Sentences with phrase «best working time»

Success is tricky to define for me as I constantly raise the bar... but to be writing better work each time is a must irrespective of the financial gains (though they would be nice!)
Or, in other words, Uplay had better work this time.

Not exact matches

I know what you're thinking: If interleaving works better, why do we tend to practice one skill at a time?
Over time, you'll learn which ones work best for you and your customers.
The beauty is that when keep working thru issues and creating a better widget MONEY FOLLOWS all the time.
If your mistake involves work, acknowledge your flub and vow to do better next time.
People do better work when they're reminded of times they excelled previously, so it pays to dish out plenty of praise
The time of day doesn't matter; work out a little, feel a little better.
AI experts say the idea has merit but also point out that assistants will always work better when connected to the Internet, where they can draw on massive processing and data resources in real time.
In the past month or so I've found myself complaining a lot about this because my drive time takes away from my work productivity, puts me in the office later, and fills me with intense anger directed at, well, everybody and nobody.Driving accomplishes nothing except getting me to the office.
Freelance work can allow them to get real world experience and earn some money until they land a full - time job, he said, although relying solely on that type of employment can also mean there's a lack of corporate identity — for the company as well as for the freelancers themselves.
«Now Mark, I am more than willing to give you my time and really work with you to find out exactly what the best solution for you and your specific situation is, I'm just going to ask for one thing in return... As we go through this, if you don't feel that what we have is a good fit, are you okay telling me that?
Working with banks will never be the same, as these real - time data connections drive faster decisions, more opportunities and better service for small businesses.
So if you have a work habit you've been meaning to start with the best of intentions — getting in earlier, whipping your inbox into shape, getting up from your desk for an hourly stretch — the day after Labour Day is a better time to start than most.
Introverts are naturally good at structuring their own time and don't get stir crazy working at home.
At the same time, subordinates were completing surveys at the end of each workday about any abusive behaviour displayed by their leader that day, as well as their own level of work engagement.
The best advice I can give you is: (a) to make small, consistent bets with people who can give you real - time feedback on exactly what's working.
Good answer: Did what needed to be done, especially in a time - critical situation, then found an appropriate time and place to raise issues and work to improve the status quo.
Well, that's B.S. because it's not going to take more time than going to the doctor, or leaving work early because you're in pain.
«The magic of compounding works best the younger you are because that means you have more time for your money to grow,» Cramer said.
The key is to work smarter, and by focusing on mindfulness at work, you can better utilize your full mental capacities, to do more in less time and feel better overall.
That decision was certainly the right one for me and my opportunities in business at the time and, looking back now, I would have to say it worked out pretty well for us and also the driver that wound up getting that rookie test.
While a lower unemployment rate is certainly better than a higher one, the rate doesn't capture workers who've quit looking for a job, part - time workers who wish to work full - time, or workers who've experienced a significant wage reduction in a new job after they lost their old one.
«Even if you walk into a Sephora and try to figure this out yourself, a lot of the time it will end in trial and error and a lot of wasted product that didn't work well on you.»
A person who doesn't take the time to respond to a potential associate may have already found work with a competitor or is someone who might not take the time to do a good job, either.
Constantly working in a global context, it was important from quite early on to learn to work with the more challenging elements of different cultures, while at the same time identifying their best factors and making them my own.
The job can put a strain on the whole family if you can not figure out which time is best for work and which time is best for family.
New prime minister Malcolm Turnbull brings with him a better working knowledge of how Western Australia functions than any of his predecessors since the days of war time PM John Curtin, who died in 1945.
And studies have shown that time spent away from work can be the catalyst for good ideas.
Investing more time and training in your people in their early days doesn't always work out, even when you have the best of intentions.
¦ Work a little longer If neither of those scenarios sounds appetizing, the good news is you would only need to delay your retirement by a few months if you worked full - time, give or take, depending on your salary.
And they rarely have employees assigning scores as low as, well, 2 — while also predicting that, in six months time, they expect to be even less satisfied at work.
• Speaking of Time's Up... Attorney Tina Tchen, who Bloomberg describes as «arguably the most well - connected person working in women's rights today, thanks to her six years as an assistant to President Barack Obama and as first lady Michelle Obama's chief of staff,» talks about why it was so important that Time's Up include a legal defense fund: «The fastest way to make sure that someone isn't getting bullied by a lawyer for someone rich and powerful is to make sure that person has a lawyer, too.»
Williams has said a number of times that the site is working on such features, as well as support for native advertising, and hopes to roll them out to publishing partners soon.
Most of us aspire to conquer more and more work in less and less time, but since none of us can cram more hours into the day (despite our best efforts), increasing our productivity is the best we can do.
Finally, despite our incredible growth over a short period of time, Transportation Impact is a family, working together to be the best in the industry.
Now would be a really good time for small business owners to think about the stress of working retail during the holidays and plan to appreciate their employees, similar to
Much of good security work takes place in the weeds — techniques like multi-factor authentication and policy - based data management that would put you to sleep if I explained them here — but the more time IT pros can devote to these tasks, the safer our systems will be.
The problem with many plans is that they depend on your changing your life to match what someone else says will work, rather than your understanding yourself well and deciding to budget your time acco...
When the time comes to expand your business into new markets, whether this is through geographical expansion or consumer expansion, do your research and really consider what is going to work best for your business.
Perhaps the best way to maximize your productivity is not to work harder — but to work smarter, meaning that you're more cautious about the way you manage your time.
At a time when about one in five young Canadians are underemployed or working in precarious part - time jobs, it's easy to think that the more education you have, the better.
Expect to spend time and money maintaining your vessel — and know that you'll have to do a good deal of work yourself.
Hatem knew better than to second - guess her instincts — and not just because he was relieved to see her excited about work for the first time since the loss.
Your application should ask for specific information such as name, address, and phone number; educational background; work experience, including salary levels; awards or honors; whether the applicant can work full or part time as well as available hours; and any special skills relevant to the job (foreign languages, familiarity with software programs, etc.).
Will your business idea will work well now, but burn out in three years» time?
If one member of the household makes a good enough living, a cost - benefit analysis will often conclude that it makes economic sense for the second earner to stay at home or work part - time.
The most successful ones work on more than a dozen initiatives at any one time — including creating better quality content, improving conversion rates and overall content effectiveness, creating more visual content, reimagining or repurposing content, measuring ROI and becoming better storytellers.
It is important to show your individual talents and highlight your contributions from time to time, but it is equally important to show your ability to build bridges and work with a team toward the greater good.
Instead of changing the plan, consider a tactic that's worked well for the advertising sales force at the New York Times.
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