Sentences with phrase «better search engine performance»

FindLaw created custom content for Lauren's new website but also carried over some of her original content, which was then optimized for better search engine performance.

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We provide a detailed report of your website SEO performance, as well as data about your traffic, top referring keywords and a full explanation of your search engine activity.
Additionally, the more links you have to your site and your book, and the more times your name is mentioned, the better you will do in search engine performance.
While search engines are constantly getting better at reading sites with bad architecture, many believe that technical performance of your website (including architecture and load speed) are becoming more heavily weighted by the search engines.
You can also check their previous clientele for performance on the major search engines as well.
According to the search engine giant, the latest Chrome 55 comes with a bunch of performance enhancements, memory and stability fixes as well as some new features.
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