Sentences with phrase «best protection for someone»

Once we acknowledge that a data breach could take place in the form of manipulation, we could provide better protection for user privacy and security.
To improve handling, and also to offer better protection for pedestrians in the event of an accident, the engine has been mounted almost 20 mm lower than in the outgoing model.
Increasing your liability coverage to the maximum amount available is one of the single least expensive ways to get better protection for your family.
I wanted good protection for medical and evacuation purposes if needed and it provided that.
A: Divorce law could be changed to provide better protection for women (or men) who stay home or work fewer hours to take care of domestic responsibilities.
Exactly how the creatures can survive remains a mystery, but scientists say uncovering that mechanism could help them devise better protection for human astronauts on long missions.
Eating a diet high in antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, and beta - carotene means better protection for your body and overall health.
Only by holding negligent manufacturers accountable can we provide better protection for drivers and passengers.
«We await of course the outcome of the independent panel in terms of finding ways to provide better protection for access and other public benefits,» she said.
He or she will have even better protection for adult life while still paying the same childhood premium.
It's both comfy to carry around, as well as offering good protection for the device thanks to the double layer protection.
Increasing your liability coverage to the maximum amount available is one of the single least expensive ways to get better protection for your family.
You also want to be sure that you have the very best protection for your specific needs.
Groups with expertise in the criminal justice system had been calling for better protection for all children at police stations for years.
In the side barrier impact, the car provided good protection for all critical body regions and scored maximum points.
It typically has low limits, so collision is a better choice if you want better protection for your vehicle.
Global Travel Shield Classic This is the plan when you just want basic protection for your trip without spending a lot This is American Express» budget plan, with good protection for trip cancellations.
Pet lemon laws offer better protection for consumers and greater recourse for buyers of sick pets.
Pope Francis on Friday denounced the proliferation of adult and child pornography on the internet and demanded better protections for children online.
I do understand AW putting him on the wing is due to his ability to change a game, He is very good at converting chances, he also has a great range of passing coupled with fantastic vision, I also believe he is there for his engine, Aaron Ramsey can run, and he can run for 90 minutes, something most other players can not, so with that engine you would assume he gives good protection for his fullback.
This reclines to infant carrier positioning and gives more room from top of head to top of car seat which from what I've read will be better protection for baby's head if we have an accident.
Britain has taken a lead internationally in trying to crack down on human trafficking, introducing the Modern Slavery Act last year which has been hailed as a milestone for combining harsh penalties with progressive measures such as better protections for people at risk of being enslaved.
In both the side impact barrier test and the side pole test, dummy readings showed good protection for all critical body areas.
We're also using cloud intelligence to drive better protection for users of Windows Defender Antivirus, making it a next - gen antivirus in the truest sense.
In the bitter 14th CD fight, the paper praised newcomer Reshma Saujani as» impressive and energetic», but said it saw no reason to abandon the incumbent, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who has been a «stalwart in fighting for women's rights, financial reform, health care for workers at ground zero and better protections for credit card users.»
SOS is an amazing organization whose mission is to support healthy oceans by promoting better protection for sharks and their close relatives the rays and skates and educating the public about the importance of these fishes to our ocean's ecosystem.
It is the mission of SOS to support healthy oceans by promoting better protection for sharks and rays through research, education, and conservation.
In the frontal offset test, dummy readings indicated good protection for all critical body areas of the 10 year dummy.
We bundle the most important vaccines into convenient, affordable packages to make it easy for you to choose the best protection
We're an Iowa - based and Iowa - focused, all - volunteer organization working to get better protections for dogs in Iowa's commercial breeding kennels (aka puppy mills).
You will have to pay more money for this Sunset Heights renters insurance, but it will be worth it since you will receive better protection for your things.
The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change (formerly the Coalition for Change) is comprised of various advocacy and community groups, unions, workers and community members, aimed at improving working conditions and fighting for better protections for live - in caregivers, seasonal agricultural workers and other temporary foreign workers.
The cover really provides good protection for such a lightweight device but you might not enjoy reading with the extra weight - especially if you read one - handed.
'' [Better protections for minority soldiers] would be helpful not only to the Chinese - American community, but to lots of people.»
At a rally on March 22, housing activists sought better protection for tenants of the city's 2.5 million rent - stabilized units.
The meeting, which commences at 3 pm local time, will debate possible ways of guaranteeing better protection for religious minorities affected by war.
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue is encouraging dairy producers to consider enrolling in the new and improved Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP - Dairy), which will provide better protections for dairy producers from shifting milk and feed...
By reporting WHO Code violations, you are helping NABA in its mission to lobby for better protection for breastfeeding.
Labor and community groups jointly formed the broad new economic coalition, which is dedicated to job creation, fair taxation, effective government and better protections for working and middle - class New Yorkers.
Although state leaders promised a «bare bones» budget this year, they did include one significant piece of policy in the new laws governing sexual harassment in state government, which includes better protection for victims.
In another course, they learn how to hack into and then design better protections for «SCADA systems» — computer systems that monitor and control critical infrastructure such as gas pipelines, telecommunication networks, water - treatment facilities, and electrical grids.
Committee members report they are optimistic that the new guidelines provide a path to better protection for birds and their habitats.
«Combination of resistance genes offers better protection for wheat against powdery mildew.»
Ola Olsson would like to see better protection for nature reserves and national parks, and better information and education of local people in the villages.
The potential for this research to provide better protection for British soldiers and humanitarian workers who risk their lives every day, underscores precisely why we continue to support UK science.»
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