Sentences with phrase «best security practices»

Experts encourage everyone — from police stations to corporations to individuals — to follow best security practices.
Good security practices don't always equate to fun learning.
Companies should also be training their employees about good security practices.
We follow best security practices to protect your personal data.
A single training session that happens once a year, at most, isn't enough to ingrain good security practices in your employees» minds.
Investors need to not only make sure they are using best security practices but must also hope that service providers that have...
It's not glamorous work — and the results are difficult to measure and reward — but the assets that good security practices protect are ever more important to the successful operation of the educational enterprise.
Those agreements, however, have stipulations that depend on a DIY investor maintaining good security practices, which begs the question, what strings are attached to the «100 % security guarantee?»
These documents have been published to promote good security practices among dog owners, those who own or work with assistance dogs, and those who own small animal centres, rehoming centres or kennels.
The opinion goes on outline minimum security measures to be employed by a SaaS - using law firm and references other best security practices, such as the newly - formed ILTSO standards.
Ing says there have been increases in people's awareness of what good security practice requires.
In order to combat this, Google is implementing Play Protect, which uses machine learning to scan billions of apps daily to make sure best security practices are in place.
This is another example of just how important it is to keep control of your own data and using a free app over which you have no control, simply isn't good security practice.
Let's say you've followed good security practices and have a password set on your Windows user account.
It's also a good security practice to quickly spot unauthorized charges.
But allowing those updates to roll in and those patches to be applied might be one of the best security practices you can follow.
Even if you're a careful computer user, having multiple layers of protection is a good security practice.
If you have good security practices and know what you're doing, you can probably manage just fine with this lightweight option.
As a good security practice, you should validate PGP keys you receive, and not trust keys that can not be validated.
Be sure to lay out some of the best security practices for using a computer.
«Passwords are still the primary security method used the world over, but like any good security practice, they shouldn't be used in isolation... biometrics is another security layer that, when coupled with passwords, provides a layered wall of protection.»
The Gizmodo piece (which is a bit more nuanced than its headline) correctly says that keeping your system and internet - facing software updated, following best security practices and using common sense will go a long way to protect you.
Cyber Aware ties privacy and security together, because one of the best ways to protect your privacy online is to follow the best security practices.
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