Sentences with phrase «best technicians»

We as mentors and leader in a shop have a far bigger roll in «bringing up» the next generation of good technicians than we think, or maybe want.
That does suck, I've always taken pride in being a very good technician and fixing cars right the first time.
They have to be really good technicians, with computer knowledge in order to handle any possible situation.
Instead, it's Daniels, a top athlete and good technician for a center.
Though George Lucas may be a pretty good technician, he's still not a good director, and the pacing of Episode III is mortally, if predictably, off.
Employee satisfaction is essential to retaining good technicians.
Our state - of - the - art service center is equipped with top quality equipment and staffed with the absolute best technicians, allowing us to deliver quality work for anything from regularly scheduled maintenance to in - depth vehicle repairs.
Regan is passionate about her patients, client education, and building the very best technician team possible.
Training also ensures better technicians who will make fewer errors that could endanger the patient.
Guy Smith: One of the things I've noticed with the mentors that the venture capitalists assign is that they tend to be good technicians.
Guy Smith: Well, one of the things I've noticed with the mentors that the venture capitalists assign is that they tend to be good technicians.
SEE MORE Manchester United transfer news David De Gea to Real Madrid: Spanish giants want Man Utd stopper to sign by start of pre-season tour in July Lionel Messi backs Wayne Rooney to star in La Liga; says Man United striker is among the best technicians in Europe
Playing with Carr wouldn't make Landry faster, quicker, more explosive, more elusive, have better vision, a more nuanced route runner, a better technician at the LOS, more coachable, etc...
A dm like Coquelin and Wanyama makes us more dangerous as when they win the ball they give it immediate to the better technicians.
Naturally left footed, although equally capable with his right, it's the 29 - year - old's range of passing that sets him aside as one of the best technicians in Japan.
The bittersweet irony is that while Tarantino's stock routinely commands the kind of budget that allows him to take his pick of the industry's best technicians, staging the bulk of the action at close quarters in a single interior setting means he ends up restricting most of the really good stuff to the periphery.
The actors complained a bit about being underpaid sometimes, but we really wanted to make sure we could afford the best technicians to make them all look as good as possible, and keep everybody happy.
Even the best technicians or mechanics can stand to tune up our game.
I also get a lot of questions about becoming a technician, or becoming a better technician.
It is hard to find a good place, and you are right to point out, a good technician that you can trust.
If you have problems viewing on the blog, you can see the video on YouTube Episode 7 Ways to Becoming a Better Technician
Today's automotive podcast we look at becoming a better technician.
Just maybe you are not such a good technician in the first place.
The training courses are detailed and very demanding - only the best technicians are graduated and then certified.
The training courses are detailed and very demanding only the best technicians are graduated and then certified.
A good technician may be able...
You won't have to worry about keeping your car in great shape when you decide to buy a car from one of the Continental Automotive Group dealers, either, because we've made sure to hire some of the best technicians around.
We employ the best technicians in the business and have the parts that your Domestic or Import vehicle requires at the best prices!
The training courses are detailed and very demanding, and only the best technicians are graduated and then certified.
Is being a good technician just another way of trying to decide when to jump onto assets with positive price momentum for short periods of time?
Every pet and every vet (and yes, pet parent, too) needs a good technician.
Melissa: I would like people to know how much education and skill is behind a good technician's care.
Our veterinary team boasts some of the best technicians and care assistants in Oklahoma!
My goal is to become the best technician possible for these patients so these little girls return home feeling that, with the magic that happened at the vet's clinic, all is right with the world again.
Scott loves teaching students how to be the best technician they can be and how to be a valuable part of the veterinary team.
Her favorite aspects of veterinary medicine are learning new things and growing to become a better technician.
As books like The E-Myth reveal, there is a vast difference between being a good technician in any field and being someone with an entrepreneurial outlook who has the ability to manage a business.
In general, the best originators are not the best technicians and the best technicians are not the best salespeople.
In addition to being a good technician, we also require our secretaries to have strong interpersonal skills (in terms of their interaction with colleagues and clients alike), to have strong administrative and organizational skills, a pragmatic and common sense approach to their work, and a commitment to client service.
Wanting to reassure his wife, Mark contacted the Columbus service center and asked them to send their best technician to perform the work.
I have also developed my client relation abilities, which has been made evident by the fact that many of the customers that I served recommended me to their friends as the best technician.
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