Sentences with phrase «better than their judgment»

I have no reason to believe their judgment selecting candidates for office or voting on referenda is any better than their judgment evaluating doomsday theories.
In fact, our judgment is not necessarily better than the judgment of our readers.

Not exact matches

Though Kashkari begins with a broad attack on monetary rules, it quickly devolves into a focused attack on the Taylor Rule which he argues «effectively turn [s] monetary policy over to a computer, rather than continue to let Fed policy makers use their best judgment to consider a wide range of data and economic trends.»
Today's world is full of snap judgments instantly damaged reputations, so it's «better safe than sorry» for your company's social media profiles.
«Owners set their own hours and work the hours necessary using their best business judgment rather than a schedule set by a superior,» he wrote in Forbes in 2015.
«There is little or no evidence of cases in which expert judgment does better than intelligently constructed formulas,» Kahneman said.
I think it is difficult to know where the next crisis will come from, and, in general, it is better to have a system that is safe from errors in judgment and surprise than it is to try and avoid errors in judgment and surprises because as along as you are dealing with human beings, there will be errors and surprises.
If you remember nothing from the book other than Kindleberger's quip, «There is nothing so disturbing to one's well - being and judgment as to see a friend get rich,» you are ahead of the game.
With the victims of lung cancer we have the good sense to respond at the point of human suffering rather than the point of moral judgment.
How does he feel entitled to make any claim to be a better Catholic than Santorum (for that is what he's implicitly claiming) on questions that the church rightly leaves to the prudential judgment of voters and public officials, within broad boundaries, when in the next breath he confesses his complete failure to be any kind of Catholic at all on a question on which the church speaks with categorical moral authority?
Misery, sorrow, poverty, loneliness, helplessness, and guilt mean something different in the eyes of God than according to human judgment; that God turns toward the very places from which humans turn away; that Christ was born in a stable because there was no room for him in the inn — a prisoner grasps this better than others.
The judgment, «I like it» (or don't) is rendered far more easily than the judgment, «It is good
Life itself passes judgment daily on the notion that anyone is in charge, that good deeds and righteous living provide exemption from mindless tragedy, or that the meek will inherit anything other than a crushing debt and a dead planet.
He roundly declared that such notorious evil cities as Sodom and Gomorrah would fare better in the judgment than towns which rejected the living truth when it was before their eyes.
Since it is five steps away from atheism out of a possible six, lovers of the letter of orthodoxy who might feel inclined to attack case two as little better than atheism, or as a blasphemous or at best a crudely inept doctrine, might pause, before indulging in such judgment, long enough to consider — and I am confident they will not have done so before — what the five steps really mean.
So I think the better «translation and interpretational method» is to work from English versions that we have, but filter all through sincere love and desire to understand in a loving way, rather than to establish rules and dos and don'ts and judgments.
Similarly, it might be that the Club has no better way to award entry into its little aristocracy - for - a-night than to make snap intuition - al judgments that inevitably, are heavily based on appearances.
For this and many other reasons, the Jewish people disdained the Samaritans, and believed that they were no better than Gentiles, fit only for the destruction and judgment of God.
When we are unmerciful in our judgment of others, God often causes the same exact things to happen to us, just to show us that we are not better than them.
For we shall then be all too likely to dismiss death as a mere incident, to think of judgment without due seriousness, and to regard heaven and hell (our possible human destiny, for good or for ill) as nothing more than «fairy - tale» talk.
But Republican primary and caucus voters have shown much better judgment than you would think given the....
But Republican primary and caucus voters have shown much better judgment than you would think given the silly season polls of 2011.
Picking in a religion gives you a 1:1000 shot at making it into heaven, though a.1 % chance is still better than no chance, I believe that even if you have no faith in any god whatever god you may face at judgment day, you have a better chance of getting in, living a good life without faith than living a life with belief in a different god, as gods are usually jealous and would not like you believing in a different god.
Many choose work according to their judgment of its value to others and satisfaction to themselves rather than according to how well it pays.
