Sentences with phrase «better philosophical sense»

On the other hand, the philosophical idea of an architech for existance makes better philosophical sense, and this may indeed be why Einstein was a Theist rather tan an atheist.
Holding to 6 - day creationism makes good philosophical sense if you believe, as you insist, on Scriptural inerrancy.
Holding to evolution as the origin of the world and all that is therein makes good philosophical sense if and only if you reject the idea of a God... or even of gods.

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Nihilism is not a philosophical conspiracy designed by Nietzsche and some French intellectuals to undermine the good sense of liberal Americans — indeed Nietzsche was the great enemy of nihilism.
Whatever roles philosophical and theological ideas played in the debates over heliocentrism, biological evolution, and the Big Bang theory, the scientific issues were eventually settled by more and better data and by considerations that were purely «scientific» in the modern sense.
And at the philosophical level it makes better sense.
I have tried to make philosophical sense out of this in chapter 5 of Hell: The Logic of Damnation, as well as in the popular book I am currently writing.
It is also necessary, however, to go much deeper and to explore what the implicate order means with regard to our common - sense notions based on general experience, as well as with regard to our basic philosophical ideas.
But, in addition to descriptive categorization, a philosophical theory of human nature or process also aims to categorize what it means to be distinctively human in the best sense.
Weiss is surely correct in thinking that logic, as construed in a sufficiently broad sense, is nowadays of greater practical, as well as philosophical, utility than ever before.
The philosophical re-construal of the market that I am recommending is quite consistent with empirically based arguments to the effect that one or another form of government intervention is counter-productive and that it may make very good sense in some areas of activity to let the market operate under its own logic.
Unlike science and other academic disciplines, humane education has a philosophical component that strives to establish a sense of responsibility and make the world a better, more humane place.
The GDRs essay is «Greenhouse Development Rights: A Framework for Climate Protection that is «More Fair» than Equal per Capita Emissions Rights,» a focus that makes good sense given the state of the philosophical debate.
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