Sentences with phrase «better academic outcomes»

According to Miedel and Reynolds (1999), parental monitoring among African American youth may result in better academic outcomes, as parents may be able to speak with teachers and adolescents to understand and offer support and guidance in challenging domains.
According to the researchers, the takeaway for parents is this: Being better attached leads to better academic outcomes, so parents may want to make bonding a goal during infancy and toddlerhood.
When families understand that «happiness», social and emotional wellbeing and positive mental health, all lead to better academic outcomes and lifelong satisfaction, they are more able to partner with educators in valuing play with their children.
Simply put, higher quality programs produce better academic outcomes.
Using its Renaissance program, the District has launched turnarounds at more than 30 schools, gaining dramatically better academic outcomes for students in many cases
And they accelerate student learning — research shows schools have better academic outcomes when leadership is shared.
The Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty (WILL) released a comprehensive study that compared student outcomes in choice programs and traditional public schools, showing better academic outcomes for students participating in the choice programs.
A handful of studies from the U.S. Department of Education show that students with a history of in - depth involvement in the arts also tend to have better academic outcomes even beyond graduation, have higher career aspirations and are more civically engaged.
The second subpurpose is to apply the proposed analytic framework to recognize institutions in which their students tend to have better academic outcomes (transfer rates and eventual four - year degree attainment).
Research tells us that when children are supported in being metacognitive (i.e., thinking about their own understandings), they are more likely to be engaged in their learning and that they have better academic outcomes.
The potential benefit, say proponents of the law, will be better academic outcomes that result from smaller classrooms.
Most rigorous empirical research indicates that private schools deliver better academic outcomes, undoubtedly because competing in a marketplace produces an existential incentive for quality production.
Topics include the use of disciplinary procedures such as Positive Behavior Intervention and Support and Restorative Justice as effective ways in reducing suspension rates, the impact of high suspension rates in the capacity of schools to attain better academic outcomes, and the high suspension rate of students suffering learning and emotional disabilities.
Tailoring the experience to individual students promises better academic outcomes.
Decades of research have shown that low - income students have better academic outcomes when they attend economically diverse schools.
Theories connecting being physically present in school to better academic outcomes have never been more substantiated, yet NAEP scores show stagnation nationwide and a widening gap between subgroups while about 6.8 million students in the United States missed more than three weeks of school during the 2013 - 2014 school year (Attendance Works and Everyone Graduates Center 2017).
Research has consistently demonstrated that low - income students who attend smaller high schools have better academic outcomes in terms of achievement, graduation rates, and discipline issues than their peers in larger schools.
When kids are happy and feel safe and connected to their school, you see better academic outcomes.
«With the right approach, technology integration leads to better engagement with parents along with better academic outcomes,» says Agustin Urgiles.
The premise seems logical: with fewer students to teach, teachers should achieve better academic outcomes for all students.
Similarly, California's rural - adjacent Grimmway Academy achieves significantly better academic outcomes for the children of farm workers than local alternatives, with a model centered on an edible schoolyard and blended learning.
BEFMG members have been at the forefront of the development of new products to match this standard — delivering products which support improved lifelong back care for our children, better academic outcomes through comfort which leads to improved concentration and outstanding value for money through product durability and life cycle costs.»
They suggest that areas with more choice and competition experience better academic outcomes than areas with less choice and competition.
Previous research has found that «process - oriented praise» — praising children for their actions rather than their characteristics, like «good job» or «great work» — can provide children with a «positive growth mindset» that is associated with more persistence after failure and better academic outcomes, Gunderson added.
Try to get your target to agree in principle that better food would mean better nourished kids; have the documentation with you showing the connection between better nutrition and better academic outcomes (not hard to find on the internet.)
Notably, advanced social skills, in turn, to lead to better academic outcomes.
The Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools honors the public charter management organization that has demonstrated the best academic outcomes, particularly for students from low - income backgrounds and students of color.
Recognize those charter models that show the best academic outcomes, particularly for traditionally disadvantaged students

