Sentences with phrase «best phrases»

While I think it's important to find the best phrases, you shouldn't agonize too much about where your book ranks.
One of the best phrases that I learned early in my career was «Good instruction is the best classroom management.»
That same OkCupid study discovered that «favorite movies», «vegetarian», and even «zombie» are some of the most effective words to use, and the best phrases to use with these words are «you mention», «good taste», and «noticed that».
And not even all these choices, one of the best phrases - especially for a four year old, and a two and a half year old is getting there - is saying to them, «How are we going to make this work?»
Most keyword lists require a lot of TLC to find the best phrases for your business.
A friend of mine has a good phrase for doing a startup: it's like eating glass and staring into the abyss.
A good phrase for these days in agriculture is «On your mark, get set, and wait.»
The way I like to think of it might be better phrased this way — what life dream did you give up that brought you to search?
We have a few good phrases we say in our house a lot, little catchphrases or sentences that carry a lot of meaning in just a few words.
If someone wanted to find out how what percentage of people in the U.S. believed that the outcome of a football game was divinely determined in the sense implied, the questions would have to have much better phrasing.
If Jesus is what the gospel proclaims him to be — that One in whom the love and light and life of God possessed completely a genuine human life, possessed it so fully that we may say of him, as Mr. Basil Willey has well phrased it, that «the life of God is seen in him in human life» — then we can preach Jesus Christ as decisive, as definitive, as the norm for the God - man relationship and the clue to whatever else God may be purposing and accomplishing in this vast and mysterious creation.
«Check your empathy skills» might be a better phrase, but nonetheless, it's not an attempt to shame someone's race, but rather to point out that someone is refusing to acknowledge privilege differentials.»
Perhaps a better phrase would be intentional Catholic.
«Brights» was pompous, «Skeptic» (my personal favorite) seems to just lead to blank looks, «Atheist» and «Agnostic» are misdefined (or are ill - defined may be a better phrasing) constantly.
His view can be summarised beautifully in the best phrase in the book: «The universe gradually wakes up and becomes aware of itself.»
Her guest post series on «one good phrase» has been fantastic.
I could be wrong I do believe in a higher power and in love as the universal language (for lack of a better phrase of words, although it might be more universal today to say sex is the universal language) and in this post just now realized I have to change my 100 % enabler label to 99 % based on the higher power belief.
This is a perfectly good phrase, and I may have used it myself, but it does not help with the major points I was trying to make in this essay.
But then, we still need people to help us use the FROG IN THE WELL phrase.
But I was discussing, for lack of a better phrase, elite contemporary literary fiction.
As I write this, I know it is not a good answer or well phrased.
Time really does fly when you're having fun... for lack of a better phrase.
May be d best phrase to use is «Khedira provides a better passing outlet for his team mates».
There are fewer secrets and fewer dumb teams, for lack of a better phrase.
RobbSeminole for a well thought, well phrased summary and closure Fanpost.
Sutton also likened the boss and his intention to stay as an uncle who doesn't want to leave a party and it is a good phrase which I agree with to some extent.
Arsenal are for lack of a better phrase are the gentleman's club of English football.
I am not sure there is a better phrase to describe the adoption process.
Also, try not to «freak out» (for want of a better phrase) when he goes near the new baby and is a little bit rough - I don't assume that you will «freak out,» I have just seen a lot of people do this.
Good phrase to read which reveals the even some general basic information in our daily life can yield the anxiety.The text provided is the best example that breastfeeding for small kids can yield anxiety.
I am trying to figure out a way to better phrase your question, possibly «How are gender quotas justified by lawmakers given that they appear to violate the Equal Opportunity Principle?»
«Child abuse» is never a good phrase to have cropping up in any headline, which is why the stories emerging about the BBC's former hero Jimmy Savile and other historic cases were so appalling.
would be better phrased as providing probable cause — it's entirely possible that all the emails that were deleted truly were personal, and no law was broken — but it left enough room for question to constitute probable cause (at least when taken in conjunction with the other evidence).
Cleggg's was philosophical, reflective, forward - looking, well phrased and solemn.
«Anytime the president decides to devote a portion of his prime - time rally speech to talking about a cultural issue like this and any time the president devotes as much Twitter column inches, for a lack of a better phrase, as he has over the weekend, clearly it's an issue that's important and resonating,» Grant said.
In the debate of 8 May 1769 on a petition from some Middlesex freeholders against the seating of Henry Luttrell instead of John Wilkes, Edmund Burke mentioned that the ministry had sent for their friends to the north and to Paris, «whipping them in, than which, he said, there could not be a better phrase».
Fundamentally we need to, while staying within the fiscal mandate, and carrying on with Plan A - for want of a better phrase - doing serious amount through social housing building, business planning, and the Green Deal.
This is an interesting question and one that is very well phrased.
Early warning is not a good phrase for kids and it's one we heard in school, at home and when the sirens blast out a test anthem every first Saturday of the month.»
In an average person who's not following that type of diet, however, anytime I see an elevated HDL, it usually, and I don't like the word inflammation, but that's the first thing that comes to mind, is some kind of inflammation, a better phrase would be immune activation.
not sure if anyone mentioned this, best phrased by peat himself:» I encourage people to eat sweet fruits, rather than starches, if they want to increase their production of cholesterol, since fructose has that effect.»
«Fast weight loss» simply seems like a better phrase than «high energy levels» from sales perspective.
But here's the thing: in my «modern marriage» (for lack of a better phrase) I reserve the right to have choices.
The best phrase I know of is to create «Delicious Discomfort».
She was so relatable and knowledgeable on many industry topics and I would love to sit with her and for lack of a better phrase, pick her brain some more.
For want of a better phrase «he / she's just not that in to you».
I'm scared no one will bid for me, or I'll be the cheapest date (for want of a better phrase!).
Online dating is, for lack of a better phrase... (Want to prove you're a fun guy or gal?
If you write a better phrase, tips to lure users to adult dating profile.
Online dating is, for lack of a better phrase, freaking exhausting.
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