As Arthur Hays Sulzberger, former publisher of the New York Times, said, «A man's judgment can not he better than the information on which he has based it.»
I'd recommend such courses, since I believe education provides the antidote to creationism and that if people are exposed to actual science rather than the distored view I find usually presented by creationists they will be far better equipped to make reasonable judgments regarding the actual evidence.
Should we make a sharp distinction between public and private life as in the judgment (attributed to Martin Luther) that it is better to be ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian?
Jesus is the only way to the Father, because His was the only perfect sacrifice, and best of all Jesus» sacrifice was greater than Father's judgment, which meant the sacrifice remained (Jesus).
Mutual admonition and the quest for complementarity are a better way than either «polite... opposition» or church - dividing declamations based on careless theological judgments.
To recall the set of propositions that opened this article, one can make justifiable judgments here: Some people were advancing causes of racial minorities and women better than liberal Protestants or Christians in general.
An individual can profit greatly by the criticism of his fellows yet he will realize that they are judging him by standards which are neither his own nor God's, that he is both a worse and a better man than their judgments indicate, and that the greatest service they can render him is to call him back to his own best self.
She is so educated she presumes her judgment has a better perspective than the eternal.
Surely, though, our tradition offers a much better image than that of God sitting in judgment on our earthly lives and then imposing a final destination as a separate interventionist act.
My personal judgment is that it has done greater good and greater evil than any other historical movement.
Excluded also is any judgment that it is better to satisfy some desires rather than others.
People have to look at from where a nation is coming from and moving towards rather than judge where they are at present — if you took a snapshot of countries like the USA around 1865 - 1880 or during the race riots or peace marches of the 60's you'd come away with a view of America as being an oppressive country (at least in the south)-- there is not a single thing happening in China that hasn't happened in the US or Britain as well your just looking at a single timeline while making a judgment.
Intellectuals do not have better moral judgment than people with little or no education, they do not live more wisely, they are certainly not more compassionate, they have not fewer but different superstitions, and they are capable of the most mindless fanaticisms.
This doesn't sound much better than «punish» until we realize that judgment is not always negative.
Why then waste so much time on worrying about where is the soul kept now on earth, than encouraging to soul to run the race with a good end so when judgment day comes the soul may be able to answer for what THE SOUL has been accomplished and failed.
It is you who have lost your way in a relationship that's offered more hurt than love, in a job that leaves you depleted and spent, or in the guilt of not being good enough, pretty enough or smart enough for someone whose judgment cuts deep.»
Better to discuss things, defer judgment, refer the matter to a committee for further consideration, than to make a decision.
Frankly, this essay showed no better judgment than did your pick of Cleveland to win the AL East.
(The judgment means that you're a better person than he is.)
Sober, industrious and otherwise well - adjusted men have been known to fall into gargling, sputtering rages as, sitting helplessly before their TV sets, they feel themselves assaulted by Allen's tedious, drawn - out explanations («For the benefit of those not so familiar with the game, the infield fly rule states that, with first and second base or first, second and third occupied and less than two out, a ball which in the judgment of the umpire,» etc..
Indiana smashed all opposition with more - than - expected fierceness and would have done even better had Tom Stock been awarded a judgment over Ensign Charles Bittick (who, at 23, is in his swimming dotage) in a very close 200 - yard backstroke event and if Indiana's medley swimmer Ted Stickles had not been suffering from what swimmers call tennis elbow, which curtailed his training.
To wrap up, I would once again like to emphasize that I am not making a judgment on whether Lacazette is a better or worse player than Giroud.
So I have no judgment for other women who are just trying to do their best in a world where breastfeeding is so much harder than it should be.
Those investors who possess patience, good judgment, and calm in the face of volatile markets are more likely to thrive than those without those qualities.
As parents, we should know better than to cast judgments on other parents, as we are not aware of the situations and circumstances other families are facing nor do they really matter.
Though these kinds of responses are well meaning, they teach kids to rely on our evaluations rather than to learn to form their own judgments about behavior.
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