Sentences with phrase «best kind of worlds»

While I would love to publish such a document, because it would just be the best kind of worlds - colliding art criticism around, I suspect a check will be cut before the judges take out their rulers.

Not exact matches

2018, in all likelihood, is the year that kind of transformation happens to the corporate communications field, due to the fact that corporations have finally figured out the best ways to leverage mobile phones and communications platforms in order to get their messaging across to their employees, and to the wider world.
«Its theory seems to be: Let's get lots of people to push for all sorts of things and the world will get better, it's kind of a shot gun approach rather than a targeted one.
The best kind of promotion WOULD N'T it be nice if advertising executives the world over told it like it is instead of trying to dazzle us with gimmicks and slogans?
As much as those who fear any kind of measured gun control try to stop the brave Wintemutes of the world, however, there is good news too.
However, other kinds of financial firms are assessing whether Paris could be a good alternative to London, including the world's largest asset management firm BlackRock.
Throughout much of its first decade of existence, the search engine company presented itself as a different kind of company, one that cared about changing the world for the better first and making money second, an ethos exemplified through its famous «don't be evil» motto.
Named for one of the world's most legendary drinkers, this bar offers more than 200 kinds of rum, as well as special rum - tasting sessions in which shots are interspersed with chocolate, nuts, and dried fruit.
U.S. companies thrive at this kind of brand storytelling, probably because they are brash and not afraid to tell the world that they are the best.
The north is well aware that even in the crude terms of oil and supplies, it almost certainly lacks the funds to pay for any kind of sustained military campaign, despite having one of the world's largest standing armies.
Well - liked and relentlessly positive, Johnson, then 53, seemed to offer the kind of can - do Silicon Valley spirit that hadn't been seen in the retail world since, well, ApWell - liked and relentlessly positive, Johnson, then 53, seemed to offer the kind of can - do Silicon Valley spirit that hadn't been seen in the retail world since, well, Apwell, Apple.
Besides miles and miles of storage lockers of various sizes, all running along corridors named for nearby Etobicoke streets, it will feature a world - class wine - storage centre with an on - site sommelier, as well as sharp - looking lounge spaces for tasting parties — «a kind of country - club set - up,» Creighton says.
You could have the best content in the world, the most amazing audience and even traffic coming from all kinds of places like social media and referrals.
Although NOBLES, which is offering easily providable products and services, is the kind of store that, obviously, almost anybody in the world would welcome, the concept / premise upon which it is based has appearently eluded the best corporate minds in the world, as an extensive search of the internet has conclusively shown that there are NO OTHER STORES LIKE IN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!of store that, obviously, almost anybody in the world would welcome, the concept / premise upon which it is based has appearently eluded the best corporate minds in the world, as an extensive search of the internet has conclusively shown that there are NO OTHER STORES LIKE IN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!of the internet has conclusively shown that there are NO OTHER STORES LIKE IN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!OF THE EARTH!!!
The team will create a global free trade ecosystem by docking to all kinds of businesses of shelter and food as well as cakes and ale, so that LNC players can go to all parts of the world to pay for consumption, promoting the value of LNC in circulation.
This full - day event is the first of its kind dedicated solely to short selling and will feature 22 of the world's top practitioners who will share their wisdom, lessons learned, and best, actionable short ideas.
But it's kind of a sad example, but certainly it's a good indicator that that phrase is, and in a Madoff sort of world, not something that probably is a great descriptor.
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A rivalry of this kind might be best summed up by a line from the vainglorious head of the fictional tech behemoth Hooli, on HBO's Silicon Valley: «I don't want to live in a world where someone else makes the world a better place better than we do.»
I pray to whichever holy name (God, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, Jesus, etc.) suits the ONE Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being that ignorance is wiped away from our species and we become a closer, more loving, peaceful creature and that we realize how much time we waste and how much further we push our fellow neighbor and brother under God, regardless of creed, away debating over who's God is better and discover the error of our ways before we destroy each other... before it's too late, because The End is Nigh!!!!! LOL!!!!! Really though, isn't the world full of enough tragedy, and aren't their so many more important things that need our energy and attention like the innocent children in Pakistan dying from diseases from the flood or the homeless children in our own country, or the lack of education, which is exactly what leads to this kind of debate?
this is so much more real and fits so much better with the image of a kind and loving god... thumpers would have u believe that god is the angriest, most spiteful, micro controlling, bitter, nasty character ever put out to this world... we must remember that the god thing is supposed to produce caring, inclusion, peace and love ~ not murder, hatred, exclusion and bullying..
We need not worry that we are not reaching the entire world; we must instead be faithfully present to those whom choice or chance have put in our paths, showing them as best we can that this kind of study is emphatically worthy of love.
If immigration of this kind must be actively pursued, wouldn't it be better to follow an open policy of allowing not - yet - murdered Christians in Muslim countries around the world to emigrate to the United States and other western countries.
@ total non sense Perhaps we're splitting hairs here, but I was trying to be kind by implying that rather than treating religiosity as a mental disability, for which the supposedly clinically sick can receive insurance benefits and evade personal actionable responsibility by claiming illness, it would be better to treat religiosity as a societal functional disorder which can be addressed through better education and a perceptional shift towards accepting scientific explanations for how the world works rather than relying on literal interpretations of ancient bronze age mythologies and their many derivations since.
But Cage's kind of simplification is what Jose Ortega y Gasset was writing about between the world wars in Man and Crisis at a time when Europe as well as America was experiencing the events that turned out be prologue to the coming counterculture of the sixties.
