Sentences with phrase «better than soda»

The kids actually think it's better than soda.
After all, this rationale goes, chocolate milk is better than soda (Oops.
Karen, mother of four, agrees, saying that chocolate milk is better than soda, juice or no milk at all.
Although this juice is so much better than soda, this one, even that which is 100 percent fruit juice, contains high amounts of fruit sugar.

Not exact matches

The better approach, he thinks, is positioning as a «good tasting» alternative to soda rather than a substitute for beer: «For when you are not drinking, AND for when you are drinking but not for the sole purpose of getting absolutely drunk.»
I can not imagine a better Irish treat than a piece of soda bread fresh out of the oven, studded with plump raisins and slathered with bright yellow butter.
It's not going to beat lye for pretzels, but it's quite a bit safer, and is going to produce a better result than baking soda.
It's almost more like a fruit soda than wine, but it's sooo good!
I find it best to make this one at the stage when the egg (s) would be added to the recipe so as to take advantage of the baking soda and vinegar chemistry, rather than making it in advance.
He also had the nerve to tell me it tastes better than my vegan dulce de leche recipe (which is similar, minus the baking soda, cinnamon, and vanilla bean)(ok, really not alllllll that similar) because you can't taste the coconut at all.
The result: A yummy bread that seems a little more moist than other Irish soda breads I've tried (this is a good thing!).
I love soda bread with ratatouille, but this looks like a better recipe than the one I have.
Reaching for a bottle of sparkling juice may be a better choice than soda, but making - it - yourself is an even tastier option.
It also kept well for three days, a little better than regular soda bread.
Although it is best eaten the day it is made, there is no better partner for smoked salmon than brown soda bread.
«There is seriously something wrong with a scheme where a diet soda drink ranks better than drinking milk,» he added.
Grab something round that is slightly smaller than the size of the muffin well, like a mini-sized can of soda or juice, or a small glass.
Saint Patrick's Day celebrates the culture and heritage of the Irish people and what better way to pay tribute than with Irish soda bread.
You are totally right, however I have a houseful of almost a dozen growing boys here everyday after school and they aren't Paleo (most aren't even gluten - free) so they get at least a Paleo treat a day — far better than the standard teenage fare of soda and chips, if you know what I mean!
I really like extra virgin coconut oil, especially in the place of shortening for frying etc., but when I blend equal parts of baking soda and evco together for toothpaste it cleans my oral issues amazingly well BUT, the awful salty taste is more than I can handle.
Nothing complements spicy curry better than Sangthip on the rocks with a splash of Singha soda.
Rather than adding the ginger and turmeric honey bomb to tea (40º C is not tea weather), I added the juice of the lemon as well and have been having it in soda water with ice.
Yeast Naans are much better than the bakiing soda ones, and yours look just the right.
I recently gave up my trusted tub and shower cleaner for pure baking soda... it was a step outside of the trusted box and the baking soda cleaned better than the tub cleaner from the store.
But there has to be a better way than rewarding them with candy, soda and other nutritional zeros.
While coconut water is great for hydration and is certainly better for you than soda, juice, and sports drinks, it should be enjoyed in addition to the 10 — 12 cups of water that pregnant women should be consuming daily — not in place of.
These teas taste so much better than juices and sodas!
While they realize chocolate milk is not an ideal beverage, it is a better alternative than sodas or sugar - laden fruit drinks.
I say it comes down to too many calories or, well, it's better than other things in the soda machine.»
Though drinking soda while breastfeeding may be better than drinking a cup of coffee, you should better avoid your caffeine intake.
«For older kids, use a sippy cup with diluted fruit juice, Gatorade, or flat soda, since these fluids are absorbed better than plain water.»
separately they're good or if using baking soda, then vinegar after to neutralize it so that it's just water and safer than leaving baking soda behind
Kids who won't drink regular milk will often drink flavored milk, they say, arguing flavored milks are better choices than sodas.
Candy, Cheetos, and sodas that are brightly colored are perceived as tasting better than the grey alternatives.
Put down those diet sodas and coffee, they'll only do more harm than good.
What shocked me even more than the fact that this actually works is how much better my hair began to look when I started using baking soda compared to traditional shampoo!
But it sounds like a better option than soda, right?
The bottles promise gut healing, alkalizing, and much more, but recently, there have been whispers that the super-healthy soda replacement may be no better than its more sugar - laden counterpart.
Baking soda and a few other natural ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter make an easy natural deodorant that works better than most commercial ones.
If you can't do without soda, your best bet is to drink it during a meal, rather than sipping it throughout the day.
Today, where there are 90 types of candy bars and 40 kinds of soda at every checkout counter, they can do more harm than good.
Eventually, the cheesecake, or pasta, or soda or whatever your weakness is will look really good and you'll decide that you hate dieting more than you hate being fat and give in.
To make the best - tasting, chewiest most delicious cookies using wholesome ingredients that won't make your body work harder than it should to filter out processed foods, try my recipe: Yield: 24 cookies You will need: measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowl, wooden spoon, baking sheet 2 1/2 cups almond flour 1/2 tsp sea salt 1 tsp baking soda 1/3 cup avocado oil (or olive oil, grapeseed oil or melted coconut oil) 1... [Read more...]
Your body will greatly thank you for it because water is always better for your digestive system than a soda drink full with CO2, as well as your wallet since it's a lot cheaper and you don't even have to buy it from the market, you could drink tap water.
Tried and true items such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can get the job done just as well — sometimes even betterthan their toxic counterparts.
Bubbly water like Perrier or San Pellegrino is a treat and a way better option than soda or pop.
Drinking water is also a much better option than drinking juice or soda, which contain empty calories and sugar.
Now we know that fat does have more calories than carbohydrates, but with that one - dimensional thinking, a soda is better for your health than a handful of almonds.
It is never enough to emphasize this: diet sodas are nothing better than regular sodas full with sugars.
If you are price conscious, conventional produce is fine and a much better option than filling your grocery cart with chips, crackers, soda pop and other junk foods.
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