Not exact matches

All this despite the fact that private schooling doesn't actually yield better outcomes for students, according to a recent Statistics Canada report (instead, the apparent academic success of private school student is due to their socioeconomic backgrounds).9 A UBC study also found that students from public schools scored higher in first - year university classes than their private school counterparts.10
The reasons for the association of Bible literacy with higher academic outcomes are many, but the data remind us that America's schools can not claim that their graduates are well educated unless they have knowledge of the Bible.
She started with some universally acknowledged positive academic outcomes for students: getting good grades, graduating from high school, and earning a college degree.
A well - established body of research confirms that a father's active participation and emotional engagement with his children leads to improved social, emotional, academic and behavioral outcomes.
Supportive parents had the best developmental outcomes, as measured by academic achievement, educational attainment, family obligation (considered positive outcomes), academic pressure, depressive symptoms, and parent - child alienation (considered negative).
This year, however, academics, good - government groups and others believe the outcome of the ballot question in November may be different.
One commonly used definition of a «good» school is one that has high academic outcomes in absolute terms - its students don't drop out, frequently go to college, frequently go to selective colleges if they do go to college, frequently find decent jobs if they don't go to college, perform well on standardized tests, take more advanced classes such as advanced placement, international baccalaureate, honors and college classes, etc..
The dataset included measures of students» academic competence, specifically test scores in math and reading, as well as psychosocial outcomes.
The research, taken together, suggests a cellular - level mechanism to back up a 2013 study that concluded children born to mothers whose choline intake was well below the recommendation have lower academic outcomes by age seven.
Essentially the goal was to determine what data is required for the academic research community to develop a plan to make postdoctoral pay / benefits commensurate with work training and experience, better align trainee expectations with job outcomes, and increase diversity in the academic research environment.
Within his current role at ABTU, he oversees and administers annual outcomes assessment studies, state and federal accreditation reporting, as well as satisfactory academic progress monitoring.
In theory, retained students were supposed to participate in an enriched, accelerated academic program that would, through additional help and tailor - made interventions, result in a better outcome at the end of the repeated grade or even help the student catch up to his or her classmates.
And when they mapped those students against their academic outcomes, they found that the disengaged students did not perform much better than the students who were described as uncooperative or challenging behaviours, and they never caught up academically.
Australian parents decide which primary school is best for their child based personal factors that go beyond academic outcomes, according to new research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Harvard Graduate School of Education will work with the Strategic Education Research Partnership and other partners to complete a program of work designed to a) investigate the predictors of reading comprehension in 4th - 8th grade students, in particular the role of skills at perspective - taking, complex reasoning, and academic language in predicting deep comprehension outcomes, b) track developmental trajectories across the middle grades in perspective - taking, complex reasoning, academic language skill, and deep comprehension, c) develop and evaluate curricular and pedagogical approaches designed to promote deep comprehension in the content areas in 4th - 8th grades, and d) develop and evaluate an intervention program designed for 6th - 8th grade students reading at 3rd - 4th grade level.The HGSE team will take responsibility, in collaboration with colleagues at other institutions, for the following components of the proposed work: Instrument development: Pilot data collection using interviews and candidate assessment items, collaboration with DiscoTest colleagues to develop coding of the pilot data so as to produce well - justified learning sequences for perspective - taking, complex reasoning, academic language skill, and deep comprehension.Curricular development: HGSE investigators Fischer, Selman, Snow, and Uccelli will contribute to the development of a discussion - based curriculum for 4th - 5th graders, and to the expansion of an existing discussion - based curriculum for 6th - 8th graders, with a particular focus on science content (Fischer), social studies content (Selman), and academic language skills (Snow & Uccelli).
These charges seemed odd, given that the best studies available on the subject — from Stanford University's Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO)-- show that Michigan charter students make large academic gains relative to similar students at district schools, particularly in Detroit.
Special education can and should result in greater academic achievement, so even teachers added in that category should be contributing to better aggregate outcomes.
Subsequent research has grappled with these issues in one form or another in an effort to gain a better understanding of the determinants of racial differences in academic, economic, and social outcomes.
Indeed, at a time when parents are being admonished to develop their children's emotional and social intelligences as much as their academic ones, it may well undermine parents» confidence in a results - based accountability system if all that system does is measure academic outcomes.
We also know that engagement leads to successful academic outcomes and a greater sense of well - being for both the student and educator.
Investing time and resources into developing, establishing and maintaining an emotionally healthy culture produces long term benefits for the emotional health of the whole school community as well as enduring impacts on the pupils» social, emotional and academic outcomes.
There have been plenty of studies showing the connections between school culture and academic outcomes, staff recruitment and retention, parental engagement and community support; we all learn best when we are feeling safe, contained and able to thrive.
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