Sentences with phrase «best reach your child»

All parents should have the choice to put their children in a school best reaches that child's mind and heart.

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Not only does his story illustrate just how worthwhile volunteering is, but it also proves how far - reaching one child's dreams of a better world can be.
He has a better haircut and the more pronounced air of self - deprecation that comes with being married and having children who have reached adolescence.
At the moment of her death, I whispered in her ear to reach out and take her mother's (who had passed on years earlier) hand, and that I would take good care of the children, and that I loved her very much.
Babies who die before birth, as well as children who have not reached an age of accountability when they die, are given God's grace and go to heaven.
To obey Paul's command for your children means giving them more than a rational faith — it means also giving them a well - formed Christian imagination that can look at a starry night sky and see more than the infinite reach of empty space and the eternal stretch of endless time, that can «keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God» (3:1).
A more moving portrayal of the meaning of child sacrifice to a good father could hardly have been written than this story furnishes; the profound loyalty involved in child sacrifice, holding nothing back that religious obligation might require, is recognized; and the story's obvious objective is reached when «Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt - offering in the stead of his son.»
As it was for generations of American parents before them, it is beyond their reach economically to provide for their children as well as they would wish.
Whatever legal and public policy solutions are reached in the coming years, Christians need to find a social, political and religious way to secure the well - being of women and children, involve fathers in the lives of their children, and support gays and lesbians who want to establish committed relationships and receive the benefits and blessings that go with this commitment.
I know not if the voice of man can reach to the sky; I know not if the mighty one will hear as I pray; I know not if the gifts I ask will all granted be; I know not if the word of old we truly can hear; I know not what will come to pass in our future days; I hope that only good will come, my children, to you.
A rapacious man prospers, a generous man suffers tragedy; needed people die young, worthless scoundrels reach a ripe old age; some children are blessed from birth, others are cursed with idiocy or disease; of two families of like quality and conduct, one experiences habitual good fortune, the other continuous adversity.
Furthermore, this bodily conflict between the mother and her emergent child anticipates the often much more painful act of separation, when the child, exercising the newly awakened powers made possible by his large head, reaches for his own autonomous knowledge of good and had, and repeats the original rise and fall from obedience and innocence in the ever - recurring saga of human freedom and «enlightenment.»
Back in January, Donald Miller wrote a blog post in which he explained that living a good story means envisioning climactic scenes in your life — reaching the top of Mt. Hood, renewing wedding vows, crossing a finish line, sharing a meal, meeting your sponsored child.
«One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.»
He used to preach a lot on children coming to faith in Christ, and he would say, «Before a child reaches 7, teach them all there is of heaven, and better still, the work will fly, if he learns before he's five.»
Like man, the child harbored pride in that he either knew better or didn't believe what was being told to him and reached out only to suffer the consequence he was warned about.
I confess that I have become somewhat blasé about the range of exciting — I think revolutionary is probably more accurate — technologies that we are rolling out today: our work in genomics and its translation into varieties that are reaching poor farmers today; our innovative integration of long — term and multilocation trials with crop models and modern IT and communications technology to reach farmers in ways we never even imagined five years ago; our vision to create a C4 rice and see to it that Golden Rice reaches poor and hungry children; maintaining productivity gains in the face of dynamic pests and pathogens; understanding the nature of the rice grain and what makes for good quality; our many efforts to change the way rice is grown to meet the challenges of changing rural economies, changing societies, and a changing climate; and, our extraordinary array of partnerships that has placed us at the forefront of the CGIAR change process through the Global Rice Science Partnership.
Winning is not based on the score but by giving the best effort and developing the skills necessary for every child to reach their potential.
For example if we were assessing how well Children's Centres were reaching out to new dads, we might contact dads via a baby weighing clinic or accompany Home Start volunteers on home visits, to build up a picture of fathers» awareness of what services were available locally.
• Shake up the parental leave system so fathers can spend more time with kids under two years - old • 25,000 more dads per year to sign their child's birth certificate, to reach international standards and halve the number of those who don't • Dads able to stay overnight in hospital with their partner when their baby is born • Modern and relevant antenatal education for both parents • Dads reading with their children in all primary schools • Family professionals — midwives, teachers, health visitors, nursery workers, social workers — confidently engaging with dads as well as mums, and supporting all family types.
