Sentences with phrase «bet on their accuracy»

There are life expectancy prediction tools available on the internet but I wouldn't bet on their accuracy!

Not exact matches

Beyond the special visit of Senator Collins, highlights included: • Intense and probing pre and post-dinner conversations about the economy and the world on the deck (along with wonderful wine and hors d'oeuvres — part of the tradition is that each participant ships several bottles of excellent wine to share with others) • Participation in a financial forecast survey of key factors for the upcoming 12 months as well as a review of the prior year's financial forecast survey — including distribution of funds that the prior year's attendees «bet» on the accuracy of the forecasts.
But recently scientists have created a system that can predict the bets of gamblers, with an accuracy bordering on spooky.
The best thing one can do in this task is to always bet on the better slot machine, which yields an expected accuracy of 67 percent.
Yet I have not heard of a single weather derivatives group which claims to profess weather and climate with «investment accuracy» (accurate often enough to be worth betting modest sums on) over more than a one year time horizon.
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