Sentences with phrase «better used elsewhere»

You hire other people because they can do it better, faster and / or safer, and because your time can be better used elsewhere.
These have a negligible impact on your marketing, and the extra expense is better used elsewhere.
The money you've spent on whole life premiums could have been much better used elsewhere.
Both staff time and the library budget dollars can be better used elsewhere.
However, by applying «machine learning» — the ability for software to train itself without being programmed — to the review of contracts and other legal tasks, teams can save time that is better used elsewhere.
Thus, we are wasting ever increasing amounts of money to control ever decreasing amounts of toxic chemicals in our environment — resources that could be better used elsewhere.
, or it may be a waste of resources better used elsewhere, or it may, as you note yourself, allow ignorant or evil people to make unfounded claims.
but for most people that's a lot of spending that could be better used elsewhere.
Sometimes he even recommends against some stuff I come up with, when he feels it's not the best way to spend the funds which might be better used elsewhere.
By consolidating those loans with PenFed, borrowers are promised savings of thousands of dollars that can be better used elsewhere.
Rubin admitted that with the Nexus One and Google online retail store, the company «bit off more than it could chew,» and realized that instead of trying to negotiate deals with every carrier in every language, their resources could be better used elsewhere.
However, with their ever - shrinking budgets, schools must be sure of the efficacy of EdTech before investing, in order not to waste money that could be better used elsewhere.
«Calling for systematic assembly - line health checks consumes precious medical resources — in doctors» time and unnecessary treatments and tests — that could be better used elsewhere
I'm sure Hein cut his budget because of the frivolous spending, in addition to hiring staff tthat have credentials better used elsewhere.
He has defended the AP program against such criticisms in the past, but has also acknowledged their validity; in 2011 he conceded that «for schools that are expanding access to AP among unprepared students, they are probably using resources that could be better used elsewhere
So does this mean that Arsenal will still have Gibbs in the squad this season, on wages that could be better used elsewhere?
It's time we Americans woke up to the fact that our desire to be «tough on crime» has gone way past the point of fairness and usefulness and is now just ruining lives and consuming precious resources that could be far better used elsewhere.
Rather he has another job left in him, and having turned down the world before, now is the time for him to see if what he did at Arsenal — the good and the bad — can be turned to good use elsewhere.
Might not this money be put to better use elsewhere?
McCarthy conveys a certain charm, reminding viewers of her talent that's been put to better use elsewhere, even if Deanna's awkwardness becomes less endearing as it goes along.
A thankless task, delivering such pabulum, for actors that been put to better use elsewhere.
With over # 75,000 collected on trips and other items, we saved numerous administration hours, which were put to good use elsewhere
That money is best used elsewhere, says Rempel.
If you can put your money to better use elsewhere (a high yield savings account would be one option), you will come out ahead.
If you begin your Forex trading career using money that you really can not afford to lose or that would be put to a better use elsewhere in your life, you are basically carving your own trading tombstone.
I've always been of the opinion that Business Class travel is more than enough for my needs and that the extra miles it would cost to fly in First Class could be put to better use elsewhere.
That takes a lot of energy you could put to better use elsewhere.
Unless you're a camera enthusiast, we think your money could be put to better use elsewhere.

Not exact matches

- Social plugins, such as our Like and Share buttons, which make other sites more social and help you share content on Facebook; - Facebook Login, which lets you use your Facebook account to log into another website or app; - Facebook Analytics, which helps websites and apps better understand how people use their services; and - Facebook ads and measurement tools, which enable websites and apps to show ads from Facebook advertisers, to run their own ads on Facebook or elsewhere, and to understand the effectiveness of their ads.
Elsewhere, digital photography is used to capture and analyze data in thousands of other fields as well, from nature photographers documenting never - before - seen flora and fauna to revolutionaries snapping and sending photos that will spark change, proving that digital photography truly is one of the most important advancements in the history of technology.
Those who put all the money they can back into their business often believe they will get a better return on investment than if they had used the money investing elsewhere.
Without a widespread sense, in the crucial Rust Belt swing states and elsewhere, that good working - class and middle - class jobs are harder to come by than they used to be, Trumpism could not have succeeded.
The upshot is that private firms track land values for their own constituencies, but their aim is to buy stocks in firms with undervalued land or otherwise benefit from speculation, not use better taxes from land - value gains as a means of lowering taxes elsewhere throughout the economy.
Pressure to hit short - term earnings targets and executive compensation plans that incentivize the wrong metrics often push companies to buy back stock when it's most expensive and the capital could better be used elsewhere.
Drawing on principles from his best - selling book, «Contagious: Why Things Catch On,» Professor Jonah Berger illustrates successful strategies for you to use buzz to create virality so that your campaigns become more shareable on social media and elsewhere.
Failure to redesign could very well mean that customers will use their orienteering maps to navigate elsewhere to more favorable customer experiences.
Of course, although it is easy for me to become too critical of the way other churches spend their money, I need to look at my church's budget and my own personal budget to see where I am wasting money as well that maybe could be used better elsewhere.
I know you pour your heart and soul into this place, and you're good at what you do, but we feel like the money could be put to «better use» elsewhere.
Without specific use of the term «Son of man,» an apocalyptic coming of the day of the Lord is indicated elsewhere in the Old Testament as well as in the intertestamental writings.
Anything that is for self could be used better elsewhere.
(Willow Chicago has since stopped using the hotel, though Morehouse described the strike to me as «a pretty pathetic situation» and said, «These people need to either find better counsel to argue their case or move on to employment elsewhere.»)
Rabbi Klenicki has elsewhere said that it was the duty of Edith Stein «to remain a good Jew and use her influence to urge other Jews to observe their faith.»
Elsewhere he stresses the importance of public justification, and twice, using the Israeli Supreme Court as his reference, he offers that acts of «lesser evil» remain wrong but that the punishment properly entailed by them may be mitigated because of their good purpose.
As I've written elsewhere, Francis seems to be channeling the spirit of Pius IX, the great nineteenth - century pope who could well have spoken of modernity reeking with «the stench of... «the dung of the devil,»» a vivid image from the Church Fathers that Francis recently used to describe the spiritual consequences of making an idol of capitalism.
I named as an illustration the red pepper commonly met with in some parts of southern Europe, notably the paprika of the Hungarians, as well as some similar condiments used in Algeria, and elsewhere.
Wonderful mix of flavors and the cassava flour — you use that ingredient best, out of ANY recipes I've seen elsewhere!
For this case, I tend follow our neighbors in Italy at the gelaterias, whose definition is perhaps more expansive than those used elsewhere as well as their ice creams (gelati) have less butterfat, and often only use milk, or soy milk, as I recently saw on my trip to Rome.
These lessons will be used to improve the effectiveness of the initiative, with the best strategies being applied elsewhere throughout the city as well as other cities where they might work.
These lessons will be used to improve the effectiveness of the initiative, with the best strategies being applied elsewhere in Los Angeles as well as other cities where they might work.
These lessons will be used to improve the effectiveness of the initiative, with the best strategies being applied elsewhere in Mississippi as well as other cities where they might work.
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