Sentences with phrase «best of swimmers»

We were told that even the best of swimmers drown here, a fair warning to everyone about the strength of Nacpan's waves.
Fatigue can set in, and no matter how good of a swimmer they are, they may tire out and be unable to stay afloat.
He is that good of a swimmer.

Not exact matches

And through his research on what separated the performance of Olympic swimmers from others who didn't fare as well, Dan Chambliss came to a similar conclusion:
There is not a better example of this then the most recent summer Olympics with the Phelps beating out the South African swimmer who so focused on beating Phelps and slamming Phelps in the media.
«In Rio we had a conversion rate of about 30 per cent in terms of the number of swimmers that swum their best times there rather than at the trials.
I think they have a good understanding of the strokes, which in time, as they watch other swimmers and learn new techniques, they will carry over into their training and they will improve on their times.
With a dominant win in the men's 200 IM on Thursday, Michael Phelps became the first men's swimmer to win an individual gold medal in a single event in three consecutive Olympics, and likely ended for good any discussion about whether he or Ryan Lochte is the star of London.
On Sunday afternoon, as Hall stood in Memorial Union's Tudor Room, where Counsilman used to treat swimmers who had a 3.0 GPA or better to dinner, he recalled an image of his coach from that same meet.
Alta Briggs — The Folsom Sea Otters swimmer qualified for the finals of the Suburban Swim League Championship Meet in four individual events and was on 200 medley and 200 freestyle relay teams in the finals as well.
It was an effort that cemented her status as one of the section's best swimmers of all time (12 golds, five NCS records, 2 national records over four years) and one to watch on the national stage in the years to come.
The Grizzlies show up together to meets and always leave together as one unit well after most of the swimmers have gone home.
 · The junior group won numerous silver and bronze medals for every event as well (even though the club's top 4 swimmers are part of the US National Junior Squad and thus did not compete for SCA in this meet).
«You might find it hard to believe,» he told his young swimmers when Splash arrived, «but this old codger was one of my best freestylers when I first came here during the Boer War.»
Al Wiggins, handsome Ohio State swimmer who makes specialty of cracking records, addedanother to list, covering 100 - yard butterfly in 0:54.4 to better own world markfor event in Ohio AAU championships at Columbus.
Actually, he was a good swimmer, but I was in charge of entries and, since we could not take everyone, I turned him down.
Each Try It Day is held at the Clarke Memorial Swim Center at Heather Farm (unless otherwise specified) and gives the swimmer a good indication of the basic skill sets used in the sport.
In launching his quest for eight gold medals, Michael Phelps barely held off Ryan Lochte, the best swimmer you've never heard of
Unlike other athletes who can push off the ground with their legs to sprint forwards, back - wards or to throw a ball, water polo players, as well as synchronized swimmers, do not have a stable base of support to push off from.
As Marc Courtney - Brooks touched the wall well ahead of the field on the anchor leg of the season - ending 400 - yard freestyle relay, his coach, the irrepressible Jim Steen, bear - hugged his swimmers and acknowledged the boisterous cheers emanating from the purple - clad Kenyon College section at the St. Peters Rec - Plex in St. Louis.
Her winning time of 1:57.66 in Friday's 200 - meter freestyle was the 13th - best women's mark in the world this year and first among U.S. swimmers.
I guess that there can be too much of a good thing because she ended up getting swimmer's ear the next day.
While Hobbs said modeling can provide better information for would - be swimmers, she wonders whether it is wise for the Park District to completely leave the decision to enter the water in the hands of individuals.
The waters off of Kaiolohia are not particularly friendly to swimmers, so keep to the beach to ensure everyone has a good time.
For instance, since more advanced children swimmers often toss or throw their goggles up onto the edge of the pool while getting a breath, good swimming goggles should be durable and stand the test of contact.
Embattled Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte will appear on the next season of «Dancing With the Stars,» as will former Texas Gov. Rick Perry; Olympic gymnast Laurie Hernandez; model Amber Rose; and Maureen McCormick, who may be better known as Marcia Brady.
Some people also have better [so - called] «locomotive genius» — this is when swimmers have that sense of moving the water around them and how much water they are displacing.
Trying to find a pair of budget underwater headphones for swimming can be tricky when it's hard to find the right size of the best kind of earbud tip for swimmers: the elusive triple - flange.
Compared to city slickers, men from a rural region of Missouri not only have lower sperm concentrations, they have fewer strong swimmers as well.
The species, native to the Caspian and Black Sea basins, was well known on that side of the Atlantic for its ability to fuse to any hard surface, growing in wickedly sharp clusters that can bloody boaters» hands and swimmers» feet, plug pipes, foul boat bottoms and suck the plankton — the life — out of the waters they invade.