America is doing more than any other nation to spread the kind of political structures that can best prepare the globe for God's ultimate work of establishing the final kingdom, Webb contends, and he proceeds to quote from a variety of sources to support a role for providence in contemporary theological thinking while interpreting America's rise to world power as a divine blessing that comes with special responsibilities.
David said, «I often think there isn't malicious intent involved, just that they are so consumed and obsessed with the success of the perceived good impact they are having on the world that any kind of setback would be seen as unfortunate.»
The good life is one which maximizes community and this kind of life opens up most widely the world of value, of myriad forms, of limitless possibilities.
It is a deeply historical struggle in the world of the Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs, Sauron, and the wizards; given this kind of world, the mythic struggle of good and evil is the parabolic way to portray it.
For the saving love of God to be present to human beings it would have to be so in a way different from how it is present to other aspects of the body of the world — in a way in keeping with the peculiar kind of creatures we are, namely, creatures with a special kind of freedom, able to participate self - consciously (as well as be influenced unconsciously) in an evolutionary process.
When we find ourselves living as peacemakers in the world, this kind of living so easily leads to persecution because we all know the way the world works — it wants us to pick a side, and it's not going to go down so well when we don't pick a side and want to see everyone flourish.
«The event, the fourth of its kind, seeks to raise global awareness and create a forum for collaboration around the wide array of powerful and promising cell therapies, gene therapies, and immunotherapies emerging from medical institutions around the world, as well as the impact new technology will have on humanity and society,» a press release by the Cure Foundation explains (h / t Christian Post).
The kind of people we are is more important than what we can do to improve the world; indeed, being the kind of people we should and can be is the best, and sometimes the only, way to improve the world.
God in His will through history had into reality seemingly illogical or cruel events to happen in our world, but no one is spared if the purpose is for the good of humanity, wars pestilence even the holocust has a reason and purpose beyond our comprehension at our times but will be reveald in the future, The Phillipine catasthrophy for example is viewed by some as Gods punishment, we experienced the brunt of natures punishing power but it also unveiled the true feelings and concern of the whole world in helping us materially and spiiritually by aiding and consoling us that was unprecedented in history, The whole world had demostrated, to me, a kind of humanitarian concern and love that trancends races and culture, A kind of demonstration by higher being the we humans is one with Him.The cost of human lives and misery is nothing in history compared to its positve historical consequences
But for this Christianity in the world itself, the decisive task of the Church is definitely not a facile preparation of concrete patterns for such a Christian life, of such a kind that it would only be necessary to copy them obediently, conscientiously and comfortably for one to be ipso facto a good Christian.
For me, these kinds of cartoons are meant to bring joy at the thought that the good we do in this world may be appreciated by all and gives the universe a blessing.
I didn't pray for leukemia but I got it children die everyday new souls in this sometimes very cruel world what kind of god does that I'm sure you'll say the sins of the father or it just wasn't gods plan or if we were better Christians then we wouldn't be punished or our faith was being tested and to all of you I say what a cruel child of a god you have that» tests his flock he so lovingly created excuse after excuse I'll keep my faith in the science that put my cancer in remission and if I'm wrong I'll march straight into hell knowing I made no excuses
'» (90) The prevailing attitude, he shows, is heavily influenced by the Platonic concept of an evil material world and a perfect immaterial soul, as well as a misunderstanding of Scripture in which heaven, (as a kind of final resting place for the soul), is emphasized over the clear biblical picture of a new heaven and new earth for which believers will be physically resurrected.
Since we live in the kind of world we do, a good addition to the basic image would be one person seated directly beside the minister, obviously acting as a translator — since language too is a variant.
Hereâ $ ™ s some of the things that grabbed me: important theological / spiritual themes are developed through the story such as good and evil, leadership, courage, love, forgiveness, and unity; good character development; convincing geographical descriptions; it does feel like the same kind of worlds Tolkien, Charles Williams and C. S. Lewis wrote about.
Relations have names that signify properties such as «kind» and «attractive» and those that signify activities such as «loves,» This variety of possible names of relations and the states and activities that they symbolize fits well with Whitehead's understanding of a world in process and of prehensions of this active process.
theres much more good in the world to be done, so instead rubberstamping segregation or hate of any kind... I have «faith» that somewhere up on an imaginary cloud jesus is shaking his head and looking at his watch.
The kind of person who wants to leave this world a better place lives very differently than the kind of person who wants to leave this world for a better place.
Exactly the same kind of boy, however, with the same endowment of native instincts, may be born in a good home and may easily become a blessing to the world.
The only kind of goodness that does much good in the world is of this joyful sort.
The reason is not that it is psychologically harmful or that there are not good reasons for it (there is always reason for it, and there is probably always room for the right kind of anxiety or concern about ourselves and the world).
It would be unfaithful to both the best in the world of scientific learning and the wisest kind of religious leadership to offer more than these broad clear strokes in the portrayal of what it means in our day to undertake the work of a scientist as a Christian calling.
In other words, the sacrifice that saves the world is first of all a kind of commerce between the human and the divine, something the Hindu understands as well as the Christian.
It is one of theologian John Cobb's important contributions that he points so clearly to this kind of causation, which we know so well, as providing a much better way of conceiving of God's causality in the world than the concept of a God who intervenes through external causation.
(For an example of this kind of approach at its best, see Ninian Smart, World Religions: A Dialogue (London: SCM Press, 1960; Penguin Paperback, 1966), a text for advanced high school or college students.)
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