Sentences with phrase «better future for all»

We help people build better futures for themselves, hold the powerful accountable, and save lives in disasters.
All donations help to support our mission of building strong families, vital communities, and better futures for children.
The decisions we make now are often made with hopes of better futures for our little ones.
- This organization shows separated and divorced parents how to develop better futures for their families and themselves by focusing on meeting their children's needs.
We have guided many people through troubled times and helped them build better futures for themselves and their families.
We welcome all those interested in supporting our mission of building strong families, vital communities, and better futures for children to take advantage of our current volunteer opportunities.
Nurse - Family Partnership empowers first - time moms to transform their lives and create better futures for themselves and their babies.
Our signature program, Healthy Families America, has been providing voluntary, evidence - based services that are proven to result in better futures for families and brighter starts children for 25 years.
By providing high - quality data and trend analysis, KIDS COUNT seeks to enrich local, state and national discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all children — and to raise the visibility of children's issues through a nonpartisan, evidence - based lens.
Our signature program, Healthy Families America, has been providing voluntary, evidence - based services that are proven to result in better futures for families and brighter starts children for 25 years.
«Improving the state's education system has been one of the governor's top priorities since taking office,» Jim Malatras, the governor's director of state operations, said through a spokeswoman, «and throughout that process, he has always partnered with groups, stakeholders, experts and other allies willing to fight for better futures for New York's students.»
Historic agreement promises better future for developmental disabilities, mental health services Thursday June 19, 2014 at 05:16 pm
Climate science has unintentionally become one of the most significant fronts in the socioeconomic - political struggle to develop a sustainable better future for humanity, a struggle to correct incorrect developments that have developed powerful defences, particularly through regionally temporarily successful misleading marketing appeals to developed temptations for more potential personal benefit rather than desiring to be more helpful to others and the future of humanity.
Wenger has secured a very good future for us with players like Coquelin, Bellerin, Jenkison, Adelaide, Zelalem, Crowley, Hayden, Akpom, Bielik, Iwobi, etc..
Our pupil premium will be a downpayment on better future for the poorest children.
«This film looks at the progress that has been made by the Kennel Club as well as other organisations and committed individuals to help address the complicated issues surrounding dog health and welfare, in addition to looking at what more needs to be done, through collaboration and united effort, to create an even better future for dogs
This partnership accelerates our mission of looking after the financial best interests of the up - and - coming by helping people create an even better future for themselves.»
There is major motivation for many very wealthy people to employ as many smart people as they can find who are willing to do the most disgusting thing a smart person can do - deliberately misinform others rather than most fully inform them to attempt to delay the «development of a sustainable better future for all».
«That since the younger generation of Nigerians makes up for more than 60 per cent of the nation's population, it is our hope that they inherit this country in better shape so that they can build a much better future for themselves and their offsprings in an atmosphere that is devoid of anarchy, hate, suspicion and negativity that characterize the polarized, and clearly irreconcilable differences forced on us by the Biafran Igbos».
BEST Kids seeks to promote better futures for youth in the District of Columbia's child welfare system by developing and supporting one - on - one mentoring relationships between the youth and caring, consistent adults.
Going forward, more filtration may be the best we can hope for (and even that will continue to be a fight), though really, from a health perspective, the only good future for coal would be less of it.
The Smith Family is a national, independent children's charity helping disadvantaged Australians to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves.
Creating a charter school often starts as an exhilarating project, filled with breakthrough curriculum ideas, ways to serve families where there are low - performing schools, and visions of better futures for children through superlative education.
These programs often play an important role in communities, particularly low - income communities, giving fathers a place to reflect on their familial role and plan for better futures for themselves and their children.
Hear from The Family Partnership's President and CEO Molly Greenman as she reflects on The Family Partnership's 140th Anniversary and how we have remained committed to building strong families, vital communities, and better futures for children.
The advancement of humanity to a lasting better future for all has to be the measure of acceptability.
This outlook does not paint a very good future for our inland cattle producers.
«I want my daughter to grow up where I did... [but] if I ever want a better future for her, I have to consider the possibility that she may go elsewhere.»
«I hope we'll see more leaders like these 40 Catholic institutions commit, because while this decision makes smart financial sense, acting collectively to deliver a better future for everybody is also our moral imperative,» she said.
Steve: I think it's important to note that Tom really wants to make a better future for his son and daughter.
Oil and gas companies must do everything they can to create a better future for the planet in partnership with governments, investors, and other industry sectors.
«By recognizing and rewarding entrepreneurial pursuits, we're encouraging young people to use entrepreneurship as a means to a better future for themselves and all of society.»
Find a reason that means more than that fear: creating a better future for your family, wanting to make a real difference, or hoping for a more rewarding and fulfilling life.
«To create a better future for our planet, we must all get involved.
It's hard to predict anything but a good future for Apple.
Find a reason that means more: creating a better future for your family, wanting to make a real difference, or hoping for a more rewarding and fulfilling life.
«He has stood up for liberal values; he put forward a vision for the important role that France plays in Europe and around the world; and he is committed to a better future for the French people.
We need to help them create a better future for themselves and avoid the mistakes we made.
Instead, we should embrace it, knowing that we have the tools, skills and knowledge to make a better future for everyone.
Her depression era generation had a sense of purpose: make ends meet and create a better future for your children.
We are dedicated to building a better future for Canadians by making our economy and society more dynamic and competitive.
He has initiated a number of international projects in the pursuit of creating a better future for our planet.
Linda Tannenbaum, founder and president of OMF, said, «This significant donation will help OMF accelerate and expand current research into ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), and other chronic complex diseases, and to keep fighting for a better future for patients.»
To determine which communities are a good fit for the initiative, Starbucks looks at all the available data on the socio - economic health of America's cities to understand which communities have the biggest opportunity gaps, which have the biggest need for business investment and leadership, and where there is local movement underway to build a better future for its residents.
Our priorities: A better future for children; A healthier future; A more confident future; A better future for the planet; A better future for farming and farmers.
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