Sentences with phrase «better regulation»

To play a leading role in the promotion of high quality patient care and to act as an independent watchdog for better regulation of safe healthcare.
I know in a free market economy you can't really have price controls, but we need a new model with better regulations.
Forty - four per cent of respondents believe better regulation is needed of expert witnesses.
These include better regulation of blood sugar and stress hormones, which protect the thyroid (7).
Until better regulations are in place, the cryptocurrency market remains a risky sector.
Good regulation encourages innovation, so as advertisers and marketers were forced to think «outside the billboard,» it was an opportunity to tap into better, more creative ideas.
We also work towards better regulation to enable an even wider uptake of small - scale sustainable electricity generation.
We could go back and forth about what constitutes good regulation and what doesn't.
Here are some reasons why better regulations are necessary to protect parents who use formula.
Furthermore, banning third party sales will not stop the demand for puppies, whereas better regulation will go much further to improve welfare.
Good regulations protect the pet industry, our customers and the pets for which we provide care.
For most injection wells regulations only address the well structure and site because it is assumed that the natural geological layering makes vertical migration impossible.
Unless better regulations are put in place, plastic pollution will become more common.
Bitcoin prices continue to feel pressure as ICOs see their first fall and the industry claims better regulation will initially keep growth down.
We have various options such as modifications to capitalism, better regulation of environmental matters, or alternatives to capitalism.
If we are to ensure a strong and vibrant financial service sector, then the government must ensure it proceeds with good regulation.
Let's take action NOW and write formula companies, advocating for better regulations.
The survey found that an overwhelming majority of respondents believe better regulation is needed for expert witnesses.
«We need better regulations in place to protect the rights of people with disabilities and our veterans who legitimately need to travel with these animals,» said Sara Nelson, president of the union.
Until the U.S. adopts better regulations around product safety — like we do in other countries — parents are left to bear the burden of protecting their children's health by educating themselves and making conscious purchases.
It is also liasioning with one of the Big 4 consulting companies (PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, Deloitte and KPMG) in order to push for better regulations around bitcoin usage.
Because of better regulations on the books since the 1970s and 1980s, most people aren't experiencing the kind of chronic asbestos exposure that millions of workers were in earlier decades, but there are still everyday sources where contamination can occur.
But even if they had been fully implemented (which they have not), that would not have been enough, for entirely missing from the report is any mention of the potential to minimize flooding through better regulation of land and resource development both upstream and within populated areas.
However, a recent study from Denmark has shown better regulation of blood sugar levels following moderate intake of cheese (a little less than one ounce per day).
After good regulation has been established, monitoring bloodwork every 3 - 6 months will be needed to ensure your pets insulin requirements are not changing, and regulation of glucose is still good.
Video: Apple's Tim Cook says better regulation needed after Cambridge Analytica scandal More security news Under Armour reports 150 million MyFitnessPal accounts hacked 20 suspect hackers arrested over online banking fraud Cambridge Analytica whistleblower reveals firm's shady dealings in Indian politics Android security:
But Pai's fixation with his «weed - whackers» means he's incapable of distinguishing between good regulations and bad ones, or recognizing that the free market that so informs his thinking doesn't even exist when it comes to Internet services.
By working proactively with governments and policymakers, OneCoin helps the industry achieve better regulation
It took him a few days before he released a statement on the recent Supreme Court decision Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, which struck down Texas legislation requiring better regulation of abortion facilities.
In countries such as India formula sales are static, while in countries such as China, without good regulations, there is aggressive marketing and exponential growth.
Other practices are prohibited by international minimum standards that companies should also follow, but given the widespread breaches, clearly better regulations and enforcement are needed.»
Albeit too slowly, the so - called «better regulation agenda» is currently enforced by a fierce Dutch commissioner, and new rules can include sunset clauses.
I was invited by the National Asian Business Association to attend a Local Better Regulation Workship (LBRO) workshop to build relations between ethnic minority businesses and regulators, such as local authorities.
The tentative agreement also includes independent expenditure reforms designed to provide better regulation of super PACs created in the wake of the Citizens United decision — a top priority for Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Richard Ali, Chief Executive of BASC said: «BASC hopes that Ms McCarthy, despite the positions she has taken in the past, will approach her new post of the basis of evidence based policy and the principles of better regulation introduced by the last Labour government.
If there has been wrongdoing on either side then it may well be worth looking into closing loopholes and creating better regulation.
A Republican lawmaker introduced a bill Thursday that would overhaul Wisconsin's high - capacity well regulations.
By modernizing the way in which chemicals are tested, S. 697 will enable better regulation of dangerous chemicals, thus protecting both people and animals.»
(This is an area where we actually have pretty good regulations.)
«We bring these topics into meetings, and I must say that on many occasions, our letters have yielded better regulations
State regulation is simple / dumb regulation, which is typically good regulation.
There is some feeling among experts that DOCP produces better regulation of electrolytes than does oral Florinef.
Adoption is becoming much more common, legislators are recognizing the need to pass better regulations for dog breeders and retailers, and there is more awareness than ever about the harsh realities of puppy mills.
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