Sentences with phrase «best necessary evil»

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Conference calls tend to be a necessary evil for many of us, dragging out conversations that could be better covered in another medium.
Sometimes that's a necessary evil if you're getting much better financing, but it's not necessarily the most cost - effective option.
Every member of President Trump's advisory councils should wrestle with his or her conscience and ponder Edmund Burke's famous warning that «All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.»
The culture feeds a mentality that crowds out a necessary give and take — the very concept of good - faith disagreement — turning every policy difference into a pitched battle between good (us) and evil (them).»
It is simply false, therefore, to claim that Plantinga must view all evils in the actual world as necessary for bringing about some greater good or avoiding some greater evil.
Even if evil and suffering is a teaching tool, an all good God would only allow as much evil or suffering as is absolutely necessary, in order to achieve a greater purpose.
The major Christian tradition has not been pacifism, in the sense of refusal to share in any war, but it has been a testimony for peace in the sense that war is seen as a necessary evil at best and never something in which to glory.
Divine providence, of course, will always bring about God's good ends despite — and in a sense through — the evils of this world; but that is not the same thing as saying that evil has a necessary part to play in God's plans, and that God required evil to bring about the kingdom.
The * natural * reaction is to demonize the aggressors; after all, as Edmund Burke and others have pointed out «the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.»
«All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.»
The quote, misattributed to Burke, «The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing», gets at the same point, somewhat.
To fulfill this mission it was necessary that God the word should become perfect human being in possessing a rational soul capable of exercising a real choice between good and evil and entering into conflict with the passions of the human soul.
It is a view that takes authority to be a positive good rather than a necessary evil alone and in so doing preserves a truth about human nature and society that stands in danger of loss.
What this means becomes clear through Jung's statement that it is necessary to succumb «in part» to evil in order that the unification of good and evil may take place.
This choice and the knowledge of good and evil were necessary if human beings were to be rational.
But the freedom of events, both good and evil, is a necessary character of their being.
Thus, while the two world wars may appear from a human point of view to have been evil, from the point of view of God's plan for restoration they were good and necessary.
It is a long way from such an ideal of political activity to the actualities in which it is carried on; but it is essential to our human attempt to live together to see that the «game of politics» is not merely a necessary evil but that it has at its best a link with legitimate good.
But the evil is in the tyranny, not in the coercion, In some human relations at least coercion is not only necessary, which Niebuhr of course admits, but also it is an essential element in the growth of the real good of mutuality among free and responsible persons.14
And concepts of good and evil can easily be defined as human (or hominid) created concepts that are necessary for forming civilizations.
Growth as measured by GDP is not a good, but more a necessary evil.
Theological determinists ultimately deny that there is any genuine evil — any evil that is not necessary for bringing about some greater good or avoiding some greater evil — and acknowledge instead that each instance of evil is a necessary component in God's perfect creative plan.
Swinburne sets out to defend God's omnipotence and goodness (although he is weak on God's omniscience) by arguing that the evil in the world is necessary to the measure of good in the world, with good finally winning out over evil.
War is hard, yes, I knew that, but when it's just, when its necessary, the good of it outweighs the evil, it can be used to do a tremendous amount of good.
Schulweis could write that Whitehead finds occasions which are intrinsically evil to be necessary and justified for the attainment of higher perfections, but he should hasten to add that such occasions must be referred to as «good» in light of the whole.
The proper definition of apparent evil, however, is prima facie evil which when judged from an ultimate frame of reference is that in the place of which no other realistically possible occurrence could be better.2 «Apparent» evil is not only a means to perfection, but also a morally necessary and justified means.
There is, of course, wide disagreement on these issues, some holding that war is sometimes necessary for the restraint of evil and the winning of time for positive steps toward peace, others holding that war itself erects such barriers to these steps that it is completely futile as well as unchristian.
Atheist tend to be materialists and know the positive charge is a necessary force that can not be removed yet think the forces of good or evil can be removed by man.
What if Edmund Burke was right, and «the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing»?
Nonetheless, although novelty is a necessary condition to achieve value, it can also produce evil should it introduce a chaos that can not be creatively formed into a higher order, for as Whitehead did clearly state: «The novelty may promote or destroy order; it may be good or bad» (PR 284).
(3) Evil is not an inherent or necessary part of existence or human nature (creation was created good), but neither are humans wholly free to choose the good at any given moment.
And this is the real danger for Christians today, a casual attitude toward our religion, a lassitude that lives out that famous line often attributed to Edmund Burke: For evil to thrive, all that is necessary is that good men do nothing.
As it has been said, «The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.»
A necessary evil, through the miracle of modern psychology, is transformed into a positive good.
As Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense, «society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil
An all good God would only allow as much evil or suffering as is absolutely necessary, in order to achieve a greater purpose.
I despise fast food, now, but when traveling, I find it a necessary evil, Wendy's is better than the ones who cook with «pink slime»!!!
Curbing the game's plague of force - related issues — without creating an entirely new sport and burying the old one completely — means dealing with force as a necessary evil at worst, and as a prohibited but inevitable ghost in the machine at best.
It's one of those little necessary evils of parenting: choosing the best booster seat for your child.
Fox mentions a quote, «The only thing necessary for evil or meanness to happen in the world is for good people to stay silent.»
Even though many people (even physicians) still argue that cholesterol is evil, and a low fat diet is healthy, it's a fact that normal amounts of cholesterol in the body are necessary and absolutely important for good health and normal hormonal balance.
CrossFit Sanitas — Endurance Warm - up Warm - up (No Measure) «The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing» - Edmund Burke EMOM 12 1.
To help the shake «taste good» while keeping calories low as possible, sugar alternatives are a necessary evil in many protein powders.
Many foods condemned as evil are not really evil at all; in fact, most of them are necessary for you to have a well - rounded, happy life.
The only glaring flaw of this bombastic Michael Bay spectacular is that the special - effects driven showdown between the forces of good and evil drags on for about an hour longer than necessary.
How blurred is the line between the two, and if evil is necessary for good to prevail, has good actually won out in the end?
This inflexibility is a necessary evil as the purpose of Haggis to set a standard across Scotland and therefore ensure that both staff and pupils are well prepared for exam questions.
'' «The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.»»
Wilson reminds us of Edmund Burke's words: «All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men [and women] do nothing.»
Because lots of us are sick and tired of Germanic tech-fests that regard the driver as a barely necessary evil - for now - rather than being at the center of proceedings - as long as the numbers are better than those of the preceding model?
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