Sentences with phrase «better than believers»

If you're not, you should know by now to trust that non-believers know the bible better than believers.
It does not make me feel «good», or better than believers, in any way.
You are not any better than believers, you withdraw your conclusion right of papers, Not much different than the ones who read the bible or any other books.
That still makes atheists better than believers.
They usually are experienced and well - versed in scripture (surveys show they know the bible better than believers) but they have opened their eyes wide enough to see through it all.

Not exact matches

«I'm a believer that good selling is more of a science than an art.
It's arrogance to consider yourself a better person than, say, a believer, and that you have the right to ridicule them.
When the totality of facts are taken into account, «miracles» turn out to be nothing more than believers who are desperate for some sign of my existence ignoring the downside of a set of facts, focusing solely on the upside and calling the quarantined «good» a miracle from me or one of the other sky - fairies.
I know many atheists who, in my opinion of course, are better persons than many, if not most, believers.
But I try not to be a snooty holier than thou Christian and I have a lot of close people surrounding me daily that I would call among my best friends that are non believers, Someday I hope I can help change their minds, but I'm not going to be pushy about it.
What better place to learn to know the irrational god - believers than on the Beliefs page?
If the person can do the job better than the «true believers» what's the problem?.
Well, given that many atheists are actually more informed (as studies have confirmed) than believers, a better analogy would be that it's like asking a former professional chemist now teaching an English class about chemistry instead of asking the Chemistry teacher who never made it past chem 101 as an undergrad.
I fail to see how being owned by wholesome believers is better than being owned by barbaric heathens.
Susie, by you saying that we should all be struck by lightning doesn't make you look better than any of us, believers or non believers.
Generally the sick that are prayed for only get better faster than the sick that don't because they are believers who know they are being prayed for.
A non-believer may have a better chance being accepted than a believer like me.
Liberal Wesleyans decided that an emphasis on the Second Blessing as an immediate possibility for all believers did more harm than good.
The stories of jesus can not be true in many regards... jesus would know better than to put if back onto the «non believers» he was trying to send a message to..
We are top of the food chain and our actions have identifiable consequences on the environment around us, but both atheists and believers can agree on that much (well most of us any way), but that's not good enough for most people, they have to have MEANING, there has to be something more than meets the eye with them.
In a sense one might say that the corporate faith of the fellowship is more important than that of any individual in it, yet that is not quite true, for each of those individuals — or, better, persons — makes his or her own contribution to the total community of faith, while the community's faith deepens, enriches, develops, and corrects the faith of the believer.
I think that your idea of teaching, with interaction between the one teaching and the people being taught is better suited towards emphasizing that fact than preaching, because the teacher can then work with the listeners regarding how God can use the truths being taught in each individual believers life.
Having been a believer for close to 40 years and have seen much human mangling of the local fellowship, I am inclined to ask is there a better way than this singular pastoral system we have been so entrenched in for the last 5 centuries.
Yes and you continue to prove my point — going in circles to attempt to prove your «Word» is better than the next believer's «Word».
They were the squishes, and the country - club types who imagined themselves better than the great unwashed pro-lifers, and the financial conservatives embarrassed by religious believers.
BTW The implication that non-believers are less morally sound than believers is a bias you would do well to leave by the wayside.
Daily believer momentum of positivism on twitter verbalism is better than dissonant dilly dally rupturing of unbeliever negativisms
And to anyone says that the positive outcome is achieved in this life, I expect you to prove that an Atheist's life is objectively better / more fulfilling / creates more enjoyment than a believer's life.
You should ask yourself, to help cure you of your horrid delusions, why it is that even the majority of believers in the world believe in a different god than you do, with wildly different rules to follow, and why your supposedly omnipotent creature can't do a better job of marketing himself over those other beliefs.
Studies repeatedly show that atheists tend to have better knowledge of your book of fairy tales than believers do.
What I think the OP was going for is that believers have one more less than ideal reason for doing good (i.e. fear of divine retribution).
What worries me, is that most belief systems create an illusion that one group is better than another (saved vs not saved, believer vs infidel, etc) Many of the posts above are proof of this.
My atheism doesn't make me feel I am a better person than believers; it does, however, make me feel I'm a little less stupid or deluded.
There is probably no greater cause for the ease in which believers are being misled by the teachings of others (however well - intended and sincere such teachings may be), than the fact that they have for all practical purposes never been taught how to rightly divide the word of truth themselves.
Second, I think Shaw said it best, «The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.
Further, freethinkers often have a better knowledge of Christian scripture and apologetics than many believers.
Anything written that long after he died is seriously unreliable, so you believers are going to have to do better than that.
The first is that atheists are smarter and better informed than Christians and the second is that they tand to be more aggresive and «in your face» than believers.
Suicide Bomber Kills More Than 70 as Taliban Targets Christians Celebrating Easter at Pakistan Park Blasphemy execution goes from good news to bad news for beleaguered believers.
You are no better off than what you condemn in believers.
And a true relationship between a believer and their Heavenly Father can not result in anything less than the production of fruit, which creates a good testimony, and in my own experience, nothing is a better witness to the unbeliever than the good testimony of a believer.
They are godless because hate and pride are the hallmarks of non believers and those who reject God / Christ as well as anything or entity that would dare suggest they bow to any other than self.
But there is not the slightest sign that he is aware of doing more than reminding the Philippian believers of what they knew as well as he.
If we can respectfully acknowledge that a majority of todays» generation of believers are taught into the faith by their parents, we reluctantly must conclude that the theology base of * a lot * of these believers is not upon careful reflection and personal choice upon the fervent divulgence of the Scriptures, but rather a hodge - podge compilation of «feel good» thoughts that have no biblical or moral grounding other than vague references.
In a recent interview with the Washington Post (part of their ominously titled «Voices of Power» series), Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius discussed Archbishop Joseph Naumann's request that she not present herself for communion because of her public support for legalised abortion: «Well, it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced in my life, and I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state, and I feel that my actions as a parishioner are different than my actions as a public official and that the people who elected me in Kansas had a right to expect me to uphold their rights and their beliefs even if they did not have the same religious beliefs that I had.
Award winning gospel rap artist FaithChild added his voice to the campaign stating: «I am a strong believer in being the hands and feet of Jesus whilst here on earth, and what better way is there than to be a help for someone in their time of need.
It seems to me that if a god wanted all of humanity to worship him he'd just make himself as obvious as gravity, math, or chemistry — all believers USE those facts because they work, but they believe in disparate gods because none work better than any other god..
The university is better served by an agnostic who wants the university to be Christian than by a devout believer who does not.
Someone wrote on here ahteists have no reason to live, no goals.Like you believers in fairy tales are better than us.We are realists.We do not believe in the magic jewish man in the sky.Our goal is to live & let live in a happy world.
In reply, perhaps atheist know the Bible somewhat better than the average believer, but when you hear and feel God, one doesn't need to be a scholar on the Bible.
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