Sentences with phrase «better than other children»

Nevertheless, children in this cluster did not score significantly better than other children on 10 additional outcomes.
Advanced intellectual ability simply does not enable a child to manage emotions any better than any other child.

Not exact matches

Perhaps they are harder on them than they would be with others, but that only makes their children's performance better.
Many children have no concept of their good fortune to live in a comfortable home rather than on the streets or in other dangerous places.
What if my goal wasn't to win the game, but to leave people better than I found them — better loved, better experiencing their identity as a child of God, better equipped to love others?
Indeed, Dr. David King, director of Human Genetics Alert, recently warned a Reuters reporter that CRISPR could «create this new form of consumer eugenics in which people choose the cosmetic characteristics and abilities of their children and enhance them to perform better than other people's children
Rather, the parent did an awful job and if the child turned out well, it was for some other reason than the parent's efforts.
What better education can we offer our children than the shaping of their hearts to love others as we have been loved by God ourselves?
«Whatever insults human dignity, such as subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery... the selling of women and children; as well as disgraceful working conditions, where men are treated as mere tools for profit, rather than as free and responsible persons; all these things and others of their like are infamies indeed... they are a supreme dishonour to the Creator.»
Parents deposit their two - and three - year - olds for hours at a variety of day - care centers despite voluminous research indicating that there are no «good» child - care arrangements for children of this age other than parental care.
This vision of childhood, in which the role of parents is to trust children and the role of children is to keep that trust, to be honest and good and, above all, not duffers, is to me a purer, sweeter, and infinitely more potent vision than any other a child is likely to encounter in literature.
This, of course, does not mean that there; is, avoidably as well as unavoidably, much that is «undemocratic» in the Church, if for no other reason than that the baptized children must slowly be led by the Church to a free and responsible decision of personal faith without which no adult can be a member of the Church in the fullest sense.
I love the United States, and there's no country where I'd rather live; but just as we don't let our children off the hook for bad thinking, selfish behavior or unreconciled wrongs simply because we love them or think they are better behaved than other children, we should not ignore wrongs within our society.
Then we have eugenics programs, testing of chemicals and radiation on unsuspecting civilians, slavery, women having no right other than to shut up and stay in the kitchen, children working in factories... I'm not seeing where we were doing all that well when we were supposedly so Godly.
I wish the schools would focus on teaching children math, science and other things required to make our society better, rather than focussing on this non-issue.
Love can be niether proven nor disproven (well, maybe other than the love of a mother for her child).
In every area - education, law - abidingness, health, and life chances generally - children raised in two - parent families do dramatically better than others.
And even if this ends up better than death, it's difficult to say that God is the one who saved your child when so many others died.
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
The idea that we must always go forward, or the idea that, having gone forward, we will nonetheless be able to find ways to think of the children whom we have made and whose quality we have controlled as something other than products is, at best, puzzling, and at worst, all too self - confident.
When a person's belief drives them to take a man's children away from him for no reason other than who he loves, or drives them to rape a lesbian woman to make her straight, when a person's faith tells them it is good and right to kill another person because of their faith or lack thereof... these are harmful.
Other witnesses argued that, inasmuch as almost 25,000 married couples in France have been approved but wait an average of five years to be able to adopt because fewer than 5,000 adoptions take place each year, it is possible to provide every adoptable child with a father and a mother who will offer him or her the best chance of integrating into a new family.
Do the best you can, which is to teach your children something other than dogma.
I used green curry paste, I use that most of the times because is milder than other sorts, so the children would eat it as well.
Well, my husband must have done a really good job on Sunday because my child actually requested a food other than mac n cheese and hot dogs.
I guess the rest of the family has taken it in good stride, but sometimes I feel I might have neglected my other children's interests more than I should have.
