Sentences with phrase «better overall cardiovascular health»

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These are vital for digestive and cardiovascular health — corn is an overall great food for maintaining good health.
The monounsaturated fat in olives also contains oleic acid, which is linked to lower blood pressure and better cardiovascular health overall.
You'll be amazed how this much - vilified tropical oil may actually be your ticket to a healthier weight... more energy... a sharper mind... improved cardiovascular function... beautiful skin and overall better health.
Improved overall health drastically reduces the risk of developing CAD (coronary artery disease) or other cardiovascular issues, and TRT can help men with low testosterone achieve better physical conditioning through exercise.
People who eat high protein diets have been shown to have better overall blood sugar control and cardiovascular health (5).
And the best part is, a lifestyle that promotes long - term brain health not only strengthens neurons and combats mental decline, it also improves blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular function, mood balance and overall health.
Benefits of running include improved cardiovascular capacity (a stronger heart), increased metabolism (fat loss), reduced bad cholesterol (healthier heart), strengthening of the bones, as well as improved self esteem and overall health.
Two daily servings (240 ml) of beans, cooked or canned, are recommended in order to maintain overall health, specially during pregnancy, since folate is crucial for cardiovascular health, as well as for early development, reducing the risk of birth defects.
Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium supports bone density, helps maintain a normal, regular heartbeat and supports overall cardiovascular health
So, these two different types of fiber are both very important for our health and well - being and we need both of them in our diet... and it's important to have both of them in your diet because they both play a different role for our health and our digestive health and our cardiovascular health and really all sorts of functions in the body overall so basically soluble fiber it becomes liquid, so, soluble fiber and actually believe it or not soluble fiber and insoluble fiber have different times of the year that they are more effective and impactful for your health and wellbeing.
The body's muscular system is also intimately related to cardiovascular health, as well as lymph circulation, both of which are incredibly important in overall health, not only in the aging body, but throughout the life cycle.
By contrast, higher amounts of potassium improved health in these areas as well as overall cardiovascular health.
Researchers define obesity as a condition where fat accumulates in the body to become a risk factor or marker for many chronic diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and cancer, as well as adversely impacting overall health.
Not only does research show that pets benefit our cardiovascular health, it also suggests that animal - assisted therapy can alleviate symptoms among those suffering from PTSD by helping patients, often veterans, feel more relaxed and comfortable while improving their overall well - being.
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