being.
The net offers novel threats and organisational challenges, as well as new possibilities for human flourishing.
Although new synthetic drugs are closely evaluated for high specificity, high efficacy, low toxicity, and good pharmacokinetics, little attention is paid to the possibility that the chemically synthesized drugs may eventually be discharged from the human body into the environment in their original and / or metabolized forms.
So one has to take seriously the possibility that any significant change this virus makes... may well come from that quarter, rather than from humans» (Science, 10 July 2009, p. 140).
Jonathan Balcombe not only discusses the pleasure that humans derive from admiring beautifully formed and coloured insects such as this ladybird (known as a ladybug in North America — Coccinellidae family), but explores the possibility that insects and invertebrates also experience pleasure, as well as pain.
The technique, which requires genetic engineering, can not be applied directly to people, but the achievement points toward better understanding of human aging and the possibility of rejuvenating human tissues by other means.»
The self - renewable capacity of these cells, their ability to differentiate into several tissue progenitors (neural, mesenchymal stem cells...), and the possibility to work with mutated cell lines define human stem cells as a good basis for screening compounds libraries in order to discover new potential drugs for monogenic diseases.
Such modifications in human beings raise the possibility that we are changing not merely a single individual but a host of future individuals as well, with potential for harm to occur to those individuals and perhaps to humanity as a whole.
The problem with bigger numbers and endless possibility: They don't go well with humans.
Throughout this he, along with writers John Logan and Dante Harper, explore new territory with the creation and existence of the alien species as well as the possibility of androids outsmarting humans.
There's a whole new world to explore in Planet 51, and the best principal gag the movie can come up with in the whole realm of possibilities available to a strange, undiscovered planet is that the native beings of the planet think of a human being as an alien.
Tudyk says, «I'm doing my best,» and is hopeful it will happen, since «playing a droid gives you the possibility to pop up in other Star Wars films since they don't age like the human characters... Sure, why not?
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