He says the leaner body shape resembles that of tadpoles found in rivers, where they need to be better swimmers.
If I hadn't been a good swimmer, I probably would not have gotten out of there.»
In 2014, Conway Morris was part of the team that discovered Metaspriggina: one of the oldest - known vertebrate fossils, perhaps over 500 million years old, which displayed hints of a gill structure, as well as the muscle arrangement of an active swimmer.
The effects of the cyanobacterial blooms include a higher cost for cities and local governments to treat their drinking water, as well as risk to swimmers in high concentration areas, and a nuisance to boaters when blooms form.
In a study comparing adolescent soccer players to swimmers, cyclists and a control group of boys not involved in regular sport, scientists at the University of Exeter found soccer led to significantly better bones after one year of training.
Many microbes eventually merged into symbiosis with other microbial types (e.g., acid and heat lovers, swimmers, and producers and breathers of oxygen as well as hydrogen and methane).
If noise is a trait encoded in the sequence of the gene, evolution may be able to fine - tune it, just as the evolutionary process might make a predator faster or a fish a better swimmer.
Explored by Tim Ferriss in his wide - ranging The 4 - Hour Body (which incidentally also covers: how to sleep two hours per day and feel fully rested; how to produce 15 - minute female orgasms; and how to pay for a beach vacation with one hospital visit), cold could well be the secret behind why Everest explorers need to eat truckloads of lard in order to prevent catastrophic weight loss and why champion swimmer Michael Phelps can get away with eating 12,000 calories a day.
While this type of diet may work well for the naturally lean and skinny people as well as endurance athletes like marathoners, cyclists and swimmers, it is very likely that it would not work for regular Joe and obese people.
This «swimmer pollution» threatens a large part of the coral life in the ocean and indirectly many other ocean species as well.
I've often used garlic for infections with great results (including for other types of ear infections), and thought it might be helpful for swimmers ear as well.
On each day, we were joined by groups of people who selflessly came out to support us, as well as cyclists, runners and swimmers who joined us for segments along the way.
Therefore, incorporating a variety of core strengthening movements in your program will prove essential when targeting these goals; helping your swimmers shed seconds in the water while also making them better athletes.
For swimmers, they can swim faster and attain better control while runners claim that there are lesser chances of acquiring injuries through the help of Pilates.
That being said, if you're an extremely experienced swimmer and / or have a good swim buddy to swim with, there are some really cool things you can do without necessarily having to just swim laps back and forth in a pool while staring at the black line at the bottom of the water.
Athletes are especially fond of this, and it's probably the best steroid stack for distance runners, soccer players, swimmers and anyone who needs to push hard for hours at a time.
The very very last thing that I add in and sometimes it can be a good 12 - 15 weeks before I add in this component is chronic competitive motion where it's okay, we're actually going out to go on a bike ride or swim or run or something that is metabolic conditioning roadwork because that's the stuff in someone that is overtrained who often times has their parasympathetic nervous system really really beat up you know, if you test their heart rate variability, the number called there high frequency is really really consistently low you know usually because there are triathletes or marathoners that's more often I'm dealing with those people with adrenal fatigue than I am with like a cross fitter who's kind of an opposite sympathetic nervous system fatigue issue but with those parasympathetic nervous fatigue, the last thing we add back in is the swimming and the biking and the running because it's important to realize that when you're trying to recover from adrenal fatigue or overtraining, even if you're doing like an easy swim or an easy bike ride or an easy run, if you're a triathlete or a marathoner or a swimmer or a cyclist, those easy sessions send a message to your body that you're training, that you're running from a lion and you still get that hormonal depletion and it's so easy for you to just turn into a depletion session and so that's the very very last thing that I'll add back in so that's kinda like the crow's eye view of you know, the type of things that I'll implement in a program for overtraining recovery, you know and you know, this is something that people hire me to walk them through.
DALLAS, Aug. 19 / PRNewswire / — In a survey commissioned by online personals site, swimmers Amanda Beard (26 %) and Michael Phelps (42 %), both known for their head - turning good looks, topped the list of sexiest American Olympians.
Musician, artist, technician, crew chief, explorer, rescuer of a great dog, swimmer and above all seeking to be a better human.
Im trying to find a really good fucker and im really hot, tall, have a swimmers body, sort of hairy and just wants to have a good time (sex mostly)
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