Sentences with phrase «best information available»

There is a LOT of good information available on what intervals are and how to perform them.
If there was an efficient stock market with good information available to all traders, the share price would eventually rise toward $ 3 million.
There is a lot of good information available to the general public concerning cat diseases and we don't feel that we need to repeat that here.
There's so much good information available today regarding food and nutrition.
Furthermore, is there better information available to individual investors to estimate the fair value (or replacement value) of assets without expertise about the technical specs of assets on the balance sheet?
While there are lots of studies and good information available on the importance of shoes, not nearly as much is said about the importance of socks.
Geoff is correct in saying you'll have to learn on the job but the good thing is there is a lot of good information available for free and plenty of us who are trying to help authors navigate their way.
(3) All technical figures for the Range Rover SV Coupe, including, but not limited to; acceleration, power, speed, and fuel economy are Manufacturer's estimates based on best information available at time of publication.
Louisiana match your site good information available on cnn and foxnews.
Management's determination of fair value is then based on the best information available in the circumstances and may incorporate management's own assumptions and involves a significant degree of judgment, taking into consideration a combination of internal and external factors, including the appropriate risk adjustments for non-performance and liquidity risks.
«Before making an important decision, get as much as you can of the best information available and review it carefully, analyze it and draw up worst case scenarios.
We can't be very good Atheists if we're not making our decision based on the best information available, can we?
But life is short, he reminds us, and so we must act on the best information available to us in spite of our lack of certainty.
The work of rethinking the world as inclusive of both nature and human beings in the light of the best information available is largely excluded from the universities.
The best information available indicates the number to be about 88 billion or 8.8 x 1010.
Our mission is to make sure that every parent has free access to the best information available.
Ultimately, the infant feeding choice is the mother's, but this decision should be based on the best information available.
He has a duty to vote his conscience with the best information available, and as information is constantly changing, it'd be pretty easy to give a good reason for changing his mind and getting the suit dismissed.
Ultimately, they say, informed decisions on climate policy will need to rely on the best information available from controlled and cautious field experiments.
I love to scour the fitness association journals that fall into my inbox and dig further from the often misinterpreted articles forwarded to me by clients to find the best information available for application in designing videos, workouts, and programs that I first use myself before sharing.
It's not just because I'm an aromatherapist that I bring you the best information available, it's because I am a stickler for two things: REAL INFO and REAL LIFE.
They do the hard work of fixing people up, and use the best information available today, on psychology, sociology, anthropology, a la matchmaking.
These teachers deserve the best information available about what works.
Provide the Secretary with the best information available to develop international transportation policy and carry out the Department's international responsibilities in a timely manner;
To me, it's simply the best information available into author earnings.
We want you to have a clear shot at the best information available.
Because there is little to no market activity, these inputs reflect the entity's supposition about the assumptions of market participants based on the best information available in the circumstances.
Nonetheless, the best information available indicates positive returns from stocks are highly likely after a holding period of about 5 to 10 years.
These resources were hand - picked to provide some of the best information available in their categories.
to have the best information available.
All of the listings are posted for free to ensure that pet owners have the best information available on local vendors in their neighborhood.
ESTABLISH LINKS TO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE FOR OWNERS AND BREEDERS: The Foundation will gather helpful information about cancer (both general information and specific to certain prevalent cancers in our breed) that can be easily located and easily understood by non-scientists.
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