Sentences with phrase «better prepare you for»

If you are well prepared for your meetings, have your figures ready and know what questions you want to ask, the time you spend together will be efficient and valuable for you both, and your accountant will appreciate it.
Their experience as a passenger better prepared them for the course and for the potential of the car.
Less than half (45 percent) felt very or fairly well prepared for retirement.
She urged her colleagues in Congress to think beyond the incremental rebuilding needs to consider the big picture of helping the region better prepare for and mitigate damage from future disasters.
And the experience you're gaining will only better prepare you for going full - time with [your startup].
Maijoor also mentioned that, while government action has so far only been taken in Asia, the ESMA's role as a regulator is to provide information across countries to better prepare for cryptocurrency developments.
Topics like career advice, resume building tips, and interview questions help candidates better prepare for the application process and improve interactions between job candidates and potential employers, not to mention boost confidence and engagement.
The upcoming year will favor those who best prepared for changes in the economy, technology and globabilization.
He'd best prepare for a frightful year: Germany will likely continue its gradualist approach to combating the sovereign debt crisis — even if it means taking the rest of the continent to the brink and beyond.
Leavitt says customers are better prepared for their first day with the software system «because they've been through it before.»
And some of them may not be well prepared for such attacks,» Comacho said.
Deep breathing while doing so, as is commonly practiced in yoga, can facilitate a meditative state, which will cleanse your mind of clutter and better prepare you for the rest of the day.
48 Percent of manufacturers feel well prepared for the latest tech revolution hitting their industry.
It gives business owners the ability to remain ahead of their competitors and potential purchasers, keeping owners well prepared for any situation or offer that comes their way.
Consider whether you will be well prepared for the rapidly changing marketplace in 2015.
Jeanne appears frequently on CNBC Power Lunch, Fox Business, CNN, WPIX, New York, and NPR Market Place sharing best practices on how companies can best prepare for the future of work.
We were better prepared for and have recovered well from the global recession of 2008/2009.
«However, some are better prepared for retirement than others.
They'll already have an idea of what is important to that lead and their company, they'll be better prepared for the particular questions the lead might ask, and they'll have a clearer understanding of what it will take to close the sale.
Explore the top workplace trends that will change the way you view your corporation, help you better prepare for the future, and improve your talent management strategy.
The Future Workplace Experience: 10 Rules for Mastering Disruption in Recruiting and Engaging Employees combines exclusive research with practical tools and reflective questions for how organizations, teams, and individuals can best prepare for the future workplace.
The IRS is probably about as well prepared for this as they could be, but that doesn't mean they can respond instantaneously.
Few asset managers were better prepared for — or benefited more from — the financial crisis than Raymond Dalio.
«I don't understand how what is happening is going to better prepare us for the future.
As much as the mine management team is well prepared for operating in difficult weather conditions and mining a high - grade deposit with relatively narrow veins, there will likely be periods when operations don't go as planned.
According to United Capital, they are careful and deliberate in making financial decisions, often well prepared for the unexpected.
To be better prepared for leaving traditional work, I'm tracking our progress through this series.
Even people who feel well prepared for retirement can be surprised by the opportunities a professional can find.
Hopefully, like Churchill who prepared for WWII many year in advance, the new Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, who has studied the depression era extensively, is also well prepared for the worst of times in one or two generations.
But forewarned is forearmed: we'd better prepare for the worst, because sooner or later under the present government the worst always seems to arrive.
They appreciate that presenting companies are very well prepared for these meetings.
In the coming years, an adequate public transit system that is well prepared for population growth will be critical in ensuring a high quality of life and business competitiveness within Greater Vancouver.
Whether an employer wants to reduce costs, improve recruiting and retention, prepare for emergencies, lower employees» stress and improve their productivity, be better prepared for an emergency or disaster situation, or solve countless other workplace challenges, flexible work options can help.
The teams focused on meeting survivors» health needs, increasing access to care and preparing safety net health facilities to better prepare for future storms.
We can not avoid crisis, but learning to handle each one as it comes, and using it as a growth experience, makes us better prepared for the surprises of the future, and assures our children a chance of growing up as the independent and creative persons we dream for them to be.
If the board backs you in this decision, they should gladly provide you some time away from the church to prepare resumes, apply for jobs, go to interviews, or even attend schooling to get some education you will be better prepared for a «second career.»
It may well be that one does not want to give up voluntarily what one still possesses, though one has to reckon with the possibility of losing it; it may also be that it is better to give up something voluntarily so as to be; better prepared for the future when one will not possess it in any case.
Kierkegaard's own brief preface to Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing does little more than begin this process, and tempts me to suggest that one who is not familiar with other works of Kierkegaard, will find himself still better prepared for immersion in this address if he turns immediately to Section Twelve and reads from that point to the end.
The independent school standards set out basic expectations about what schools should do to ensure that pupils receive a broad education and are well prepared for life in Britain society.»
So now they were cleaning their nets so that they would be well prepared for later tonight when they might have more luck.
Since death and resurrection have long been central Christian themes, Christianity is well prepared for the task of letting its old conventional self die, in order to rise again as a facet of a new global religion.7
Most of us are better prepared for cosmic events.
One best prepares for pastoral counsel by meditating often on scripture and the patristic writers.
Teachers say that many non-Christians think a Christian education better prepares them for the world of urban life, international economics, love marriages and democratic political life than the available alternatives, even if they do not want to convert.
Her message is simple: «If we choose to wrestle today with God's role in suffering, our faith is better prepared for tomorrow's pain.»
I was well prepared for Steven Budiansky's The Covenant of the Wild.
We should learn something of the underlying purpose beneath the shifting human scene, and how we could cooperate with it; we should learn how we could make the best of this limited imperfect world and how men could best prepare themselves for the next stage of their existence.
After all, a pope should be better prepared for death than most of us.»
If your boy comes with me, he'd better prepare for self - denial, persecution — yes, cruel death.»
After Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Stevens we are well prepared for the «sensitive dependence on initial conditions» that in chaos theory is given the poetic name of the Butterfly Effect: «the notion that a butterfly stirring the air today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New York.»
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