Sentences with phrase «best quality games»

This ensures that we have better quality games in the long run.
Although this book wasn't written with game developers in mind, it is another must - read for the sake of good quality game design.
Video games are no different as gamers we want good quality games not some cheap un-interesting game put together as an afterthought.
The iPad 2 plays better quality games as well; we show you Rage HD and how slick it works with the new device from Apple.
Nintendo have got to do what they failed to do all year, which is keep releasing good quality games and increase marketing.
Gl to all who have these consoles, hope u guys only get good quality games.
I suppose I'm fairly inexperienced compared to other people doing this, and I'm not a coder, but even through my limited contacts book I know people that want to do work for me help build good quality games
Applications, video streaming and games will increase in size and scope as developers can pack more pixels, NPCS and code to be able to provide better quality games with the added hardware.
Despite the number of good quality games already available on the Nintendo Switch, that won't stop the high demand for even more fan favourites, such as Super Smash Bros, Hearthstone and more.
You need to work on better Quality games SONY not just PSN titles.
Previously PS + was a service that was optional, people had the choice so to entice people to opt in, Sony gave good quality games, or should I say well known good games?
I would LOVE to see this on the VITA, and please, the VITA just needs good quality games even if they don't use over-rated touch features, PORT THIS TO THE VITA AND SHOW THE VITA SOME LOVE!
Hopefully, if Twitch's free game offering go down well enough, they will be incentivised to offer better quality games in the future.
While I can't find any reviews for Pete Sampras Tennis the box proudly states that it got 94 % scores from relatively good quality games magazines of the day.
Low - end games played decently well, but the device struggled to perform well and keep up with the frame changes in little better quality games.
Nope, for now it's all about much better quality games - and there have been a number of games landing the prestigious five - star score on Pocket - lint.
come on, you guys are saying we are whining even when they give us «good games», they are not up to the standards... increase the price to $ 90 if they want, but we want good quality games, yea resident evil is good, but not god enough, xbox users are getting 5 - 6 games a month, given that they own an xbox one and is backward compatible, wheares ps4 gives 2 and 1 of them will always be **** while the other is slightly better.
see bitches i told you dropping the wii u price is not going to help anyone but releasing GOOD QUALITY GAMES is what gamers want, not high tech powerful console (like ps4) i seen this with the 3ds again same fate.
Honestly, aside from the RE promotion for Halloween, this is what PS Plus should be about: Getting good quality games that maybe did not do so well in sales, and give them a second chance (I know, I'm guilty of picking up the Arc System Works fighting games when they came out).
Best Quality game in the Eshop at 9.99 Such a good game!
Fake news or prejudiced opinions often spoil football, but Arsenal's 54 % possession suggests they were on top and I think the majority would accept that Arsenal played a better quality game.
According to the translation posted on Operation Rainfall: «Whilst originally it was said that the delay of MH4 was due to wanting to make a better quality game and graphics, the real reason appears to be that it may be released on the PS Vita to increase sales.»
We will continue to invest in PlayStation Plus to ensure an unparalleled experience, featuring the best quality games and features.»
This sudden price rise of PlayStation Plus subscription might not go down too well with PlayStation Community, and so on this note Sony has issued a statement assuring fans that they will offer «Unparalleled» PlayStation Plus experience and best quality games and features, and this sudden price rise is due to market condition.
I'll be getting an NX under the idea that Nintendo will still put out good quality games.
So any extra time that can be used to deliver the best quality game is a positive, in my eyes.
We are small yet independent company striving our best to deliver the best quality game products for various platform.
If you want good quality games you have to pay the cost even Nintendo is learning this.
Often times, delayed release dates can result in a better quality game overall since the developers have more time to add polish and additional features into the game.
«I mean Rare's reputation was always built on making the best quality games we could.
Being stuck in a rut without being able to make a good quality game.
«He told us, «We're going to build the best quality games, on time and on budget»» recalled Connors.
Going forward Creative Assembly is a good quality developer and our aim is to create a good quality game
We've recently re-orientated our studio leadership to focus production expertise at the top, to allow us to ship the best quality games possible, faster and with better cost control.
Sony has said the reason for the new pricing is to bring the subscriptions «in line with market conditions,» and that it will ensure PS Plus offers «an unparalleled experience, featuring the best quality games and features.»
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