Sentences with phrase «better interaction»

I think real books provide a better reading experience for children and allow for better interaction with the pictures.
I would love for you to drop by and see all the new changes we have made for better interaction with the bloggers.
It has some mystery and very good interaction between characters.
By including examples of good interactions with co-workers, you can show that you are great to be around both in the office and out.
For better interaction among the members of the community, you can hardly get a better app.
This allows better interaction with the ocean floor when the ground swell moves into shallow water.
There were a few things I would have liked to see such as better interaction mechanics and more open world features but that's just me being picky.
It is ideal and will lead to better interactions in the future if parents can reach an agreement on their own.
Yes, they make mistakes but a lot of them do seem to learn something from them and have better interaction skills.
Some of the innovations in these consoles include better interaction with games that do not have a monthly subscription for interactive features.
Couples can stand a fair amount of conflict if they have 7 times as much good interaction.
When the producers of good food are able to bring their products and connect directly with their customers deeply good interactions can happen.
At the end of the test period the massage group had significantly less depression and very significantly better interaction with their babies, than the control group.
There is so much analytical data provided to you on every site, but no site can tell you about how well your interactions actually serve you.
While developers fear toxic players and gamers certainly dislike them, maybe the potentially good interactions are worth the risk after all?
If you're looking to get better interaction with your audience, animation is the way to go.
They should also be open minded and must have good interaction abilities to move in a team and get the work done efficiently.
Eight sessions in this two - day workshop can begin to truly help couples understand each other more, stop negative cycles, enjoy better interactions, and build deeper intimacy!
Better interaction between innovative academic centers and pharmaceutical industry is essential for new drug development.
For better interaction among the lesbian members of the community, you can hardly get a better app for your apple device.
I would love for you to drop by and see all the new changes we have made for better interaction with the bloggers.
I have had good interactions with staff at all levels - and of course, a bum teacher or two along the way, as anyone will with any system.
Galaxy Note 4 is the fourth generation of the innovative Galaxy Note series with Samsung's S Pen technology, which offers better interaction with the device and has -LSB-...]
«This is yet another set of critical police reforms that will continue to keep New Yorkers safe while also ensuring better interactions with the communities they serve,» Mark - Viverito said in a statement.
Another way to encourage better interactions is to occasionally pick out a single individual or a small group of posters and encourage them:
As the folks working on these analyses got to know each other better, it became a natural progression towards better interaction
Rising concerns about ensuring each learner is connecting to content have encouraged school technology advocates to promote next generation education technology for its ease of use, accessibility and teaching tools that enable better interaction between teacher and student.
It promises better interaction than before, updated Voice Control, but no gesture control system — Porsche doesn't see any advantage to that solution.
Teachers will benefit by having better interaction opportunities with students through a medium that takes advantage of the best technology available.»
In fact, the smartwatch doesn't even need to be paired to a phone anymore, and even if it is connected, the latest version of Android Wear allows for far better interaction with notifications, which means that you don't have to turn to your phone that often.
Premarital counseling will make sure you do not to continue these patterns and promote better interaction.
Respected marriage researcher, Dr. John Gottman, asserts that in good marriages, compliments (and good interactions in general) need to outnumber criticisms by at least five to one.
Galaxy Note 4 is the fourth generation of the innovative Galaxy Note series with Samsung's S Pen technology, which offers better interaction with the device and has established the ground for mobile devices with larger screens.
It takes conscious effort to find the kernels of good interactions that can exist despite, or side by side with, the dysfunctional ones.
In addition, the program maximized the interaction between mentors and mentees, as well interactions among scholars and between scholars and speakers and invited guests.
Blockchain allows good interaction between the community plus great efficiency and security along with low - cost management.
Clearly laying out expectations, providing regular feedback, and ensuring good interaction and discussion within the group are the key communication traits that describe a good supervisor, according to survey participants (96 percent to 97 percent agreed or strongly agreed that these were important).
i have good interaction skills and also a good orator.
To that end, Lee — alongside the various legal teams across the business — drove the introduction of a new regional operating model to encourage better interaction and communication among the group's roughly 39,000 employees, and to bolster teamwork across borders.
In a study of four provisions for teaching mathematically talented students, one researcher found positive effects for using pull - out grouping to include good interaction between teachers and students, significant progress in level of skills, and increases in motivation.
It offers low latency streams for much better interaction with viewers...
Better interaction between science and society would also help put pressure on politicians to act according to scientific and technological advice.
Rather each person harbors a unique and varied collection of bacteria that's the result of life history as well their interactions with the environment, diet and medication use.
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