My friend Colleen, who happens to be a food blogger, had the idea to reach out to other bloggers as well as some of their collective contacts to pull off a fantastic holiday surprise for 21 children who live in a small remote village in Alaska where one can only get in or out by bush plane or a small boat via the rough Nushagak River.
To educate the whole child, their heart and will must be reached as well as their mind.
It's not unusual to reach the point where you consider sending your child away, especially when he starts to exhibit difficult behaviors that are hard to deal with, but I'd like to propose some alternatives that can work better for you and your child.
On the one hand, weaning brings with it more freedom and flexibility, as well as the proud realization that her child is reaching a major milestone.
If plants tend to drop leaves where your child could reach them, it may be best if you remove them from your home.
Encouraging your child to reach her goals and explore her natural talents is a much better atmosphere for growth.
I considered the things children should know by the time they reach kindergarten.After all this research, I have recommended the best baby activity tables but selecting the perfect activity table can be a hassle & you need to consider a -LSB-...]
A good insect net will not only protect your baby from insect bites but also have enough ventilation, which allows adequate air to reach your child to keep him cool.
Potty Training Videos for Toddlers - These are great to use to reinforce everything that you are already teaching your child about potty training, as well as being a valuable tool to turn to when you've reached a point where you as the parent are not sure what to do.
The best thing you can do is get rid of all decorations within reach of your child and safely store them until your baby is older.
Not only does it look neat and saves space, but it keeps it well out of reach of your curious child.
However, recent practice suggests that if professionals systematically gather the young men's details by, for instance, routinely asking the mothers for them early in the pregnancy, develop interagency working while making child outcomes the focus of their work and mainstream engagement through the service (in this case, a teenage pregnancy service) while keeping good records and comprehensively assessing the young men's needs substantial numbers of young fathers can be reached with interventions that make a real difference.
The best way to ensure that this reaches all women in Bangladesh is to donate to Save the Children (link in bottom of blog post) so that they can help roll this out to more communities.
African - Caribbean fathers should not be viewed as a «hard to reach» group and are passionate about the health and well - being of their children — but there are major barriers to their accessing of services, including:
In order for a child to reach his highest potential in the future he needs to get the best nutritious food possible right from the beginning which breast milk.
As you start to teach your child to use the bathroom independently it helps to have a few key items on hand: a child - sized potty chair or seat attachment, of course, big kid pants (ones that will get your child excited to drop those diapers) and a step or stool that will allow your little one to reach the sink and wash up on their own are all good things to have from day one.
Results from the pilot program will be offered to Feed the Children partners to identify ways to better solve summer food insecurity that have impact, are far - reaching and cost - effective.
During routine well - child checkups, doctors look to see if kids have reached developmental milestones at these ages:
If your child reaches the age of three - and - a-half and is showing no signs at all of readiness, it's a good idea to have a thorough examination by a child - friendly doctor or paediatrician.
The good news is that most habits disappear, usually by the time a child reaches school age, because the child no longer needs it or outgrows it.
Every homeschooling parent wants to give his child the best possible education, but I think that schedules and curricula like the ones I see online are at once time - intensive and complicated for the parent, and at the same time don't really help young kids reach all of their potential.
This works very well for small toys, like action figures, small cars and other items that your children play with often and want to be able to reach by themselves.
To educate the whole child, his heart and will must be reached as well as his mind.»
Meat, fish, tofu, egg yolks, and beans are good sources of both, but none of these should be served to a child until he or she has reached the proper stage of weaning.
They can also see their surroundings better, and both children are within an arm's reach from Mommy.
The handbrakes help keep all the controls within reach for the best safety of the child.
Most strollers aren't much good once a child reaches a certain age but not if they turn into fun Tricycles.
Wonderful article and I hope that more young mothers will try to follow your example... as long as children are aware that there are consequences for every action, there is no need to be cruel or to hit the child... but you do have to be consistent because children don't even begin to have abstract thought (cause and effect) until they reach 13 or 14 and, even then, it's sketchy... I think the illusion that because a woman has a child that automatically makes her a good mother has been dangerous for our children... I know a woman who used to say, ``... if you don't have power when you're a mother, when do you get power?»
Please keep in mind, that although safety latches have been installed, it is still a good idea to keep cleaning products and dangerous chemicals on a high shelf, and away from a child's reach.
Which is better — teaching a young child not to touch breakable or dangerous objects or putting them out of reach?
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