Sentences with phrase «best rep»

"Best rep" is a short form of the term "best reputation." It refers to someone or something that has the highest regard, respect, or positive perception from others. Full definition
What we generally start with is a weight you can get 5 good reps with and do three sets of three.
Perhaps some will develop good reps, but as you said, readers remember the authors, not the publishers.
Yes, but at the cost of what little good rep they have left.
Eli has always taken a little longer to knock the rust off so the more reps he gets the better
Heavy - duty filmmakers are well repped at Cannes this year, starting with Todd Haynes, whose Carol follow - up, Wonderstruck, pairs Michelle Williams and Julianne Moore in a cross-generational story.
Most men who are strong can do good reps on barbell shrugs with 405 pounds or more.
Best rep scheme variations are pyramiding up to a top set of 8 or performing more than five sets in the 15 - rep range.
This felt pretty easy so I went up to 205 pounds for my last set and I was able to get 8 good reps followed by another 4 forced negative reps. My elbow wasn't too bad on this exercise and my chest was off to a good pump.
Companies trying to measure how well reps resolve issues in a single call typically use the first - contact - resolution (FCR) metric, but fully half the time that doesn't supply information about repeat calls and the reasons behind them.
This might be the case of several sharp books basing their pricing on the rumored opinion of a group with a very good rep and REALLY deep pockets.
Pot is one of those drugs that appears to maintain a fairly good rep, despite its growing bad rep. Consider this research that will be published this June in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
It's the total workload that will cause the increase in muscle size and strength; so make sure you've got at least one or two good reps left in you at the end of each set.
Good reps offer advice and information about products that are selling well and, conversely, are willing to warn buyers away from a problem product.
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You don't have a spotter available to help you find a 1 rep max on your bench press, but you do know you can squeeze out (barely) 5 good reps at 230 lbs.
If you can perform 10 - 15 good reps with a feet elevation that is about as high as your gripping bar, you can consider yourself a strong animal.
I grabbed the 95 pound dumbbells and did 8 good reps followed by the four forced negative reps. I used this same weight for the second set but I was only able to get 3 forced negative reps because the muscles gave out and failed on this set.
«Having the best reps is most important,» says Machin.
The best reps ran mini marketing tutorials at the gathering.
What are you doing to retain your best reps?
«We have maybe two or three guys who can give him some good reps in practice because he is that talented.»
They run a multitude of money back specials and give all new customers a # 20 risk free bet not to mention the fact that they are fully licensed and have a good rep among the online sports gambling community.
He's respectful of the GOP, votes far more conservative and moderately than you want to admit, and is a good rep for Westchester.
Although Jack and Malcolm had never met F2F, they were a tight team with a good rep on the Distributed Biology Network: gene hunters who amplified bacterial DNA from soil and water samples, shotgun sequenced it, and identified genes that weren't in the catalogs.
This is key, researchers say, because it provides evidence that our brains consider a good rep — as well as cash — to be rewarding and worth considering as we mull our options.
Again, perform a drop set, starting with a weight that's heavy enough to make you struggle to get 12 good reps, then drop it and perform another 12 reps. Continue in this manner until you complete 4 sets of 12 reps.
The best rep range for type - II muscle fibers (the kind you can see), is somewhere in the vicinity of 8 to 12 reps.
So, which is the best rep range and which one you should use?
The best rep range which works for all movements does not exist.
For most people, the best rep range will be nothing higher than six reps. High rep training does have its place, but only for certain exercises and occasions.
Pick a weight that's heavy enough to make you struggle to complete one set of 15 good reps, then drop the weight by about 30 % and complete another 15 reps without any rest in between.
Pick a weight that allows you to get 15 good reps and perform 12 reps with a 4 - second lowering phase.
Spas don't get the best rep for being affordable and inclusive, especially in the wellness world — but Korean spas might just be an exception.
Your reps will naturally drop and you'll go over the same process again, working your way up to 10 good reps, and then increasing the weight again.
In this exercise we won't be increasing the weight on every new set, instead we will pick a weight which we can curl 15 good reps and use that weight for 3 sets.
This is also the best rep range for achieving «the pump.»
A good rep range to shoot for are 50 crisp and clean bodyweight squats, ATG preferably.
A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3 - 4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise.
1000 good reps can not undo the work of 100 bad reps.
Therefore, the safest option is to always bench press inside the power rack where you should set the horizontal safety pins slightly below your chest so that you don't hit them on good reps but they will catch the bar if you fail, or ask someone to spot you.
The best rep range to train for muscle growth, in my experience, is between 6 to 10 repetitions per set.
This helps you stay in the best rep and weight range possible.
How to perform the best exercises... how to use the best rep and set range that most lifters ignore... how to avoid the mistakes nearly everyone makes in the gym.
«The best rep speed for muscle and strength gain is to perform the given exercise in a slow, controlled manner, taking at least 1 second to lift and 2 seconds to lower the weight».
It's all too common to see people sticking to the 8 - 12 rep range when training as it's often touted as the best rep range to build muscle size.
Sweet Potatoes have such a good rep and well deserved.
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