The only Arsenal fan with a twisted mind is yourself and others like you, loyalty to a club is old news and past tense, exactly why Clichy and Nasri left for Citeh, it, s the weekly pay cheque that makes the difference, if Chelsea, Ci teh or Real Madrid offer van Persie a better weekly wage so be it as his manager Arsene Wenger has shown he can not take the club any further than a mediocre 3rd place and only one point ahead of Spuds, football in 2012 is big bu siness, get with the times or go away mister, your child ish unalytical mind won, t pay Robin, s monthly bils etc..?
Well - off kids have on average more access to books and other printed materials; just as important, their parents speak to them more than low - income parents speak to their children — by some estimates, far more — and the speech they use is more complex.
Share Speaking as a mom of early readers and an avid lover of reading (I only wish my reading list contained something other than children stories, but then again my music selection also suffers the same fate), I strongly believe in the importance of reading (the earlier the introduction to books the better).
On the other hand many children are thrust into leadership with no training and for no apparent reason other than they're talented, good looking, big, or the child of the coach.
In terms of temperament, I bring that up because I also followed some very well thought - out theories in my child - rearing and I can tell you from both personal experience and familiarity with various studies that some children may just be born more sensitive than others.
So if you have any reason to believe your child may be shaking their head for a reason other than curiosity, fatigue or boredom, it's best to contact your doctor, just for your own peace of mind.
Like Holleran, children sometimes fall prey to the idea that other people are living better lives than they.
• If one parent is better - educated than the other, some children may benefit from the better - educated parent undertaking more care: e.g. in Norway, girls (but not boys) have been found to do better at school when a father who was better educated than their mother took longer - than - average leave (Cools et al, 2011.)
DECEMBER In light of articles like this one, stating that as recently as Nov. 20, hazardous toys (containing high lead levels and other dangers) were still being found on the shelves in stores like Target, itâ $ ™ s validating (but really no surprise to me) to read that Simple Retro Toys May Be Better For Children Than Fancy Electronic Toys.
The gathered style shoulder can help spread out the weight of your child a little bit better than some other types of slings might.
Any of these products are sure to help, but remember that there are some nightlight colors that may be better for your child than others.
Children with inflammatory bowel disease may not grow as well as other kids their age and puberty may happen later than normal.
My third child slept much better if it was at a certain time than others.
Teach your child thing like saying thank you when given something, saying sorry when they have wronged someone, respecting people that are older than them as well as treating his fellow children with kindness and not fighting with other children.
It is always a good idea to introduce your baby to new things other than letting your child paly with the old toys.
As your child's preferences come to light and teething pains cause certain textures to feel better than others,
In other words, some reading methods will work better for some children more than others.
I don't believe that any child gets better care than others.
Of course, some things have worked out better than others: the pram turned out to be a god - send, giving control over our crazy kids in busy train stations (but less handy going up and down subway stairs); the child - carrier allowed us to take the kids on a multi-day trek in New Zealand and the ukulele has brought joy to neighboring rooms in hotels across Japan and Korea.
You see, each child being different, will adapt to different methods better than others.
It's not exactly clear what's behind the trend of more parents moving away from corporal punishment — it could be a result of doctors and other child health and welfare experts spreading the word about extensive and well - researched evidence showing a clear link between corporal punishment and negative outcomes for kids, or it could be that this form of punishing kids is less socially acceptable than it used to be, or a combination of both factors.
• For these and other reasons, although children in mother - stepfather families tend to experience better financial support than children in lone mother households, and their stepfathers tend to be of higher «quality» than their biological fathers in terms of education, employment, psychopathology etc. (McLanahan et al, 2006) their outcomes and adjustment are not superior to children in lone mother households, although there may be cultural variations.
Boys who have been physically maltreated and neglected as children, as well as those who have been victims of physical or sexual assault, have been forced to have sexual contact against their will or have been victims of incest are vastly more likely to become fathers as teenagers than other teenage males (for review, see Kiselika, 2008, pp42 - 44)
It helps the development of the motor and cognitive skills and this will encourage them to be a little better than some of the other children when they need to go to pre-school.
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