Sentences with phrase «best practices around»

Hopefully, we'll all benefit from [adapting] best practices around the world.
From partnering with libraries to producing recommendations on how technology can support social - emotional development, our projects address knowledge gaps, access and equity, workforce professionalization, and best practices around digital media literacy.
2013 Report to the Pennsylvania State Roundtable: «Visitation Is a Right, not a Privilege» (PDF - 811 KB) Office of Children and Families in the Courts (2013) Provides a report that presents best practices around visits and oversight developed by the Pennsylvania Visitation Workgroup.
Kolkata, India About Blog Social Media Magazine aims to proclaim the news, trends and best practices around social media marketing in the most efficient and convenient way.
Asked about how he protects his personal privacy online, Zuckerberg, who described himself (somewhat jokingly) as a «power user of the internet,» dodged specifics and instead advised that people follow best practices around security, like changing passwords regularly and using two - factor authentication.
In order to protect privacy, I would just advise that people follow best practices around security: turn on two - factor authentication, change passwords regularly, don't have your password recovery responses be information that you made publicly available somewhere.
In order to protect privacy, I would just advise that people follow best practices around security: Turn on two - factor authentication, change passwords regularly, don't have your password - recovery responses be information that you made publicly available somewhere.
For more information and best practices around seasonal safety, visit the Canada Safety Council.
In an environment of increasing costs, what are some watch - outs and best practices around managing rate creep?
What you need to do is first identify the websites that are appearing for the search terms you're most interested in (1 or 2) and optimize your profile page using standard organic SEO best practices around it.
This session will address discuss best practices around these issues.
Ms. Scheib participated as one of three panelists on a panel that discussed best practices around selection, clearance, use, and enforcement of trademarks.
For faculty and staff to share best practices around sustainability education and engagement on campus and in the classroom.
Christian Belady writes on the Microsoft Data Center blog: We feel it's important for us to openly share information and best practices around energy efficiency because we believe the data center industry as a whole needs to work together in order to make the dramatic gains needed to make a difference for our companies and the planet.
PowerMyLearning is and has always been committed to following best practices around accountability and transparency, and we will continue executing our mission in a fiscally responsible way.
This professional learning community gives teachers the opportunity to learn research - based family engagement best practices around (1) relationship building, including home visits; (2) academic partnering such as high quality parent - teacher conferences and -LSB-...]
The district will share lessons learned from best practices around bring your own device implementation, equipping buses with Wi - Fi, and its creation of Beyond Textbooks, a comprehensive program that supports curriculum, instruction, assessment, and multi-level interventions.
I know that my third - grader's classroom teacher engages in some best practices around supporting kids to be themselves, regardless of gender stereotypes.
The StartUp money will be earmarked for research into best practices around school turnarounds nationwide, and toward the hiring of a grant writer in the department to seek additional funds.
For more information on best practices around family engagement that puts teachers and families at the center of your efforts, as well as some tips for how to think about this in an LCFF / LCAP context, see the chapter I co-authored, Why Family Engagement Matters, on the California Community Schools Network website.
Providing time for collaboration in your professional learning allows opportunities for staff to discuss best practices around a topic or share strategies around a particular pedagogical problem.
In this article, we will debunk 9 of the most common myths about eLearning authoring tools, and share some best practices around it.
In this webinar, participants will learn: • Best practices around when and how to assess effectively — from formative to summative and course - specific to districtwide • Ways to interpret results and apply them strategically to curriculum design and learning paths • Approaches for repeating and scaling personalized learning efforts through technology
Kate, I have to say that DQC and other agencies and even the DOE often have conferences or learning opportunities to get information on best practices around data collecxtion.
There are a million best practices around xAPI and I highly recommend reading up on them, checking out the xAPI Learning Cohorts, and (if you can) attending a workshop or session at a conference.
He said his staff would launch a wholesale review of the city's meal program by looking «at the best practices around the country to evaluate what we need to do.»
As we've learned from the best practices around both inbound and outbound links, anchor text that includes relevant keywords that more clearly indicate what the linked content is about is best for crawlers.
Michelle discussed some best practices around hiring and recruiting for startups.
Rugby Ready - Resource to raise awareness of good practice around the physical aspects of the game
Southwark Teaching Schools Alliance, and Reach2 have committed to identifying and sharing best practice around flexible working.
The resources will include teacher support notes, and in addition to the Barefoot workshops, the project team will also develop Barefoot communities enabling teachers to share ideas and good practice around teaching computing with other primary teachers.
The event, taking place at the Leicester Marriot Hotel from Tuesday 28 to Wednesday 29 March, seeks to bring together teachers and school leaders from around the country to engage in discussions around the key issues facing education and to share best practice around the use of education technology.
Schools face pressure to comply with legislation and guidelines around sustainability, most notably, Part L of the Building Regulations and BREEAM which stipulates buildings must demonstrate good practice around energy efficiency.
Kewin said that he was now working with more 16 - 19 free schools to forge links with other sixth forms to form a network and share good practice around sustainability.
Last week marked the conclusion of National Dog Bite Prevention Week... but teaching children good practices around all dogs should be... Read More
«The reality is there is a lot of good practice around this but we still need better numbers,» says Sasha Scott (pictured right), director at Inclusive Group, a consultancy that helps firms tackle unconscious bias and other diversity issues.

Not exact matches

Users in these groups would share «best practices» from bombarding borrowers with frequent phone calls to posting public notices around their homes or even swarming them with «beggars,» practices that a Chinese lawyer told The Paper could veer into illegal territory.
«And then when you identify what seems to be working well and why, you have to identify ways of spreading that around and basically [provide] incentives for other people to adopt those promising practices
The article's author, Steve Denning, dissects the main theme of Martin's book, which is that the current practices around maximizing shareholder value actually do more harm than good:
Erik Fyrwald, CEO of Syngenta International, echoed the sentiment: «The benefit of being global is that you can share best practices from around the world.»
The assignment was an important one, since Chile's pension system has been touted as «best practice» by policymakers and researchers around the world.
The best place to practice medicine is North Dakota and more physician practice news from around the web.
Analyst Patrick O'Rourke of AltaCorp Capital says the Seven Generations team is «one of the absolute best at taking best practices from around North America and then applying them to their play.
Participate as a thought leader and contribute to active and important discussions around best practices, trends and developments, compliance and regulatory updates
As a result, in practice, the ON RRP is currently being run with an aggregate capacity limit of around $ 2 trillion, which is far in excess of typical daily demand and well above the $ 300 billion capacity limit the facility had had since September 2014.
In search of best practices, Egon Zehnder and Family Business Network International interviewed executives and studied recent leadership transitions at 50 leading family firms around the world.
We even have experience «turning around» coworking spaces that are under - performing, implementing best practices, better technology and creating a business model that is more valuable and sustainable.
Future Workplace is a very intimate cohort of some of the leading companies from around the world... Community building and best practice sharing are ways we've really benefited.
Over the last few years, we have worked with hundreds of organizations on their blockchain projects, frequently addressing questions around best practices.
Stein said she would have liked to have seen the commission do a lot more than rehash staff - written best practices suggestions that have been laying around since 2011.
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